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Animals~Maroon 5
I rolled out of bed and fell on the floor. My head pounded with a headache, remembering when my head hit the wall when we were fighting criminals. I looked at the clock. Oh gosh! 11:11 o'clock? How long can I sleep? Forever!

I quickly got changed and gelled my hair into the perfect spikes. I ran out and prepared myself to get yelled at by my parents, Misako, or Lloyd. But the only thing that meets me is a cold food and a little note saying the ninja were getting groceries. I sit down and heat up my food with my powers.

I pick up a fork and, in that instant, I didn't feel like eating. It wasn't bad food especially since it was made by Zane. I felt my stomach growl but I couldn't take a bite. I slam the fork down on the table and rubbed my face.

What is wrong with me?

That question has been ringing in my ears for days. I didn't feel different or look different. I just couldn't do the same things I could use to. Misako said it is probably just a grow spurt and my parents just agree with her. Kai, your overreacting! Get your head together your like every other elemental master you see.

I get up from my chair. I was going to throw away my food but I am really hungry. I finally could take a bite. See nothing is wrong. I finished my meal then cleaned my dish. Now, what should I do?

Play some video games? Nah, I didn't feel like it. I sat down the couch as my headache came back. Where is the pain meds when you need them? I stubbled drunkenly to the bathroom. My vision was getting overly blurry. I fell into, I think, it was the bathroom. I looked and saw something, yeah, that isn't normal.

I stared for awhile at the three animals walking around me. I remember when the story teller told about these beasts. They don't seem so bad, but how the heck are they here? And how are do they have fire in some spots?

"Hi, Kai." The lion spoke as I back up in shock into the wall hitting my head, again.

"Hi?" I said rubbing my hurting head.

The hawk nodded toward the wolf who was licking his paw. I looked strangely at all of them. I didn't know how to feel about this. Are they good guys or bad guys? Are they here to harm or to bring good? I really didn't know.

"We know you don't know how to feel about this." The wolf said looking at me, wait? How does he know?! "We are the good guys and we are here to help."

"Uhh...?!" I said very, very alarmed.

The lion rolled his eyes and pushed the wolf saying, "How about proper introductions, he clearly doesn't remember us. I am Fuego, the wolf is Feu, and the hawk is Fuoca."

"Wait, isn't that all the word fire in different languages?!" I said sharply, how the heck did I know that?! I never knew Spainish, French, or Italian! Wait, how did I know that too?!

"No need to freak out." The hawk, Fuoca said calmly and really peacefully, "This is a very long explanation but I will take my time to answer all your questions."

"What are you? What the hawk is a girl?!" I said rubbing my face trying to concentrate on what just happened.

"Is there a problem with that?" Fuoca said sassily.

"Why does it always have to be the hardest questions first." Feu said lying down then looking at Fuoca to explain.

Fuoca seemed a bit annoyed like she always had to the explaining, which, Fuoca actually does, always. The lion might be bossy, the wolf always tries to take charge, but, honestly, the hawk has her wise ways to make it to the top and gets everyone to listen. Fuoca flew over on my shoulder.

"You are us and we are you." Fuoca started already knowing I didn't get it, "We aren't in your imagination or anything, but we are real but you can only see us. We are from the Oni and Dragon realm and we were already inside you before your parent's parents were even born."

Then it hit me so hard. I felt I was falling then flying that I could howl and roar. Was I even here? I don't want this to happen. I don't want to be different. It's time, Kai, stop lying to yourself. The animals, you can only see, there not there standing in front of you.

Kai, there the animals inside you.

The clock toward the end or beginning of Ninjago began.

What should be the ships? IDK what I want! So let me know! Thx u!


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