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Ashes~Celina Dion
I looked at Cole who was peacefully sleeping. The monitor was beeping, he is alive at least. Why couldn't I save both of them? Lloyd was perfectly fine, I am so glad that I was able to save from those Reets. I just really wanted to talk to Cole.

When we raced Cole to the medic bay, we found a red book with jewel locket on it. It burnt me when I touched it. My parents quickly grabbed it then never let me see it. Which, got me curious what is inside of that book and why did Cole have it?

I rolled my eyes thinking it was nothing important. But a feeling made me feel like that books is all my secrets that I am trying to hide. I ignore and continue my way to my room. I have been spending a lot of time in there. Their just doesn't seem much else to do, just worrying about Cole and what I have to do.

I lay on my bed. Fuoca, the hawk, lands on my shoulder. Great, exactly what I need right now, the animals who started it all. I really liked not knowing. I stuff myself into my soft pillow.

"Hey!" Fuoca said offended, "We didn't make the illusionist appear, he would come without us or not."

I rolled my eyes. Knowing that Jim (yeah, Lloyd told us his name) and Mal (Phoebe) are Skylor's brother and sister. Complicated family. I kinda figured out what happened to Chen's family. Chen wanted a child who had the power of amber. When Skylor, the youngest, finally got the powers, she became Chen's favorite.

Leaving Mal and Jim jealous of their sister and mad at their father. Chen didn't know that Jim and maybe Mal had powers. So now, Jim and Mal are back for revenge. Yeah, and I didn't need the two villains to explain their evil plan to me. I figured it out myself.

Maybe I should really give up this stupid secret? But a feeling of being different or taken away made me just hold the secret even tighter. I sigh, when will I be over this? Maybe, I can just tell Cole?

"You can't keep ignoring me!" Fuoca said flapping her wings annoyed.

"I was thinking." I sent in her mind.

Fuoca rolled her eyes. Feu, the wolf, was actually talking peacefully to Fuego, the lion. I get up already bored of locking myself in my room. I look over at Jay, who was trying to beat my high scores. I turn to see Lloyd cooking.

I walk over to him. I wanted to ask what did Jim tell him? But I pretend that I came over to help him. I grab lettuce to make some salad. Lloyd looked at me then turned to make noodles. Before, I can sneak into what Jim tell him, Lloyd brings it up.

"What did Jim mean you can't see illusions?" Lloyd said stirring the pot, "Especially, since you could tell I was a, you know."

I chuckle a bit remembering that he was a trash can. Now, chopping carrots, I had a great excuse. I really wanted to be honest. But, what if they did?

"I don't know." I said simply, "Skylor told me that you were a trash can. Well, she told me you were watching. But I can see illusions, or you wouldn't even be kidnapped by Jim."

"Yeah, your right." Lloyd said starting on the spaghetti sauce.

It wasn't a lie. I can see illusions, when I want to and when I don't. Which, I actually just figured that out. I wanted to know more of what Jim told him. I also wondered, did Jim know about me? I hope not.

I went to set the table, since I knew Lloyd would soon tell me to. Lloyd looked at me and then brought the food to the table. Then Lloyd turn to me about to ask a very serious. The first thing ran in my mind, doe Lloyd know?!

"Kai, who do you like?" Lloyd replied and relaxed, I think Lloyd noticed.

"Skylor." I said casually as Lloyd rolled his eyes.

"You have every chance to be boyfriend and girlfriend with Skylor." Lloyd said looking at me as I looked down at the table, "Still you ignore her and friend zone her. Everyone can see clearly she isn't friend zoning you, but Skylor is ok with being just friends. So let me ask again, who do like Kai?"

Good comeback, Lloyd. I turn to him and asked, "Promise you won't tell?"

"Like I would have a reason to." Lloyd said smiling at me.

I honestly didn't know. But I already make it seem like a big secret. Fuoca flew on my shoulder. I turn back to him and said, "I think, I think I like Cole."

I turn around and say next to Jay to stop the conversation between me and Lloyd. Then I enjoyed the meal that help to cook. Hoping maybe Cole would wake up. So maybe we could be something.

Hoping that me and Cole wouldn't turn to ashes, before we even start the flame. The ashes scared me.

Sorry! It took so long to write this chapter! I just had a problem of finding a song! Plz comment a song for the chapters! Because I am running out... I do have one but I am saving it for a special chapter ;).

Thx u! And yeah! Plz keep the support if you want the next chapter to come faster!


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