20-Ready Aim Fire

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Ready Aim Fire~Imagine Dragons
The chains around me hurt a lot. How did I end up in chains in my own temple? I could break free any minute. I was just scared because Jim is watching, threw one of our own cameras. Also, I was very curious at what Jim might do.

I wish I didn't wait a second while I was tied under chains. It was very stupid of me. If anyone didn't know, Jim set a tv in front me to see what terrible things he might be doing to my friends.

Well let me start from the beginning...

The alarm blared. Then I felt someone pull me back into a corner. I thought it was Cole, but no it was the illusionist. We fought. Then, somehow, Jim got me into chains in front of a television. I think it was because I was overly tired.

"I hope you enjoy the show!" Jim said as he makes himself an illusion of me.

I had no idea what that meant at the time. Then watching it all on tv. I immediately got the point. Also, I wish the ninja noticed how none of this made sense, couldn't they tell it was all an illusion, except for the dark alley?

I loved when Cole pushed his sword into the ground. I saw how Jim shook like he was just stabbed. But I hated, when Jim kissed Cole. Yes, Jim might look like me, but that is my boyfriend! I blush at the instant thought of calling Cole my boyfriend. Then it seemed to kill me when Cole gave that look.

Time to break free. I blast fire in every single direction, leaving burnt marks in every single direction. I thought I would burn down the temple. But, awesomely, I didn't. I continue walking.

Somehow, I had to figure out where they are. All I know they are in a dark alley somewhere in Ninjago City. Which, if anyone has been to a city before, their are lots of dark alleys. Used for many bad things.

I thought of trying the first dark alley that we fought in. Honestly, I thought that was a bit too predictable. Where did Lloyd say they were, when he got captured? But that was more of a base, not a dark alley.

Then how to get there? If I used my dragon it would be too big and they would immediately know I was there. I needed a motorcycle. A trip to Cyrus Borg would be a waste of time. Well, I am running out of time. Who knows what the illusionist is doing.

I form my dragon flying as quickly to Ninjago City. I immediately jump right off the dragon when I arrive there. I look to see a parked blue motorcycle. Perfect. I got on it and started driving, checking every alley I pass by.

Gosh, this was taking too long.

"You know we could help?" Feu, the wolf, said looking at me.

I chuckle becuase I totally forgot about them. Then the animals help me know exactly where there are. I drove as quickly as possibles to the location. A dark alley near Chen's Noodle House. Why didn't I think of this before?

"You did." Fuego, the lion, said smiling at me, "We are you and you are us."

Time to end this.

I walk silently threw the dark alley. Thankfully, Feu has night vision because if he didn't I wouldn't be able to see a thing. But because I was using Feu's vision I was a bit color blind. Honestly, that isn't a big deal.

Fuego was thinking of strategy and I listened to every word as I walked deeper into the dark alley. Then I spotted Jay and the rest of the ninja. I couldn't tell which one was Lloyd, and which one was Cole because both of them had black suits. Because of my color blindness.

One more step and I would be noticed by Mal, Jim (who still looked like me), and the ninja. I reached for one of my swords. Then realizing I forgot them. How stupid can I be? I totally forgot about my swords.

Fuoca rolled her eyes as she landed on my shoulder saying, "Who needs swords when you have us?"

"I like my swords." I mumble.

The animals rolled their eyes. Well, looks like it is the other plan. I light my hands on fire immediately lighting up the room. The entire group at the end of the alley snapped their heads in the direction of the light.

"Ready?" Fuoca said smiling.

"Aim." Fuego said being overly serious.

"Fire!" Feu said jumping in excitement for attacking.

Does this chapter make the last chapter less confusing? I still think it is cliche. But I will let you decide! Plz keep doing whatcha doing! Thx u, you guys rock!


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