ch.2 The Sleepover is over pt.1

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Author's notes: So this story starts between episode 34 - 35 of Steven Universe, I would also like to say that each chapter may be of a varying length seeing as I'm editing my original story to make it more agreeable to palette of the readers, as well as trying to fix some of my typo's.

"Man, I'm tired." Greg said eyes drooping heavily, after a long sleepless night, a yawn pulled itself from his tired body, that night Greg spent the night doing some side work, so he and Steven could spend the summer in style "Ah! What am I thinking he'll just want to live the rock star lifestyle with his dear old dad!" Greg said a large smile on his face, it's slowly faded as he lowered the driver's side sun visor revealing a small picture of Rose, "I've got to thank you once more Rose for bringing him into my life!" Greg said a small smile breaking through the tears that now flowed down his face, the tears obscured his vision fearing for his safety he pulled to the side of the road letting himself cry, after a few minutes he wiped away his last couple tears glancing at his watch 6:22 A. M, a breathy sigh left his large maw as he pulled back into traffic stopping at a few red lights as he made his way to the beach to the gem temple, he had made a promise to Steven that if he could get Connie's parent's to agree to a sleepover during the weekdays he'd drop her off at school, and surely enough Steven did it, with a little help from the gems of course, Pearl and Connie's Mom hit it off commending each others professional behavior and showing the utmost respect to one another this eased her overprotective mind as Pearl vowed to never leave the kids side, Garnet also apologized for freaking out a few days ago over the phone causing Connie's Mother to come rushing over to the temple in crazed state, Amethyst played with the two while the others talked giving off an air of innocence once more easing Mrs. Maheswaran mind, all these things put together managed to convinced Mrs. Maheswaran to allow her daughter to sleepover Steven's house, Greg was ripped from his thoughts as he hit the beach, the van rocked violently as it made its way onto the beach from the street, "I still can't believe my little Stu-ball got Mrs. Maheswaran to let her daughter sleepover on a school night." Greg thought as he glanced out at the large expanse that was the beach, a tiny speck appeared in the distance, Greg was drawn to this, and as he got closer he realized that the speck was a person sitting near the water's edge, a long dark coat covered his body, neat white hair peeked over the coat's collar, Greg thinking this man to be homeless offered him a ride yelling "Do you need a ride!" to this mysterious figure "No, no go on!" the man yelled back in a gruff voice, as Greg sat in his van eyeing this stranger, he was becoming more and more curious of this old man, but in the end he decided to mind his own business as he had a job to do for his son, after a couple minutes he ended up outside of the gem temple, knocking on the door to soon be greeted by Pearl "Oh...hi Greg your here for Connie right?" Pearl asked clearly confused with a single eyebrow raised "That's right!" Greg said walking to the house "I really don't see why her parents don't her parents teach her these things?" Pearl questioned while walking into the kitchen, where Connie was eating waffles, Pearl made for her "Pearl, we went over this years ago, parents need to work to support their children, so they let schools teach them." Greg said while making his way to Connie taking a seat next to her, Greg's tried to teach the gems human customs for years, but to little or no avail, as they found most customs illogical compared to those of homeworld, Connie finished her breakfast as Pearl and Greg debated school and homeschooling, getting her backpack, she stood awkwardly waiting for the two to notice her, but found this unsuccessful, so she had to cut them off "Um... Mr. Universe, I'm ready to go." she said nervously.


Author Endnotes: I ask those who are enjoying this story to vote, follow and share, let's make this something to proud of.

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