#6: Hide and Seek

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That moment when you feel bad for your readers because you gave them an ex-boyfriend in a Character X Reader fanfic...


Also, I'm sorry I haven't been updating. So, that's why I'm making this an extra long part.
Your POV:
"Good evening, Y/N," Travis said, winking. I rolled my eyes.

"You are so-" I started to say.

"Cute?" Travis interrupted.

"Yeah that, but also-"

"Amazing?" Travis interrupted, again.

"True, but you are also so-"

"Your type?" I wanted to finish my sentence, but I wasn't quite annoyed by it. It was just like him to say something like that.

I blushed. "You are so Travis!" I sarcastically said before he could interrupt.

"Travis, as in the best person in the world?" He asked.

"Right," I teased, holding the word out longer to bring the sarcasm into it. "So what did you want to do here?" I asked. I gestured towards the park.

"I have an idea," Travis said, stepping closer. He had a devilish grin on his face.

He wrapped his arm around my waist. I gulped. His gentle hand was warm on my back.

Travis leaned in, and I didn't know if I was ready for this. I had just met Travis this week, and even though I was over my ex-boyfriend, I didn't know if my heart was ready for anything yet.

I can't trust anyone yet. Even Travis. He's a flirt, and I'm probably not the only one he flirts with. He could just be using me.

No, Travis would've already been gone, off to a girl, who would actually fall for his tricks, if he was a player. He would've tried something on me the first day we met.

I can't be for sure yet. I can't start anything with Travis until my heart stops doubting him, and is willing to get out of the dark corner, in which it lays used, scared, and fragile. My heart was broken and it took a while to fix it. I'm not going to let my heart be broken for a second time because it took a risk, and crawled out of the corner.

Travis pulled me in closer, and the space between us was disappearing.

Travis' head was slightly angled, and that's when I realized that he wasn't going to kiss me. He was just going to whisper something in my ear.

"We should play hide and seek," Travis whispered into my ear, his breath on my neck.

I smiled at the idea; Two adults in a park playing hide and seek.

"Okay, but I'm hiding first," I said. I reluctantly backed out of his grasp.

Travis started to count, and I ran far into the large park. Soon enough, I couldn't hear Travis' voice as he counted down.

My chest throbbed as my heart violently beat. My throat burned and I tried to slow my breathing.

I knew where I was going to hide.

My fingers clung deep into the bark of the branches as I climbed up the big tree in the park. At the top of the tree, there was a sort of circle of branches with tons of leaves, so I could crawl in and hide there.

Hey, there were no rules!

I always hid here as a child. I won every single game of hide and seek just because they always gave up on trying to find me. I also always won because I was a good seeker. I knew the park so well, that there wasn't a single hiding place that I didn't know.

I gazed out of the small area where there were no leaves like it was a window. Luckily, it was impossible to see me through the space.

I became lost in thought as I waited for Travis to find me.

"Y/N!!! Where are you?!" Travis asked. I could've sworn I heard a bit of worry in my voice.

He was far away, but not far enough so that I couldn't hear him.

My phone dinged. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked to see that it was Travis who texted me.

Text Message:
Travis: Y/N, can you give me a hint?

Y: Never!!! *evil laugh*

Travis: *sends photo of him with puppy dog eyes*

Y: Oh, fine!!! Your hint is the color green.

Travis: That could be anything! The grass is green, the bushes are green, the plants are green, some of the playground is green, and there are trees everywhere! You could be in my eyes for all I know!

Y: Fine, than I'll tell you that I'm in a tree. You just have to find which one.

Travis: Now you really are in my eyes now.

Y: What do you mean, Travis?

Text Message Ends

Just then, I heard something on the branch behind me. I whipped around to see a familiar green eyed flirt sitting peacefully on the branch behind me. I jumped up in shock. Luckily, I was in sort of a natural seat in tree, so I didn't fall back or anything.

"This is the first time anyone has found me!" I said a bit shocked. I glared at Travis playfully.

"Technically I cheated. I listened to the dings of your phone, and I didn't tell you," Travis said.

I smiled. "So my record isn't broken?" I asked.

Travis nodded in reply.

"Are you secretly a ninja or something? I didn't even hear you climbing up!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm a ninja," Travis said with a smirk.

Our conversation was interrupted with a loud boom.


I'm scared of thunder, and also, we are outside. It's going to rain soon, and we're going to be drenched. We can't just stay in this tree because lightning likes to hit tall objects, like trees.

I jumped at the sound, immediately scared, curling up into a ball.

"Come on, Y/N. We should be going. We need to get out of this tree," Travis said. He reached for my trembling hand.

A yelp came out of my mouth as the sound of thunder hit my ears again.

"Y/N..." Travis trailed off as he grabbed my hand. He squeezed it lightly, as to say, 'I'm here for you,' and he guided me down each branch as we climbed down. The branches were close together, and we could both climb up, so we shouldn't have been worried, right?

We were halfway from the bottom. The wind blew furiously as lightning struck the horizon.

It began to rain, no, pour. It was like someone dumped a bucket on us. Even though we were under a tree, we still got drenched.

Another lightning strike. I stumbled back and I slipped off of the now wet branch I was on.

I felt myself fall back. I flailed my arms around, trying to grab something, a stub, a broken branch, a crack in the wood, something that would save me from falling down to the ground below me. If I fell now, I would probably break a bone... Or two. I would hit other branches on the way down, and there was no way I could land on one because they were slippery from the rain.

It was too late for me to grab onto anything. Yet, just then, Travis caught my wrist in his hands, preventing me from falling.

"Travis!" I said. I felt relieved, shocked, and dazed when he caught me.

I looked up into those green eyes with my own, which were watery because I was on the verge of tears.

I was scared and afraid. Here I was, in the middle of a thunderstorm, in the cold, wet rain, and surrounded by loud, horrible, frightening thunder. I was in the middle of a thunderstorm, climbing down a tree, with someone I had just met that week, and needed to learn to trust.

"I'm going to get you back up safely, I promise, okay?" Travis said. His hand was also wet and slippery. It had dirt and other stuff on it from climbing down the tree. I didn't know how he was going to be able to hold me up.

"I'm sorry, Travis," I whispered as Travis struggled to pull me up.

Travis stayed silent. He was focused on getting me up. His hand started to slip, but Travis was strong, and his grasp was firm around my wrist. I didn't care if it hurt. I could tell that he was trying not to dig his nails into my skin because his fingers were wet. I didn't are though. Falling would be a lot more painful.

Finally, he had pulled me up enough so that he could lift me up onto the branch.

I sighed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Travis."

"You're welcome," Travis said. His hand was shaking by his side.

"I guess I could say that you're my prince, my knight in shining armor..." I said, smiling.

"I guess so," Travis said. He smirked, and we continued to climb down the tree. "I'm not a hero though," he whispered.

"What?" I asked.

Travis shook his head like he was shaking a thought off.

"I'm not a hero. I'm a ninja," Travis said as he jumped into the ground below us. I knew that that wasn't what he was going to say, but I went along with it.

"A ninja prince in shining armor," I said. I was on the last branch, and I just had to jump down. However, Travis reached up, putting his hands on my waist, and he lifted me onto the ground lightly. "Thank you again, Sir Travis," I said in a fake posh voice.

"You're welcome, m'lady," Travis whispered, taking my hand. Travis paused, "Oh no, I'm starting to sound like my gentlemanly roommate, Garroth."

I laughed. Travis told me about him. He showed me a picture of him, his roommates, and some of his neighbors together over text the other day. Garroth is the blonde haired, blue eyed 'Prince Charming,' who's currently dating Aphmau, a beautiful woman with long black hair and coffee colored eyes.

(Quick explanation: This is Minecraft Diaries, and MyStreet. This takes place in the timeline of Minecraft Diaries, and this is just after everything settles down. They live in the 'New Phoenix Drop', where it's more modern like in MyStreet. So, practically Minecraft Diaries became MyStreet. Oh, and the high school thing never happened. Plus, I want Garmau to happen in MCD. You guys can ship whatever you want, but this is what I ship. Please do not fight over ships. Please, if you do not understand the whole MCD and MyStreet thing, then please tell me that. This is basically a mix of them both.)

"Where did you park your car?" Travis asked as we walked to the edge of the large park. Travis' car was the only one in the parking lot.

"I walked here. I live a block away-" I started to say as Travis opened his car door.

"Hop in, loser. We're going shopping!" Travis said in a voice.

I couldn't help but laugh at the joke. "It's a Wednesday, why aren't you wearing pink?"

"You aren't either!" Travis said. I looked down at my outfit and saw how my own joke failed. I want wearing pink. I was going to- but then I got all mopey and decided to throw something on. "Come on, m'lady, I'll drive you home," Travis said. He opened the passenger car door.

More thunder. I jumped up for the 257th time, tears brimming my eyes. I certainly didn't want to walk home. I hated thunder.

Travis looked at me kindly with caring eyes, smiling. He sympathized with me just by looking at me.

"Thank you, ninja Travis," I said. I slipped into the car, my hair looking like I took a shower just now.

"No problem, girlfriend," Travis said in a valley girl voice.

"You're silly." I shut the car door, and I was suddenly filled with peace as the sound of the thunder became dull.

"-And you're six!!!"

"Actually, I'm six and a half now," I said, smirking.

"I'm not friends with people that aren't my age. I'm 6."

"Are you sure you aren't younger than that?" I asked sarcastically.

Travis laughed. "We are taking another selfie," Travis said. He took his phone out and snapped a photo of us with our wet hair and rain filled shoes.
2,000 words!!! Aren't you proud of me? I did more than a thousand!!! 😂😂😂


You'll see what will happen...

Anyways, you guys are awesome and amazing unicorns. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Thank you for everything, guys. I hope you enjoyed, and I hope I made you smile. Have a nice day or night! Love ya! Bai!

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