#7: WARNING: High levels of fangirling

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The wave of fangirls are coming. I'm just going to go hide now.

Yeah, there will be high levels of fangirling in this. So, get a pillow to scream in, or get into a room by yourself, so that your fangirling doesn't destroy other people's ear drums.

So, let's get on to it! *covers ears for intense fangirling*
Your POV:
Rain dripped down the side of the window that I gazed out of, as I made comments to Travis' teasing, joking, and endless flirting. The raindrops fell, running down in an almost sideways direction because of how fast the car was.

It was strange, to have rain on such a non-gloomy day.

The sky was gray and the clouds were dense, so that I couldn't see a single ray of sunshine that illuminated the sky.

I felt so relaxed, sitting next to Travis. He kept my mind of him, and he made me smile, more than I have in a while.

I felt secure next to Travis.

He saved me from falling off of that tree. I'm eternally grateful.

I turned to face him, and I saw that he glanced at me every once in a while. The conversation had died down, and now it was just the silence of the car that spoke.

I looked at Travis, examining his handsome face.

Man, he was hot... And sweet, kind, hilarious, and just amazing.

Lightning kissed the horizon again and as the booming of the thunder echoed, I quivered, and my eyes widened in fear. As much as I felt safe around Travis, thunder was still going to scare me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Travis' lips form a small frown when he saw me in fear. I felt his hand touch mine, and suddenly the fear went away. Travis took my hand in his, and held on to it. It felt so natural and right. I couldn't deny it.

My hand lit up like like lightning, and my heart boomed inside my chest like thunder at the touch of his skin. I smiled. I knew that my fear of thunder went away that very second. When Travis saw me smiling through the mirror, he smiled too.

'Why do you have such an affect on me, Travis?' I thought as I glanced at our hands, which were now intertwined.

Travis stayed silent, and so did I. We sat in the car, enjoying the peaceful silence. The only noise to be heard was the rhythm of the falling rain, which was in sync with the rapid beating of my heart.

When the car stopped in front of my house, I found myself wishing that we were still driving. I didn't want to leave yet. With the storm, we hadn't gotten the the chance to spend that much time together.

Maybe I should ask him if he wants to hang out at my house.

Travis released his hand from mine, sadly, and shut off the car. Then, turned to me.

"Hey Travis, do you want to hang out in my house? We can watch something, or play some video games," I said. I questioned him, trying not to look like I was begging.

"O-Of c-course!" Travis said. "I-I m-mean... yeah, sure." Travis tried to act all cool and calm, but I heard how happy he was, and I heard him stutter. It was kind of adorable.

Before I could open the car door to get out, Travis ran out of the car, opening my door for me. I looked up, smiled, and got out of the car. Neither one of us cared about getting wet by the rain. I liked rain. Just not thunder. However, I'm okay with thunder now, thanks to Travis. "Thanks. For driving me home, and for opening the door," I said.

"No problem," Travis paused, grinning. Then we got back onto the subject we were talking about.

I laughed. "I'm not ignoring the fact that you stuttered. Since when do you stutter?"

"Hey! You've known me for less than a week! What if I actually stutter a lot? What if I'm low key super shy!?" Travis said. Usually, I would laugh at what he just said, but he actually sounded mad. He sounded frustrated, like I was his student, and I wasn't getting something, or I didn't notice something.

"You've complained to me at least 20 times since I've met you about how shy this Garroth is! Also, you flirted with me, a random stranger!" I said, keeping what I said light and in a joking manner. Hopefully Travis knew that I was just joking. I don't know why he could be so mad about this.

Travis's forehead furrowed. For a second, he had a look of disbelief, but then Travis frowned, anger in his eyes.

"ARE YOU BLIND? MAYBE THE ONLY REASON I STUTTERED WAS BECAUSE I WAS EXCITED AND HAPPY!!!! I want to stay with you," Travis yelled. I flinched at his sudden outburst, and I stumbled backwards, my eyes wide.

Travis took note to this and he frowned. He mumbled something under his breath as his breathing slowed, and he calmed down. "I'm sorry. I am frustrated because you aren't getting all of the hints I've been dropping. I want to stay with you because I like being around you. Do you get it yet? I like you. I really like you," Travis said. He stepped forward.

I tried not to gasp. I mean, we've flirted with each other, but I've gotten the impression that Travis flirts with a lot of girls. I thought that I was just a mere friend. I thought he flirted with all of his friends. He's told me about how he flirted with Katelyn, Aphmau, and Lucinda.

Maybe I shouldn't have judged him. He isn't a player after all. Maybe I should trust him. Maybe someone like him can actually have feelings for me. Maybe he won't use me like he did.

My heart started beating faster, beating the speed of the rain.

Now that I think of it, Travis obviously wasn't a player. He was flirtatious, for sure, but as I said, my heart would've been broken by now if he was.

Travis saved me from falling off of the tree, and he comforted me during the thunderstorm. He made me laugh, smile, and forget about him. He brought out a piece of me which has been buried for a long time. I can actually be myself around him.

"Look, I know. I understand. I'm a flirt-" Travis started to say, frowning.

"Stop, Travis," I whispered. I looked up higher to have my eyes met with his.

I lowered my head down, feeling my face heat up. I knew I was blushing. I grinned. "I like you too." I paused, looking up at him even though I looked like a pathetic tomato, "I really like you."

The rain fell down on the sidewalk. It fell onto my hair, and onto my socks, which had dried in the car. I didn't care.
Drip Drop.
Drip Drop. (#JuviaFromFairyTail #Sorry #NotAGoodTime #InterruptingStory #ImGonnaGoNow)

The words fell out of my mouth like water. It seemed so plain and simple. It was one of the most honest things I've said in my entire life.

The second the words escaped my lips, I felt relieved, excited, and overjoyed. It was a sense of hope. Hope that I could learn to trust someone again.

Not a moment after I said those words, which confirmed that I shared the same feelings as him, Travis wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me in closer, and I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck, knowing what he was going to do.

Travis stood there for a second, examining my face.

"Wait, before we do the whole romantic kiss thing in the rain, I just want to say that you look freaking beautiful," Travis said. I tried not to laugh, but I still ended up doing so.

"Just shut up and kiss me already!"

"You don't have to ask me twice."

Travis smashed his lips into mine. I felt like there were fireworks inside of me. I felt sparks, and my whole entire body lit up. Just like earlier, it was like my body was a storm. My heart beating fast and consistently like the rain, sparks of lightning flying through me. I felt so alive in that moment.

His lips were soft, and wet from the rain. The kiss was long and passionate.

I grabbed some of his wet hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss. Our lips seemed fit together like two pieces of a puzzle.

The kiss felt so right.

We came apart for air, but only for a few seconds. We kissed again. His lips moved in sync with mine as I twirled a strand of his hair. Travis was a great kisser.

Travis pulled away reluctantly, and he leaned his forehead against mine. "You're amazing," Travis whispered. I smiled.

Travis picked me up by the hips and swung me around. I wasn't even smiling anymore. It was more than that. It was like my whole entire face was overcome with my grin because I was that freaking happy.

When Travis set me down he kissed me on the cheek. "You're amazing!" Travis exclaimed.

I was actually getting quite amused by this. Travis held my hands in his own and kept repeated the words again.

I giggled, kissing his forehead.

"Come on my ninja prince in shining armor," I whispered.
Instead of writing two parts today, I just wrote an extra long part.

I hope you guys enjoyed, and I hope you guys have a fantastic day or night! Thanks for everything! Love ya! Bai!

Feel free to fangirl now. Scream, squeal, internally die, or type gibberish in all caps in the comments below. Let it out.


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