1 - The restaurant

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The group of 5 walked calmly into the restaurant. It was a popular Ramen spot that the elder member of the group frequented on his days off. The owner, a good and trusted friend of his, ensured that business could be conducted without 'outside' interference. The elder member took the lead as patrons moved out of their way.

The men were dressed in smart grey suits, black shirts and red ties, all looking professional. With well-maintained hairstyles, the men were handsome, regardless of their age. The youngest male could have even passed as a pop star or actor with his chiseled good looks. The four imposing men in suits were not the ones drawing attention in the restaurant. It was the petite figure walking behind them as the group made its way to the sectioned off VIP area.

She wore all black. An angled jacket with a high collar, black gloves, black leather leggings and heeled boots. She almost looked like a doll, a very Gothically dress doll. Her straight jet black hair was long and reached to the middle of her back. Blunt cut bangs reached her brows as they framed the soft features of her face, the only bit of flesh that was visible. It was a face that remained expressionless against a beautiful shade of caramel skin. 

As the men entered the VIP room, they hid the small female from view unintentionally. The men bowed out of respect to others; she did not. She was the last one to enter, but not before glancing behind her. Making her way to the elder members' side, she quietly took a seat next to him, the other men in the room staring at her. As the waiter began pouring sake in all the cups, she swiftly turned her's upside down, indicating that she wouldn't be drinking. The other men present kept giving her irritated stares while whispering under their breath to each other. She sat quietly, unaffected by their actions.

Suddenly the door to the room opened and a disheveled young man began to enter. Before half of his body could make it through the door, the petite figure was at the entrance. Her gloved hand on his chest, preventing him from moving further. The man looked at his associates and back at her with a smirk. Even though he was considerably larger than her, she didn't move or look at him. He moved against her hand, with a swift motion of her wrist he was outside the room. The small woman blocked the doorway, her hands gently clasped in front of her, she stood motionless and silent. The elder of her group finally spoke.

"I'm sorry Mr. Takata, your associate is late. He will have to wait outside." Mr. Takata who cleared his throat gave the young associate a nod. The man backed away from the door as the small woman closed it softly and returned to her seat. Takata and his men looked at her with contempt, none of them welcomed her presence at the meeting and even saw it as a sign of disrespect. Especially since she wasn't 'one of them' and a woman.

The elder man started to speak when one of Mr. Takata's associates interrupted him.

"Why is this bitch here? This is an important meeting, she has no business here! Unless she is here to pleasure us with those full lips of hers!" Mr. Takata's men laughed.

The woman remained expressionless as did the members of her group; the elder smiled and straightened his tie. Reaching for his cup of sake, he gently lifted it and took a sip as the men focused their attention on him, awaiting his response. Before he set the cup back down, Mr. Takata's associate's throat had been slashed. The blade, so sharp and the movement so well choreographed, that no one paid attention to it. The man didn't even know what had happened until the coppery taste of blood filled his mouth, his hand immediately clasping around the wound. The wound was deep enough to sever his vocal cords but not deep enough to kill him, unless he sat there and bleed to death. Which was a possibility.

Mr. Takata quickly looked at the small woman as she gingerly placed the knife inside her sleeve. Her movement was so swift and precise that not a drop of blood was visible on the blade. Her hands delicately folded in her lap, face still expressionless.

Again the elder spoke. "Mr. Takata, I suggest you take your associate to the ER before he bleeds to death."

Mr. Takata and his men became agitated as they started reaching for the weapons. The group of 5 across from them remained still. Mr. Takata had had enough before the meeting even started.

"Nakamura! What is the meaning of this! Are you trying to start a war? Do you think this is a joke?"

Takata motioned to some of his men to take the injured man to the hospital.

"I can assure you Mr. Takata, no one, is laughing."

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