2 - Time for Ramen

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"Since you and your associates do not know how to conduct yourselves respectfully and appropriately Takata, the meeting is over. Thank you for your time."

The elder Nakamura stood, followed by the four next to him. The men again bowing, the small woman did not as they took their leave.

Takata was furious. "This isn't over Nakamura! I'll have that bitch's head!" The group of 5 did not respond as they walked out of the restaurant. One of the men held the passenger door of the Range Rover SUV for the older Nakamura as the others entered the back seats, the petite young woman sandwiched between two of the men. Once all were inside the elder turned to the small young woman that was with them, a gentle smile appearing on his weathered face. The vehicle drove off into the night.

After a 40 minute drive the vehicle pulled into a private gated entrance. Everyone exited but remained silent as they entered the house and removed their shoes. The men relaxed and loosened their ties, looking at each other they burst out laughing.

"Little sis, you are something else." The largest of the group Tomo, threw his arm around the small young woman and kissed her head.

"Ugh, Tomo, knock it off!" She stumbled while trying to take off her boots, scrunching her face at her older brother. It was the first words she'd spoken all evening. Tomo laughed at her.

After everyone had gone to their rooms and changed, the elder of the group knocked on the young woman's door. There was no need for him to open the door.


"Ryu, come to my office when you are done."

"Yes, uncle."

She quickly finished braiding her hair into simple side brides as she and her brothers wanted to go riding and out for ramen since they didn't have time to eat earlier. She wore dark skinny jeans and a grey long sleeve t-shirt. Finished, she headed to her uncle's office. Her knock was so soft that he almost didn't hear it.

"Come in."

"You wanted to see me Uncle?"

"Ryu, my dear, have a seat. I'm sorry Takata's men were so rude to you. If I'd known it was going to be like that, I would have suggested you stay home."

"It's not your fault Uncle. I'm fine, there's no need to worry. I've had worse said to me."

The elder shook his head because he knew what she was saying was true. She had not had a pleasant life, but he did not want to add to the unpleasantness either. Ryu picked up on her Uncle's frustration.

"I will take responsibility for what happened at the meeting. You should not have to pay for what I did."

"Ryu, my child. No one will be held accountable. Your actions were justified. Now, go and enjoy some time with your older brothers. eh?"

Ryu walked over to her uncle and gave him a hug, bowing respectfully she excused herself from his office. Heading back to the front of the house, she tucked her shirt inside her pants.

"You ready little sis?" Kaneko, her second oldest brother and Seiji, her third older brother were waiting for her while Tomo was outside checking their bikes. The four loved to ride their Harleys around Tokyo. Every once in a while their uncle Sabe would join them, but tonight it was just the four of them.

[Ryu's Harley - Fatboy custom]

The four were all set to ride after donning their safety gear. Ryu loved her bike, it was sleek and black with red effect lights. It was a custom Fatboy and she rode it like a pro. They all grew up riding motorcycles thanks to their dad and uncle Sabe.

Helmet's on, they all rode out, the younger siblings in the front. On the way to the restaurant they stopped at a stoplight next to another rider. They exchanged glances and nods. The thunderous Harleys drawing attention, the brothers on their Choppers, the group was intimidating to say the least. Once the light hit green their group thundered off towards the restaurant, the unknown sport bike rider following alongside. Pulling up the Ramen place the bikes all backed in. Passerby's stopping, some taking pictures. The smallest of the group dismounted first and dashed into the restaurant and straight to the bathroom, taking her helmet off as she walked into the place. Her brothers checked on the bikes before heading in to get a table. The sport bike rider waited for the rest of his group to arrive before heading in.

Finishing in the bathroom Ryu searched for her brothers. Finding them she saw there was no room at the table for her helmet so she went to place it with her bike. She noticed the sport bike rider and waved to him; the man returned the gesture and smiled. 

"Nice bike."

"Thanks, likewise." Ryu smiled again and went back inside. She sat next to Kaneko, so she would have a view to the entrance. That always made her feel comfortable when she was out in public. The brothers ordered Asahi beers, Ryu wanted a bottled Pepsi.  

Commissioner Sanada along with C.I. Lee and the new sergeants headed out to his favorite Ramen spot. Sgt. Wang rode his motorcycle, the other mean rode together in Inspector Lee's SUV. Wang stopped at a traffic light when he turned, hearing a group of motorcycles approaching. The group stopped next to him drawing his attention. The larger ones of the group were on vintage Harley choppers, a rare site for the streets of Tokyo. The smaller rider , the one closest to him, rode a custom Harley that fit them perfectly. They all nodded, riding off once the light turned green. He noticed there were all riding to the same destination and parked next to each other. The group entered the restaurant, Wang waited for the others. While outside he noticed the smaller rider return and that it was actually a woman, which was hard to tell from the jacket she wore. She looked like a foreigner which piqued his curiosity even more. They exchanged glances and complemented each other on their bikes as she returned to the restaurant.

Five minutes later, Wang's group arrived, parking across the street. Sanada was the first to step away from the vehicle, glancing back for the others to catch up.

"Gentleman, let's enjoy some delicious ramen!" They all smiled as they made their way into the restaurant. Sanada glanced at the motorcycles and smiled. Wang saw his expression.

"Nice bikes, huh?"

"Indeed. Did you see the riders?"

"Yeah, one was even a foreigner."

"Oh really?" Sanada could only laugh at the younger man's statement as he knew all too well who the bikes belonged to.

As Ryu and her brothers enjoyed their meal, Ryu noticed the sport bike rider walking in with a familiar older man next to him. Ryu jumped up and darted towards Wang and his group. Her brothers glancing at the men that entered, smiling at the older man their little sister was jogging towards. 

Wang, Zhan and Seo all looked shocked at the small foreign woman hurrying towards them as Sanada stood in front of them.

Ryu jumped into Commissioner Sanada's arm and hugged him as their boss returned the gesture. His laugh filled the restaurant as others around them looked and whispered about the scene before them. This type of behavior was not often shown in public and somewhat frowned upon but Ryu didn't care, nor did her brothers.

"Ryu!" Sanada was glad to see the young woman. His associates just looked at him, not sure what they should say. She looked at him and smiled, not really saying anything.

"Sis! your food is getting cold." Seiji called to her.

She politely bowed to the other men and walked back to her table.

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