Chapter : 18

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"Everybody has two masks.. One to show and another to hide, and I promise to show your beautiful mask to both you and the world."


Ring! Ring! Ring!

Gauri pulled out Omkara's mobile from his inner jacket. Shivaay.. It read. She received the call.

'Yes Big Bro.'

'Where are you two? The dance will start any moment and guests are also looking for you!', came an impatient Shivaay's chide.

'I'm sorry Big Bro.. We will come right now.'

'Hurry up Ri.', Shivaay hung the call up.

Gauri pressed her lips in a thin line, 'Omkaraji, we gotta go. Guests are looking for us', she wiped his tears away with her little palms.

'Uh.. Yeah. Let's go.', he gave her his elbow and she snuck her hand around it. They entered the party together this time, grinning widely and stealing envious looks from both men and women.

'Everyone! Let's start our celebration!!', Shivaay cheered in microphone.

'Yaaay!!', the crowd cheered back.

Many men wanted to have a dance with SSO's little soul sister, but, they were removed by the constant approaches from the Oberois.

Rudra was first on line. Bowing before her he asked, 'Have you saved a dance for your handsome BFF Ru??'

Gauri accepted his hand and he started twirling her around him.

Ru is sweet, childish but cares a lot for me. He is my buddy, bff.. My partner in crime. When the accident happened, he was a toddler. But later? How would have been their relation? They seem to share a very cute brotherly bond.. He has given him a nickname too..


'Huh uhum??'

'May I ask you who the lady is accompanying you since Dehra??', Rudra's eyebrows flicked and he gave off a cheeky grin, typical Rudy the playboy.

'She is my maid cum best friend Bhavya. But yeah, she is surely not your type, she is tough and mature. Oh yeah, she is four years elder to you'. Gauri gave off a wink.

'What the'- Rudra's sentence remained incomplete and it was time for partner exchange. Rudra pulled Anika in a waltz while Gauri landed in Tej's arms.

'Nice to meet you again, young lady. How have you been these days? I'm so happy that my son haven't eaten you up already.', Tej smiled warmly, as if joking over Omkara's crimes.

'Haha', Gauri gave a short laugh, 'Nice to meet you too Uncle. And don't worry,' she showed him her left hand, 'we got engaged today'.

Tej's confident smile faltered, but he managed it with a goofy grin, 'Then I'll be more worried for you.'

Next came Shivaay, who took her hands from behind. Bent in a graceful dip, Gauri tried to match his perfect steps with her novice ones, but her mind made it seem impossible.
Big Bro.. A wonderful husband, a passionate lover and a fatherlike brother to Ru. Was he not there for Omkaraji? He tried to be with him, but was held back. Was this like every time? If he loved him, why did he not try to keep Omkaraji united with his family? Both he and Sis tried to hide me from him. Still now they are not acknowledging my betrothal. Does he hate him too? But they seem to share a nice bond among themselves..

'Its time for couple dance Shivaay. Go, find Anika', Omkara came up from behind her.

Startled, she looked behind her. Just now he was twirling Svetlana aunty around.. How did he come so fast? But from these two meetings with Svetlana aunty I must say, she is badly terrified of Omkaraji. Did they know each other beforehand??

Omkara bowed before her holding his hand out, 'May I have the honour of a dance with my beautiful fiancée?'

She smiled and took his hand. Music started to play:

Hearts beat fast

Colours and promises

How to be brave, how can I love, when I'm afraid

To fall

Watching you stand there alone

All of my doubts, suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer..

He picked her up by waist and twirled her round. Then he dipped her and picking her up, he waltzed her back on his chest.

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you

For a thousand years, I love you for a

Thousand more..

Their dance ended. They gathered in the dining hall for specious dinner. Omkara and Gauri sat facing each other, while Rudra somehow managed to convince Bhavya to sit opposite him. A smirking Omkara and a shying Gauri went unnoticed as the other family members were busy in discussing things among the small group they made around them. It was when they just had finished their starters, Gauri felt a toe running on her feet, teasingly. She knew immediately who it was. But, unlike last time, he was smirking at her sinfully. Her cheeks burned in pink flames at the intensity of his lustrous eyes. She bowed her head down chewing her lower lip after shooting him an embarrassed glare, causing his smirk grow more sinister.
She couldn't even concentrate on her food properly.

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is,

I will be brave, I will not let anything

Take, away,

What's standing in front of me,

Every breath, every hour has come to this

One step closer..

At the end of the dinner, Anika suggested to have a OBro and Girls night. Gauri jumped in excitement, for she was too tired to set off for Panchghani. Omkara too seemed very happy to have a OBro night after forever.

'Chutki, bring the Salman Khan movies pendrive from our bedroom.. I'm setting up the home theatre with Bhavya!', Anika shouted pulling Bhavya along with her.

'Okay Sis..', Gauri ran in Shivaay and Anika's bedroom.

When she was coming out, a strong hand pulled her behind a curtain.

'Shh.. Its me Jaan', an unmistakable husky voice blew breaths on her ear, cupping her mouth shut to muffle her surprised scream.

'Omkaraji!! What are yo..', she was silenced as he slammed his lips on hers.

The clouds torn apart by the strong chilly night breeze, the moon of the eighth night peeking occasionally through the dishevelled softness of the infinite heaven, radiating off a dull, mysterious, yet charming and enchanting glow. They were seeming as a pair of eternity set against the beautiful darkness.

Their lips perfectly moulding in each others, his large palms roaming and squeezing over each and every possible curves he could make out of her petite body. His heated softness fighting a battle of dominance over hers, their scents intoxicating each other.. She moaned in ecstasy. Gripping his hair, she ruined his neatly gelled pony and her other free hand got engaged in caressing his partially open chest through his black shirt, whose first two buttons were undone, purposefully. As the intensity of the kiss increased, her nails scratched his skin over his ribs, and he returned the favour by nipping at her lower lower lip after letting out a groan of satisfaction.

They parted to catch their breaths, feeling giddy.

'What was that?', Gauri asked gasping for dear air.

'That', he cupped her face and started nuzzling her neck and breasts, 'is what a Goodnight Kiss means', he moaned at the delectable softness he pounced upon and Gauri started running her hands on his torso, unbuttoning his shirt completely, she had also become a moaning mess.

'Chutki! Do I need to come and look for the pendrive with you??', Anika's voice came from a distance.

'I've got it Sis! I'm coming! I'm coming!', Gauri swatted him away, 'Pricking Asshole! Good night!', she whispered and ran off.

'Good night, Jaan.. Dream of me!!', he shouted.

'You've gone crazy!!', she shouted back.

'Such an awkward place for a mosquito bite', Bhavya teased as soon as Gauri entered the theatre room, looking at her deep red and swollen lips, as if a wasp had stung them, 'but, I must say, the mosquito has bitten you pretty hard', Bhavya broke into fits of laughter and after some hesitation, Anika joined her too.

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you

For a thousand years,

I'll love you for a thousand more..

I'll not leave this unpaid Omkaraji. I'm gonna bite you real hard next time, you better save your ass, Gauri flared her nostrils, her fists balled at her sides and her whole body burning in embarrassment.

And all along I believed, I have found you

Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you,

For a thousand years, I'll love you for a

Thousand more..

I don't know how I wrote this. Just put down everything crazily. But let me know how Gauri's assumptions were.

Happy reading!
With love,

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