Crashing Waves

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     Margo sat on her bed looking through her textbook for history class. She tried to study, but her mind kept playing Bryan's reaction to everything, over and over. 

   When Kira had explained who she really was and who Logan really was, Bryan's face lit up with a sudden excitement. He wasn't shocked. He somehow knew it all and didn't question anything. This made Margo very curious as to how he would have known. Did he die for a short time and gone to heaven? Or was he just playing it cool? She wasn't sure, but she needed to find out before her curiosity ate away at her.

When she had came home the night before, her parents were asking questions left and right about the news report. Her mom flat out said, "What the heck was that Michelle talking about?" Margo shrugged telling them that she wasn't sure what she had meant, but she did go see Bryan. They were so happy about that that they forgot about Michelle and her eerie comment.

Once Margo explained how Bryan was doing to her parents, she just went to bed . She didn't sleep much that night since all she could think about was Logan and everything that had just happened to her. She couldn't believe this was all happening. Her life had changed in a matter of a couple days. She thought, how could she sleep with all that could potentially happen to her loved ones. Throughout the night she tossed and turned, having nightmares of the devil. She couldn't exactly picture what he may look like, but her mind made Michelle the devil, which was much worse than a being with horns and fire about him. Michelle officially became the devil in Margo's eyes. Margo couldn't watch the Channel 5 news anymore due to the fact. She cringed whenever she heard even a name remotely close to Michelle, like Michael or Mitchell.

Whenever she would lay down to rest, she tried to dream about Logan, but it always ended up being Michelle and her killing everyone and everything Margo loves. It got to the point where Margo would avoid sleeping. She would lay down and try to keep herself awake. Her mind eventually would tire, and she would sleep just enough to have the nightmare again. Keeping awake during school for the week was excruciating as she wasn't getting any rest at night, and she occasionally would fall asleep during lunch and her math class.

The devil warned her that in six days he needed Logan, and today was the sixth day, a Saturday of all days. 

She didn't want to face the world; she wanted to lay down in her bed and skip today. As she got up from under the covers she heard her mom call her down for breakfast. Well, at least there was one thing she could look forward to today, she thought.

She got dressed in her pale blue jeans, white blouse and light grey converse. With the morning sunshine coming through the window, her blonde hair glistened in a heavenly way, and she gasped at how angelic she appeared. She stroked her fingers through her hair one last time before going downstairs.

She proceeded down the stairs and sat down at the table. Yousef plopped right next to her and began begging for some of her waffles that her mom had just placed on her plate. His head cocked to the side while his puppy dog eyes pleaded her. She shook her head but grabbed a piece of a waffle and secretly slipped it down by him. In one swallow it was gone. She thought about her happiness being the piece of waffle, and just like that, the devil had swallowed it whole. Margo, once again, shuddered as she sensed Michelle's eerie eyes and plastic smile at the thought. Thankfully, her parents were too absorbed in their conversation about where to get Yousef groomed to notice her odd behavior.

"Honestly Craig, I already took Yousef to "Pup 'n Pamper" and they didn't do that great of a job. I think "Animal Stylez" will be much better at grooming as they did get five stars out of five, according to Darla." Her mom laid down the flyer in front of her dad, and he shrugged.

"If you want to take our dog to a completely different groomer for even more money, go right ahead. I think it's impractical for a groomer to include puppy massages into pricing. Who the heck massages a dog?!" Her dad got up from the table and shrugged once again. "But, you do whatever you want. I don't really care." With that statement he left and went to watch the golf channel in the living room.

Margo also got up and went towards the door, grabbing her purse and car keys. She wanted to take a quick drive over to the town's nearby lake and read. She needed to get her mind off of everything for a bit. Her mind raced as she drove, and she clenched onto the wheel; her hands were sore once she got to the lake.

She walked down the small incline towards the sandy beachfront. Nobody was out there; it was just her and the quiet nature about her. She stepped closer towards the water; winds wrapping around her as the waves crashed beneath her feet. The light seemed to fade in front of her just as she turned her head to the other side. Nothing seemed to be missing, yet all of her deemed lost. Her mind spun in circles as she tried piecing together her life without Logan, her beloved. She realized she needed to sit down and read. Afterall, she did come here to completely get her mind off of everything.

When she sat down on the sand, she felt a sudden relief of all of her anguish and sorrow. She opened up her book and began reading her Nicholas Sparks novel, trying to suck herself into it, but she just kept thinking about Logan. Every word seemed to remind her of him in some way. She began to cry softly as she thought about how she may never see him again. Her body collapsed onto the sand, and she began sobbing; placing her head in her hands. She brought her legs into her chest, sobbing harder and harder with each tear that fell from her face. She felt as though she was helpless and alone, so she began to pray, hoping that this feeling would leave her body, mind and soul.

As she laid down onto the sand, letting the breeze take some of the worries from her, she felt a hand touch her shoulder, warm and gentle much like Logan's hands. She turned her head over to see that it was Logan. He had tears welling in his eyes. He grabbed her hand and gently pulled her up to him. She instantly began crying harder as he did this. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and caressed her hair.

He placed his hand on her cheek and had her look at him. "I'm so sorry that you are hurting, Margo. I never meant for this to happen to you."

 She lowered her eyes, tears still trickling down her face. He brushed them off and kissed her forehead. "I don't want you to have to worry anymore. Everything will be fine. I love you." With those words he held her hand and squeezed it slightly. 

As he did so, Margo felt much worse. How could he say those things when he would be leaving her soon. She took her hand away from his and reached to grab her book, still laying on the sand. She then proceeded up the hill towards her car. He quickly walked up right next to her.

"Mar, please...whatever he may tell you, don't give in to him, okay? He's going to try to manipulate you in any way he can," he exclaimed. She stopped in her tracks and began rubbing her thumb nervously. He looked at her thumb and back at her face, "Please don't get nervous, Mar. Everything will turn out for the better, I promise." With those words he kissed her forehead again, bringing her in closer to him. She began to weep again. He then let go and walked away towards the beachfront. He looked around, as if he were meeting someone there.

She followed his movement with her eyes as he walked away while she hopped in her car. 

Turning the car on, she looked down at her phone and realized she had six missed calls, and all were from her ex, Bryan. Anxiously, she dialed his phone number. After the third ring he answered with a, "Hello? okay?"

She questioned why he would ask her that. "Uh, yeah I'm okay. Why do you ask?"

"Mar, you didn't answer your phone. You always answer your phone, and plus I uh had a dream that you were being attacked by someone." His voice sounded shaky, as if he wanted to tell her who but couldn't.

"Okay...who attacked me in your dream?" After she asked, there was a long silence.

He coughed slightly before answering. "Logan. It was just a dream though, I know he would never do that, but I don't's far, my dreams have been coming true. Like the other night I dreamed of Kira coming in and bringing me chicken noodle soup and kissing me, and every single detail within that dream came true. It just was a weird coincidence probably." 

She sat in her car stunned. She couldn't help to wonder, what exactly had happened to Bryan while he was in that coma. She then shuddered as an image flashed of Logan trying to attack her. It wasn't hard to imagine him with red, angry eyes and fists clenching as he approached her. 

After a few seconds of silence, Bryan spoke again. "Mar, hey I'm sure it isn't anything. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, that's all. How have you been doing? I'm going to be released in a couple days, and I'd like to see you if that's okay?" 

She looked out the window of her car and noticed Logan talking to someone on the beachfront. She studied his movements and the other person's. It looked like they were arguing. Then, the person put their hand on Logan's abdomen, and he began to glow. Margo watched in complete horror as his body contracted inward; then his chest pushed outward with a great force. The person magically disappeared, and Logan's lifeless body laid in the sand.

"Hey that would be uh good...I have to go, Bryan. Bye." She threw her door open, keys still in the ignition, and ran towards the sandy beachfront where Logan laid. She ran over to his body and collapsed down right next to him. She began to feel for his pulse; it was present. 

She thanked the Lord that he was still alive. "Logan, Logan...please wake up." Just as she had said this, his eyes opened with a strange intensity. He then slowly began to sit up and look over at Margo. She noticed something different in his eyes. They weren't the gentle and sweet eyes she grew to love; they were hard and cold. "Logan are you alright?"

As she asked this, she slowly got up and backed away cautiously, sensing that her life may be in danger. He approached her with a ferocity and fists clenching. It was the same image she had of him earlier. She bolted towards her car, and closed the door. He ran up towards her car, trying to open the door.

He screamed, "Margo! Open the door! You can't get away from me!" She looked out the window with sad eyes, and slammed her foot on the gas pedal. She didn't know if she should go home or go find Kira and get help, so she decided to call Kira.

"Hey Mar! I was just going to call you and see if you knew where Logan was." Just as she said that, Margo began crying, clenching the wheel tighter. "Oh gosh, what's wrong sweetheart?"

Mar wiped a tear from her eye, keeping her focus on the road in front of her. "Logan...he ...met with the devil and ...he tried to attack me and ..." She couldn't finish her sentences, and her crying worsened. She felt her car swerve slightly and decided to pull over at the next gas station.

"Mar, I'm at the library right now, but I will meet you back at your house. We need to find a safe spot. Otherwise he's gonna try to find you." Kira talked quieter, with a more serious tone. "I'm going to have to call upon other fallen angels to help with getting him back. If he gets a hold of you, he could transfer this evil energy into you, and we can't let that happen because we may never get you back."

 Thankfully, at that last sentence Margo had pulled into a parking spot at a gas station. She took in a deep breath and released it. Did she just say she could be evil forever? Why would he transfer the energy into her? Didn't he love her?

"Why would he do that to me? I thought he loved me!" She cried out.

"You were the first person he saw after he met with the devil...that's how it goes. He does love you so much, Mar. You have no idea how much he loves you, and that's why we can't let him do that to you because he would never forgive himself even though he can't help it." Margo slumped further into her seat, grasping the wheel tighter, "Are you almost to your house? We must hurry!" With that last exclamation she hung up. Margo proceeded out of the parking spot and back on the road towards her house. She didn't know what was going to happen.

Once she arrived to her house. She saw Kira standing by her mailbox, in all white and looking nervous. Margo unlocked the car and waved for her to get in. Once Kira got in she said, "Drive!" And like that, they were off. Kira typed in a strange address on her phone, and they followed the directions to get there.

"We are going to my friend, Jonni's place. He is also a fallen angel, and he will be able to help us while also providing shelter from Logan for you. It's one of the last places Logan will look because he doesn't know Jonni." Margo sighed with relief, but the thought of Logan coming at her with clenched fists still burned in her mind. She wanted to cry and scream, but she knew that would do no good. She just nodded her head in response to Kira, trying not to show her distress.

The girls drove around, following the monotonous voice that read off the directions on the phone until they finally came up to a secluded farmhouse outside of the town. It bore a bright, red color, giving it that classic farmhouse feel. To Margo, it screamed, "Hey Logan! Margo is here!" , but according to Kira this is where she would be safest. "If you park the car on the side, people from the road won't be able to see it. Also, don't worry, Margo, everything will turn out for the better. I promise." Those last words gave Margo a sudden shudder down her spine. Logan had said those exact words before he turned bad. Margo felt tears coming on, but she quickly wiped them away before anyone saw it. 

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