Good News or Bad News ?

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After hugging Logan for what like seemed forever, they broke apart and instantly Margo felt cold again. He then picked up his shirt on the floor and pulled it over his head, slowly. 

Margo couldn't help to stare as he did so. Once he turned around and faced her, she felt her cheeks burn a bright red. He gave her a small smile, almost a smirk but with a twinge of sadness in his eyes. 

They walked back into the living room and she remembered the bedroom door was still open. 

She thought about this as she walked over to the bedroom door and closed it slightly. She didn't want Zoey to know what happened or at least assume something happened that actually didn't.

As they walked out into the living room, Margo's phone went off, and she went over and picked it up. It was Zoey, of course. "Uh, hello?"

"Mar! Hey, so are you back at my place? I'm leaving Josh's place now. How was seeing Logan?" Margo looked up from her phone towards Logan. He was texting someone on his phone, his fingers moving just as fast as when he was writing. "Mar??? Ya there??" Margo forgot she was still on the phone with her.

"Yeah went good, he actually came over to your place with me, to keep me company, but he's leaving now so you don't have to..."

Zoey cut her off. "No! Let him stay! I was hoping we could talk to him together. I want to know about angels and stuff ....please tell him to stay! For me?!" Margo looked over towards Logan. He nodded his head as if he knew what she was going to ask.

"Yeah he said he'll stay. I'll see ya in a few." Margo ended the call and placed the phone down on the table. Logan approached her solemnly.

"I sent a text to Kira. She said she'll start looking up things for me. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do, but let's not speak of this to Zoey. I don't want her too involved in things." She knew what he meant. He didn't want her blabbing her mouth and freaking out. Which she tended to do with everything exciting.

As Margo nodded, Zoey's car pulled up into the driveway. Margo sat nervously on the couch next to Logan who somehow managed to pick up Peanut Butter without getting hissed at. Zoey came in and looked over at the pair. Her eyes locked in on Logan, holding her cat.

"So um...I see Peanut likes you?" she laughed as she walked over towards them. Her hair was slightly a mess, indicating that her and Josh weren't just "hanging out". Zoey sat down on the big recliner next to the couch and laid it back. "So, how do you fall from heaven?" She narrowed her line of vision towards Logan, as he stroked the cat ever so lightly.

"You break your wings off. That's what keeps me from falling or being discovered, my wings." He took a deep breath and set the cat nicely on the ground. "When you break your wings off, a sense of alertness consumes the body, but it was the most painful thing I have experienced, so far, in my life." He turned his head over towards Margo, his eyes glistening as if he were about to cry. "I can show you the scars on my back...sometime if you would like."

Of course Zoey perked right up, with a smirk across her face. "How about right now? I kinda wanna see this." Logan's face got really pale, and he stood up and turned around while stripping his shirt off. Zoey's jaw dropped as she saw his rippling muscles and then the dark scars down in between his shoulder blades. "Oh my." Margo was in awe as well. Zoey scooted forward on her chair to "take a closer look", but Margo knew she just wanted to check him out more. "That's sexy...I mean incredible" . Wow nice save, Margo thought to herself.

"It hurt so terribly the first couple days, to the point where I had to just lay on my stomach in bed. Once I regained strength, it started healing, little by little. Hopefully it'll come to the point where it won't be sore anymore. It's the price I paid for becoming mortal. Well semi-mortal." Semi-mortal? What did that mean? Margo wondered.

Logan put back on his shirt, being careful to not show the image on his abdomen. He then sat back down, casually, but Margo knew he wasn't feeling good at all. "So, I would assume Kira fell for someone then? Who was she the guardian angel for ?" Zoey clasped her hands as if she were an antagonizing lawyer, waiting to get the truth out of the suspect. Logan shrugged his shoulders and gave a sly smile.

"Well you should know, she talks to him everyday," he responded back, and Zoey lifted one eyebrow. A smile came across her face.

"Bryan..." Margo muttered softly, barely audible for either, yet they both heard it as if she had shouted it. Logan nodded and folded his arms tightly against his chest. He knew she still had feelings for Bryan, but not as much as she did for him. Zoey set her chin on her hand, and Margo could tell she was thinking.

She cleared her throat, quite obnoxiously, and stated, "Do you know who my guardian angel is? Is it a boy or girl?" Logan laughed at the question. He laughed so hard, that he began to cry. Margo's mood instantly perked up at the sight of him laughing and his seriousness leaving for a slight moment.

"Do you not realize that angels are neither girls nor boys? Once we fall, we become the opposite gender of the one we love. And to answer your prior question , yes, I know who your guardian angel is...their name is Normi. My name prior to falling was Lotus. " He still was snickering to himself. Margo and Zoey both crossed their arms, unamused.

"Well I'm sorry...I just assumed there were genders for angels...considering Kira is a girl and you are a boy. Also, do you know if Normi loves me?" He rolled his eyes, almost sudecutivley, and shook his head no.

"Only as a dear friend they're protecting. Nothing more, nothing less. Kira and I are rare exceptions." Zoey slouched in her chair, upset at the fact. Logan grabbed Margo's hand, tenderly. "To be honest, I would go through all the pain again just to be near Margo." Zoey placed her hands on her heart and let out an "aweeeee" . Margo blushed, just like she had did in the library. She couldn't believe how much one could love someone.

Just then Margo's phone rang, and she answered it. "Hello?" She didn't recognize the number.

An eerie voice began talking. "Margo Shetfield...let me have Logan, and I'll spare Kira and Bryan. But if you don't let him give in...say goodbye to them and your happiness. I put my mark on him...he is mine now." Margo's hand shook crazily. Was she talking to the devil?

"Who...who is this? And how do you know my name?" Her voice came out soft and crackly.

"Oh just your good friend, Lucifer. If I don't have him in six days,'ll just have to wait and see. Bye now, Mar." The call ended, but Margo's fear just began. She just talked to...she couldn't say it. She didn't believe it. It was all in her head, right?

Logan looked at her, curiously. "Who was it Margo?" She began rubbing her thumb again, and his face jotted down to it and back up to her face. He then looked at her longingly, with concernment.

"Would you believe me if I told you I just talked to Lucifer?" Zoey gasped and sat back in her chair, wildly looking around her. Logan bit his lip, and his fists began to clench.

He looked right at Margo. "What did he say?" Margo brought her knees up to her chest and began shaking.

"If I don't let you go in six days to him, Kira and Bryan will be gone, as well as my happiness. He wants you...but I won't let it happen. I won't, Logan! " She threw her arms around him and sobbed. Zoey still sat in her chair in total disbelief. Margo forgot about the whole "don't let Zoey know too much" talk from earlier.

Logan didn't flinch. He simply put his arms around her and rubbed her back. "I love you. Don't worry, you won't lose me or them. Everything will be fine, just fine." She knew he was lying because everything wouldn't be fine. She had to either see two people innocently die, or lose the love of her life, and she couldn't bare it. She'd rather the devil take her. She shivered at the thought but decided that if worst comes to worst, that's what she would have to do. She had to keep it to herself though, no one must know. As they sat there, Zoey got up and went into the kitchen. She began boiling water and heating up marinara sauce, still in total disbelief of all that she found out today.

"Well since it's like almost dinner, I might as well make some spaghetti...get our minds off of this ... stuff." She began putting in the spaghetti, breaking them in half and placing it in the pot. Margo couldn't help but to think that the spaghetti was her heart, and Zoey was the devil breaking her heart. She thought and she prayed to herself as Logan helped set up the table, almost perfectly. He knew where everything was within her house. He really must have paid attention to her life. Margo got up as well and decided to get everyone something to drink. Of course Zoey asked for the box of apple juice. Margo wondered if Zoey ever grew up or if she was still five years old.

Zoey sat down and began eating whilst drinking her apple juice. " where do you and Kira stay?" Logan sat down next to Margo and looked up from the table.

"We have an apartment. She works and I work, so it's good." He looked down again at his plate. He didn't appear hungry.

"How can you guys afford an apartment if you both are in school still? Unless you guys get angel money..." Logan began eating, ignoring the question, but Zoey wasn't going to give up just yet. "Where do you work?" Logan clenched on his fork tighter and loosened it slowly.

"I work at the lawn care business." He didn't look up from his plate this time. He kept eating slowly, and Margo just watched.

"Okay, cool. Where does Kira work?" Logan didn't respond for a few seconds.

He then said, "She works at the bar on fourth avenue."

"Oh that's nice...there's two of them...which one?" Zoey looked over at Logan. "There's the Lemon and Lime Bar or the...Midnight Moon Bar which is where creepers hang out. Lots of bad stuff there, but apparently you can make a lot waitressing there if you know what I mean." She winked at Margo, and Margo laughed slightly while Logan didn't.

"She works at the Midnight Moon Bar, and yes she makes a lot there doing gosh knows what. I don't like that she is working in that scuzzy place, but we needed the money and she doesn't mind." Margo looked down at her plate, biting her lip. She felt awful for Kira, working in a place such as that.

Logan got up from the table and grabbed his jacket from the couch. "I think I'll head out now...Mar, call me if anything arises, and I'll be here. Have a good night ." He opened the door and left. Without saying anything, Zoey got up and began cleaning up. Margo washed the dishes, none of them saying a word. It eventually got to the point where Margo couldn't take it anymore.

"Zoey...what should I do?" Zoey walked over towards her and placed her hand on her friend's shoulder, carefully.

Zoey let out a deep sigh before replying "I...can't believe that she works at the worst place in town, like poor thing!" Zoey began laughing and crying, and Margo just stood there with her arms crossed, irritated at her friend's immaturity. She walked away and into the living room. Zoey got the hint that she was upset and stopped. "Sorry, I know a lot has happened today for you. I shouldn't joke around like that." She rubbed her arm, a typical Zoey move to calm herself down. Margo looked at her phone again and wondered how it was already 7pm, it felt as if it were only 3pm. She laid her head on the armrest of the couch. She still couldn't believe everything that happened today. She fell in love today, she kissed the boy of her dreams, and she talked to the devil. She still couldn't wrap her mind around the whole thing about Logan being an angel. He was Hercules, she thought. She pictured Logan as Hercules and laughed.

"What're you laughing about?" Zoey was on the recliner changing the channels on the TV "Should I put "Friends" on?"

Margo shook her head, "Just about today. Like Logan is an angel, and I just pictured him being Hercules. And yeah, "Friends" sounds good to me." Zoey chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, I'm still having a hard time processing everything. Hey, by the way, does Logan have a tattoo? I saw some symbol on his abdomen, briefly. Girl, he keeps getting hotter and hotter, and I didn't think that was possible." Margo froze. Shoot, she noticed it, she thought. What was she supposed to say to her. Uh no it actually is a marking the devil put on him. She didn't want to lie but Logan told her to. She decided to nod. She technically isn't lying, right? "Girl...did anything with him cause I saw my parents bedroom door was closed and it was open before... I notice things." Margo knew Zoey would somehow notice.

"No we didn't do's uh complicated." Zoey tilted her head and squished her eyebrows in confusion. "Like I was trying to show him something, the tattoo, and he took it as I was lifting up his shirt to, yeah. We didn't do anything besides make-out." Zoey had a huge beaming smile light up her face at this comment.

"Oh my gosh! How was it? Is he a good kisser? Better than your exs?" Zoey sat up more, flailing her arms in excitement. Margo blushed. He was better than anyone she had kissed prior. He had the softest lips, and he wasn't sloppy, but passionate enough where it made her warm up inside just thinking about it.

"Yeah, I felt as if I were melting. He was so gentle yet powerful, just as it should be. I didn't feel like he was in control, just protecting me...I almost let him. I almost went all the way with him, but I couldn't. It would have been too fast." Margo kept picturing him in her mind. "Literally, I never felt that infinite in my entire life. It was as if time stood still and nothing else mattered. I was like a bird taking flight for the first time, and I soared above the clouds in utter peace." Zoey stood up and looked up towards the ceiling.

"God, please send me a hot angel boyfriend that kisses better than anyone I know. Please..." Margo laughed at her friend's silly remark. "Seriously though...He said my guardian angel only cares for me, nothing else. That kinda broke my heart." She sighed and walked back over towards Margo and sat down.

"You have Josh, and he really likes you and is a decent guy. Maybe that's what Logan was hinting at." Margo shyly smiled at her friend. "Joshua is your Logan...if you want me to say it like that." Zoey shrugged, a blush forming on her cheeks. She then switched the channel to channel 3 news.

 A major headline read across the screen, "Boy who was brought back to life and in coma after major car accident, is awake!" The news reporter looked up towards the screen and looked as though someone was saying something in his blue-tooth.

"Well good afternoon Lakewood, reports are streaming in about an 18 year old man, Bryan Deggan of Lakewood High School, who was involved in a severe car accident this past Friday evening. He has woken up from his coma. Sources say he is asking for a Margo, so Margo wherever you are, he wants to talk to you!" The news reporter, who was Alan Werther looked over towards his co-host, Michele. "Isn't that something, Michele! I love hearing some good news! It truly is a miracle!"

Michele nodded with a fake smile. Her spray tan was becoming more apparent each time the news came on. "Why yes, Alan, it is a wonderful thing to hear! I think wherever that Margo is, she should go see him immediately!" She turned her face towards the camera in a creepy fashion. "Afterall, wouldn't you be excited to hear that your boyfriend woke up from his coma?" They moved the camera over to Alan's face, and a questionable look aroused.

"Yes, or sister, or whoever Margo may be to him..." Michele cut him off, still looking towards the camera.

"Margo, let go of Logan. Bryan is waiting for you." Margo froze in terror, that wasn't pukey Michele talking, that was the devil talking. Talking specifically to her. Zoey looked over at Margo's face, mortified.

"How the heck did she know! What the hell!" Zoey quickly turned off the TV and grabbed her phone quick. "Margo, we are going to the hospital!"

 Margo grabbed her purse as Zoey grabbed her arm and led her out the door. Zoey dug through her purse looking for the car keys, her hands were shaking so fast. Zoey's face was beginning to perspire, and she wiped her forehead. She kept mumbling something to herself, too fast for Margo to understand.

"Zoey, please calm down...maybe I should drive us..." Zoey finally had found the keys and gently handed them to Margo. She nodded and hopped into the passenger's seat while Margo walked over to the drivers side. She slid in and buckled her seatbelt and cautiously drove out of the driveway. They drove in utter silence all the way to the hospital. Zoey just gazed out the window with a glossy look in her eyes while Margo gripped the steering wheel, unaware of if she actually knew where she was going. Once they had parked, the girls walked into the hospital building, the entrance where Margo had went to last night. The same woman was at the front desk, and she recognized Margo. Her face lit up.

"Hi...Margo, right? Bryan has been asking about you, but there is another young lady in by him right now. Would you like to head up to see him?" Margo lightly smiled and nodded. The lady handed her a note with Bryan's room number. She put a smiley face on it, but it made Margo feel even worse. Zoey and her walked, slowly, through the hallway until they reached the elevator. She turned to the right and saw his room, and in his room was Kira. She held his hand, stroking it ever so slightly. She didn't know if she should go in or just leave the two alone, but then she remembered Michele and her eerie voice. She had to go see him and tell him. Tell him everything. He had to know too. Unless Kira already told him...

She walked over to the door and knocked lightly. Kira turned her head and smiled. "Come in." Margo and Zoey walked in with caution as Kira's eyes followed them. "Bryan has been waiting to talk to you, Margo...are you okay, Margo? You look extremely pale." Kira got up and walked over towards her.

Margo hesitantly looked over at Bryan who, though badly beaten up, still looked quite handsome. He smiled, and she turned away. "Uh...I'm fine, well, actually no, I'm not. Kira, has your brother told you anything?" She looked Kira in the eye, and she nodded. She grabbed Margo's hand and squeezed it lightly. Margo knew Kira was truly good and sensed the same protectiveness with her as she did with Logan.

"I've been looking up things that we could do to help him, so I'm hoping we can get him back on the right track." Kira spoke quietly and really emphasized 'we'. Bryan looked at both Kira and Margo with a questionable look across his face.

He sat up more in the hospital bed. "I'm a little lost at what is going on...and are you sure I've been out for only a couple of days?" The comment made Margo rub her thumb nervously, and he took notice. "Margo, what's wrong?" His voice seemed tender and sincere, the crash obviously made him more cautious of his actions and words. She sensed a new light within him, making her feel happy for him.

"Well, I think Kira should explain it to you...It's kinda hard for me to explain it all. I, myself, still don't even quite understand it." She sat down at the foot of the bed and looked over at him and then Kira. She saw the connection between Kira and could be felt within the whole hospital room. Even Zoey, who hadn't said a word since they got there, seemed to have felt it as well.

Kira smiled and walked over to the other side of the hospital bed and crouched down next to Bryan. "Bryan, have you ever heard of a guardian angel?" 

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