Dark Markings

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They finally arrived to Zoey's house, and Zoey replied with enthusiasm. "I mean there probably is, I just , can't believe this..." They both got out of her car, and Zoey unlocked the door to the house. Her parents were gone for the weekend, so they pretty much had the house to themselves except for the Zoey's annoying cat, Peanut Butter, who absolutely hated Margo. She knew Margo was more of a dog person, but even then, it still hissed at her if she got any nearer to her.

"I think I should give him a call...he said he was going to the library," said Margo as Peanut Butter came from under the kitchen table stretching. It hissed at the sight of Margo. "Hey Peanut ...how's it been?" The cat gave her, what appeared to be, a death glare and proceeded towards Zoey purring.

"Peanut...whatcha doin?" Zoey picked up the cat and stroked its coat.  "Mar, you literally just saw him...let's think this through before you say anything unusual. We have to come up with questions to ask him like, does he still have his wings and what about his "sister" ?" Zoey made air quotations with her fingers as she said sister. "They definitely are not related, in any way shape or form. They look nothing alike!" Margo laughed and sat down on her couch with her bag right next to her on the ground.

"Zo, they're both angels ... she probably was the guardian angel for someone in our school and fell for that person which-hey wait-you said she was in your algebra class. Who else is in that class with you?" Margo sat up straight and took out her small notebook and pen from her bag.

"Well...Kenley, and Mitchell, and Benton and -well wait- Anthony and Bryan are both in there with me...do you think it's one of them?" Margo quickly looked down at the names and stopped. What if it was Bryan? Maybe that's why Logan didn't say anything about Bryan?

"Mar...I saw her talk to Bryan a couple times, like talked to him like she liked him, and I was going to tell you about it but didn't think it mattered," Zoey lowered her voice as if someone else was in the room. "Mar, I want a guardian angel. You hear that! You can come down and fall in love with me...Okay?!' Zoey looked up towards the ceiling as she said this, and they both collapsed on the couch and giggled. "Do you like him? Logan, that is." Margo closed her eyes for a second, remembering the way he touched her, so gracefully. His blue eyes gazing at her lightly and lovingly. She wanted to see him again, she needed to see him again, it was burning inside her.

Once she opened her eyes again she replied , "No, I don't like him...I think I love him..." Zoey sat up and gave her a discerning look of disbelief. Obviously, amazed that her friend could love someone yet barely know them. Also, Margo had never said she loved anyone besides her family and close friends. "Ever since I first saw him I just felt safe and warm. Like I have never felt this way towards any guy... when we were talking in the car, he just had this sincerity about him, and his soul is beautiful, so so beautiful. I burn this desire to talk with him, even just to be next to him, and not in a sexual way either...His hand on my face and the kiss on the forehead were signs of love...true signs of love."

Zoey picked up her head and tears were forming in her eyes. "Mar, that was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard, even more beautiful than Rihanna's makeup, and you know how much I love her makeup."  Margo laughed because she knew that statement was true, Zoey was obsessed with Rihanna and her stellar new makeup. Zoey literally had a scrapbook of Rihanna and makeup. She even was the first to buy her new makeup line at our school.

"Should I call him?" Margo asked. She flipped her hair off her shoulder and grabbed her phone as she dialed his number. "I just want to see him again. You know, I never thought I would ever experience this fairytale-like love, that instantly happens. It just seems too surreal, to say the least."

"I say call him...you can always drive over to the library if you want. Does he have any other friends, if you know what I mean?" She winked as she she said this to Margo. "I'm kidding, I have a boyfriend...who I might call because if you're going to be out maybe he can come over, or I can go over to his place."

The girls, both called their boys eagerly, Margo more so than Zoey.

As they both hung up, Margo got her purse from the table. "I'm just going to head over for a couple hours he didn't answer...so I'll call you when I'm on my way, okay?"

    Margo walked out towards the sidewalk and began towards the direction of the library. She felt a shiver crawl down her spine but shook it off. She began wondering, what they would do. How was she supposed to introduce him to her family. Her mom would instantly approve of him and possibly her dad, but how would she tell them...that he was her guardian angel, just how? These thoughts lingered as she approached the library and entered it.

    She opened the big glass doors that were extremely heavy to pull open. A burst of cold air with the stale smell of old paper immediately came about her and across the library she saw him sitting and reading. She walked in hesitantly, beginning to regret coming, for she felt an eerie presence about her, something evil lurking. This began to grow as she approached him, closer and closer, the eeriness could be felt more and more until she arrived to his chair. The book he held had some sort of satanic symbol on the front, and her heart dropped. 

    "Logan? What are you reading?" she almost cried as he looked at her with a discerning expression. He furiously closed the book, and his eyes seemed glazed over. 

    "What are you doing here? I said to call...not come and see me!" He rose his voice, and the little white-haired librarian shushed him with demanding eyes. Whispering he said, "Why does it matter what I read? I'm not an angel anymore. I can make these choices!" He stood up and didn't have that protective feel to him. She felt as though he was going to physically hurt her. She cowered away from him as tears welled in her eyes.

    "I...I did call you but you didn't answer." Her voice shook and grew scratchy. He looked at his phone and looked at her again with the same aggressive and unknown eyes. It wasn't him, it wasn't him, she thought.

    She shook her head frantically and began walking away towards the door, she should have never came, she thought. As she neared the doors, she turned around to see him on the floor, crying. She didn't know whether to go back and comfort him or keep running. Instantly, she sprang back towards him and crouched next to him, and he silently cried, teardrop by teardrop. She embraced him within her delicate figure as he kept crying, and his arms went around her, tighter. "I'm sorry, Margo. I don't know what happened. Something possessed over me, something evil. I'm sorry..." He kept apologizing in her ear, as she stroked his hair. She started standing up, trying to get him to come up. He wiped off the tears and looked the other way. "I'm a coward, and a sinner for reading this garbage. I felt this urge to read it...something I have never experienced before like a voice telling me to do so. I gave in. I am so sorry...you must be ashamed of me." She shook her head and cupped his face in her hands.

    "I am a sinner, we are all sinners...the devil was playing with you, and since you're a fallen angel, you seem like more of a target. I'm not ashamed of you...I feel sorry for you, and I'm sorry for showing up here and not letting you know. I just needed to see you." He gazed into her eyes, the glazed look gone and replaced with the shining bright eyes like before. He tenderly caressed her face and kissed her. His gentle lips touched her ever so lightly, that it was almost as if the sweet air was kissing her, and she felt warm inside again. He cupped her face in his hands, kissing her again, and she kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck whilst going on her tiptoes.

    The librarian came up towards them and ruined their moment of love. "No PDA in the library...take it outside you two!"

Logan let go of Margo slowly. The two were being watched by most of the people in the library. Margo's face turned a bright red as she looked around her. Logan seemed cool as a cucumber, not even phased by the wandering eyes about them. Even a young middle school girl was gawking at him, and drool seemed to be coming out of her mouth, yet he still didn't notice her.

    "We should probably head out," he said looking at her tomato face. He chuckled a bit as they walked out together, hand in hand. Her hand felt too dainty within his, but he maintained a light pressure, as light as the kiss. "Margo...I'm sorry, again for acting that way before and for not asking your permission to kiss you. I figured you were waiting to kiss me so I just did it. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in anyway and I'm sorry....and." She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at him straight in the eye. A shy smile came across her face as she spoke.

    "Yeah I was kinda hoping you would kiss me, and no more saying sorry ...okay? Things happen and I'm used to it... I  love you." She said it. She blurted it out like it was nothing. She said those three words that she had never heard from any guy; I love you. He looked at her like no one has ever looked at her before. Her stomach twisted in knots...the girl was never supposed to say it first, and she just did. Well he did write down that he loved her, so that counts, right? She thought about it for a moment then looked up at him. His eyes twinkled in an almost mischievous way and a smirk came across his face.

"You love me? You...you actually love me? Margo, I've been waiting to hear those words from you ever since I became your angel. I knew, right when you were born, I would love you. You brought this joy that can never be replaced on this Earth. That's why seeing you feeling so lonely and sad made me so upset. I knew I had to be here with you, whether it would just be to watch you everyday without you realizing who I was or being with you. I just had to be closer to you. You bring this light that I haven't seen in anyone else before, and I know God looks down upon you and smiles." She had never heard those words before, from anyone. Hearing those words, those sweet words, gave her this sense of ecstasy and life, like she had never felt before. Her eyes glistened with tears, and she wept with happiness.

"Why are you so amazing?" She couldn't think of anything more to say to him, he was simply amazing. They kept walking along on the sidewalk until they somehow ended up by his car.

"Would you like me to take you to Zoey's? It's getting cold out anyway." She nodded yes, and he opened to door for her. He then slipped in the car and stared at her. A gaze of pure love. It was a look she had never experienced in her life before. "I'm sorry. I'll start the car now...I just can't help it...you're so beautiful." He started the car and looked back at her.  His eyes seemed to study her for a quick moment and then back at the wheel.

"What's wrong? I know I forgot to put lotion on my legs this morning so they look a little dry but I..." before she could finish he cut her off.

"No...no I'm sorry I just , I don't know, can't get over how beautiful you are, and how lucky I am to have you in my life." His words seemed honest, but she knew he was hiding something. Was he unsure of what he was feeling, like a sexual attraction perhaps? That was it. He never had those arousal feelings before, and that kiss was probably his first one as well. She giggled at the thought of it. She turned him on. Good , she thought because he definitely made her feel that way too.

"Logan, was I your first kiss?" He looked over briefly and nodded slightly. For the first time she saw him blush, a light pink aroused from his cheeks, and he began to tap the wheel briskly. She smiled at the thought because she felt like she was the cool cucumber, and he was the red, hot tomato. "Is everything alright? You seem embarrassed?"

"No, not at all...is it getting hot in here?" He nervously put the windows down and began tapping the wheel again. She reached over and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down... you were in a car with me before, and I look even worse today so..." He looked over at her with a nervous smile.

"It's different...I'm usually not like this, I don't know...Uh her house is here, right?" She looked out the window and noticed Zoey's car wasn't there. She must have drove to her boyfriend, Josh's house , she thought to herself. Perfect. As if he read her mind he asked, "Is she even here? Her car isn't in the driveway?" He then parked the car on the curb.

    "Do you want to come in until Zoey gets back? I don't like to be left alone and knowing Zoey she'll be at Josh's for a bit." Margo bit her lip nervously, wondering if she should have said that. What if he gets the wrong idea and wants to do things. And things not meaning baking a cake or watching a movie, things that she was uncomfortable doing.

He turned off the car and nodded. "Of course, I'll keep you company until she comes back." He lightly smiled just like he had done when she first met him. She thought to herself, maybe it would be okay.

As she began contemplating if she should engage with him or not, they got out of the car and walked in the house. Thankfully Zoey and her family never locked their doors, so she didn't have to break in or anything. "What do you want to do? She has some fun board games we can play or movies we can watch...or we can play on her brother's Xbox. Which, surprisingly, he is at a friend's house tonight, so he won't know" She laughed a little because whenever she comes over Zoey's brother, Zeke, always asks her to play. She was a boss at Call of Duty and any zombie game you could think of when she was in middle school.

"Well...whatever you would like to do...they all sound pleasant to me. What kind of games is there for the Xbox? Anything involving racing? I like racing." She looked at all the games...no racing  All were about zombies or death, or both zombies and death. "Or a movie sounds nice..."  She walked over the the cabinet filled with movies. Zoey was way too obsessed with lame romantic comedies, but it was either watch that or watch Zeke's horror flicks. She decided to go with the movie, 50 First Dates because he had never seen it, and it was something that was more of a comedy. She considered it a classic in a sense.

She popped in the movie, and they sat on the couch, awkwardly. They weren't even touching. She tried to scoot in closer towards him, but he just kind of leaned away.

"You've been acting strange...Is everything okay? Or is it because my legs are..."

"No ! You're legs are beautiful! I just ...don't want to make you uncomfortable. I know how set you are about waiting until marriage, and I respect that." She gave him a confused look and giggled.

"Logan, that doesn't mean you have to keep your distance..." She couldn't believe how respectful he was of her feelings and thoughts. Reluctantly, he edged in closer towards her, and he placed his arm around her shoulders, gently. She could feel his strength around her body and instantly grew warm. As they watched the movie, she looked up at his face. He had fallen asleep. He looked so peaceful that she didn't want to disturb him. She nuzzled closer to him and began running her fingers down his chest. Determining where each ab line was, and then she felt something; a large figure. She traced it with her finger slowly, trying to decipher the image. It was the same satanic symbol from on the book earlier. Either he was lying about being her angel or ...Satan put his mark on him. She gasped and began rubbing her thumb nervously again. He awoke and rubbed her arm slightly.

"You okay?  You're doing the thing with your thumb again." He brought her in closer, and she shook her head violently. She decided to not say anything...it was only her imagination, right?

"I'm fine...I just was thinking about my test next week and how I'm not prepared for it. That's all." He knew she was lying because she raised her voice higher, and her eye slightly twitched. She couldn't look him in the eye, making it even more apparent.

"Okay, if you say so..." he chuckled lightly as he ran his fingers through her hair. She didn't get as warm as before; she felt cold because of that image. Thoughts kept running through her head, and she was about ready to scream. She tried to remain calm but it was useless. She got up and sprang for the bathroom. She closed the door and locked it. Could she trust him? Could she trust herself? She ran over to the toilet and began hurling. Nothing came out except the excruciating thoughts that were consuming her. She flushed the toilet to make it appear as though she had to just go to the bathroom. As she washed her hands she saw tears forming and then streaming down her face. She couldn't control it and began wiping away one after another. She splashed her face with water, which made matters worse because now her makeup was looking gross. She wiped her face and searched for some powder. Once she found it in one of the drawers, she put it on lightly to cover some of the smears. She sighed and opened the door. Logan was standing right there, leaning up against the wall. He had a confused expression on his face.

"What were you doing in there? I heard you vomit...are you okay?  Seriously, Margo. What's wrong?" His voice seemed more stern than concerned, and she had an uneasy feeling. He reached out and stroked her arm lightly; something that Zoey would always do to calm Margo down.

"I wasn't vomiting, it felt like it though...and I ..." and without hesitation she lifted up his shirt, but he didn't get the hint. He ripped his shirt off entirely and brought her in close to him. He grabbed her face and kissed her, passionately. She gave in and kissed him back, but the image still consumed her thoughts. She needed to confront him about it.  But how? She couldn't just tear herself away. She was making out with him while he was shirtless...it couldn't get any better than this. Well, it could because they started nearing the bedroom door, and she pushed him away, "Logan, I'm sorry...it's just ...it's going too fast, and I..." He stepped back with a sorry expression across his face.

"I'm sorry...I ...I couldn't control it... Margo...what's wrong with me? Ever since seeing that book in the library, I've been acting different. I never should have picked it up," He grabbed his shirt on the floor. Margo winced a little as he picked it up, and the image could be seen from the light in the hallway.

"Logan...look on your abdomen." As she said this he looked down and brushed over the image slowly, his fingers shaking. The symbol seemed like a tattoo of some sort, but not. The figure bore a five-sided star with goat horns in the middle. He took a deep breath and slouched down to the ground. He breathed heavily for a couple minutes, and Margo watched. "Logan, maybe we should take you to some sort of priest or ...I don't know...what about your sister? She might be able to help." He laughed as she said "sister".

"I'm not sure. But Margo, is that what you were trying to tell me? I totally got your signs confused. I thought you were, nevermind. I think I'll ask her. She will know what to do, hopefully. Just, keep praying, okay? Something not good is inside me, something that isn't me." His voice shook, almost as if he were crying. She sat next to him on the ground and her hand on his bare shoulder caressing it, sympathetically.

He turned his head towards her, biting his lip. "Margo, I can't risk you getting hurt. I need to figure this out. I think you should stay away from me until I'm better. The only thing I ask you to do is pray. Please." She nodded and gave him a hug and began crying again. Her life had just gotten better with him in it, and now he was asking her to stay away. She couldn't just let him go like that, not after everything today. She didn't even want to let go of him at the moment because it felt wonderful to be in his arms.

"Logan, no, I'm going to help you, this is too much for you to do on your own. I trust you, and even if you weren't acting yourself, I know how to defend myself." He slowly got up and helped her up.

With his hands placed on her shoulders he said, "Mar, even if you know self-defense I will still overpower you, and I don't want to hurt you." A slight shiver went down her spine. She looked at his strong hands and realized how right he was. He could easily crush her without even putting much effort into it.

He pulled her up into an embrace and she breathed in his scent. She also loved the fact that he was shirtless and she could feel his soft skin on her cheek as she hugged him.

They had only known each other for a couple days, yet it really felt like she had known him her whole life...well, he knew her her whole life.

She just wanted to stay in his arms, away from all the troubles and sadness of this world. Then she looked down at the dark marking on his abdomen again and realized that she might be in more trouble than she already was in.


Hey everybody!

So, like woah...that took a dark twist, huh? haha...well I'm not done yet...not even close ;)

Once again please comment or message me with anything! I'm like seriously open to any criticism ( I mean don't be like super mean, but be honest). Also, I'll be posting more today....most likely upload the rest of what I have. :D

ALSO...this is not completely edited, so there are most likely grammar mistakes, and maybe some plot holes (hopefully not as that's what I try to fix as I upload each chapter up on here) LOL!

Another note too...Once I get on a roll I'll add more media to each chapter too ( like songs, pictures, gifs, videos, etc...just am getting the hang of this :)

Thank you all again so much! And if you share this or put this on your reading list, I will seriously love you forever ( not joking either <3) or if you even follow my tumblr, twitter, wattpad account, or all three ;)

Much love!

~Madelyn Joy

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