The Journal

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After watching him drive off , Margo walked slowly up the stairs to the front door. She walked in the house, and she looked over to see her parents were sitting in the dining room awaiting her return.

"Honey...are you okay...Zoey told us everything, about Bryan and that Logan. Which by the way was very nice of him to take you to see him. Was he okay? Oh, don't cry Mar...he will be fine," her mom said as she got up and gave her a big hug. Margo didn't even have to say anything for her mom to know and understand. She smoothed her hair down, and Margo bellowed in her embrace.

After crying in her mother's arms for a few minutes, Margo handed the note to them, and they smiled. "Margo, you should go to bed...I'll have dad bring up the DVD player so you can watch some movies to get your mind off of it. God will take care of things, don't worry."

Margo, stood there still hugging her mom for a couple more minutes, then she picked up her bag and walked up the stairs to her room. She sat down on her bed, feeling overwhelmingly depressed but a smidge happy to find a friend in Logan, this mysterious boy that was an angel...her angel.

She looked under her dresser where she slid the knife in hiding. She thought, "I'll be alright..."
She looked at her phone to see that she had received a text from Bryan's mom, Mrs. Deggen . She just had found out that Bryan was able to be revived, but he was in a coma. There was some relief in that message, and she felt she could easily fall asleep.

The next morning, Margo awoke to the T.V still on with the main title screen of Dirty Dancing. She remembered watching the first half of it, then drifted off into slumber afterwards. She looked at her phone which was charging in the wall beside her. A message from Zoey popped up.

"Hey! If you don't want to go shopping I understand, but I do think you should come over, and we can talk. Text me and let me know...and I can pick you up. Love ya girlie!"

Margo smiled. She was happy that she had a good friend such as Zoey. She knew she should go over and talk to her about Logan as she needed to tell someone about him. So, she texted her back saying that she wanted to go over to talk about things with her. Zoey responded back, fast as lightning, saying that she would be on her way in 15 minutes.

Margo, then, swiftly got herself dressed in a pair of jeans and a yellow blouse that seemed to make her eyes pop out even more than usual.  She gathered her necessities and packed them in a small bag.

She walked down the stairs to find her mom making breakfast while her dad was reading the newspaper. They both, at the same time, looked up and smiled.

"We heard that Bryan is alive, just unconscious. How're you feeling, sweetheart?" Her mom was literally the best person ever. She always seemed to make her feel good on most occasions, but if her mom was having an anxiety attack she would be complete polar opposite. These attacks wouldn't just affect her mom, but it also affected Margo as she seemed to always be put down whether Margo did one thing or another. She knew her mom didn't mean it, but it still caused her to feel horrible, resulting in her depression worsening.

"I received a text from Mrs. Deggen last night about his condition. I will say it helped me sleep a little better knowing he was still alive. Zoey said I could go over to her house today and tonight, if that's all right?" Margo sat down and grabbed a piece of toast with butter on it. She wasn't hungry enough to have her mom's delicious waffles.

"Of course, Mar. I'm glad she is such a good friend...She's a nice girl," her father said, approvingly. "Of course, is that boy, Logan going to be there? I talked to him last night...and he seems like a good kid. He doesn't have any piercings or tattoos, right?" Margo chuckled softly, rolling her eyes playfully as he asked this to her. Of course he worried about him being some rebellious bad boy.

"No, he doesn't have any piercings or tattoos...that I know of at least," she replied with a slight laugh.

He laughed and picked up his newspaper and began reading it again. "Have fun, don't forget to call him...he said you were supposed to for something."

She gave a confused look then it hit her. He told her to call him when she was ready. Ready to hear the truth. Was she ready? She questioned herself as she walked back upstairs to grab her purse.

She looked at herself in the mirror. Her blonde hair laid on her shoulders smoothly and her eyes were still a little red from crying. She couldn't believe Logan, being as amazing and, quite frankly, hot as he was, could be even interested in a girl like herself. She was the epitome of average. She knew she wasn't ugly, nor drop-dead gorgeous and yet guys seemed to really like her.

Then again, guys are usually after one thing, she thought. Maybe he fell for her to do it with her. Margo shook her head at the disturbing thought. He was too kind to be like that, especially towards her.

She recollected her thoughts as she grabbed her stuff and headed down the stairs. She saw Zoey drive up into her driveway.

"Honey! Keep me posted on what's going on...okay." Her mom gave her a shy smile, and she opened the door.

"I will, don't worry...thank you mom... for always being there for me," Margo responded as her mom walked over to her. She gave her a quick hug.

"Of course sweetie, I love you..." Margo looked at her mom's beautiful face. Her mom's hazel eyes were beaming with a seemingly happy light, making them pop out more, and her dark brown bob framed this beautiful image perfectly.

"Love you too, mom." Margo let go of her mom and walked out towards Zoey's car. Her mom stood in the doorway, giving a quick wave goodbye.

Once Margo hopped in the car, Zoey gave her a sympathetic look.

"How're you doing today? Also I saw Logan at the park when I drove by ...he was writing something down. I can't believe how hot he is, and how I never noticed him before. Like...holy smokes!" Zoey squealed as Margo let out a little chuckle. Zoey continued to babble on about his gorgeousness."Seriously though...he could be a he is wayyyyy better looking than Skylar, and I thought Skylar was hot!" She was right; he was probably the best looking guy at their school. He almost appeared to be older than both of them, by like five years.

"Yeah, I know...he is also the sweetest guy I know." Margo was happy that she could talk to Zoey today and get advice from her. Zoey knew everything about boys, inside and out. Like, she could write books about them. It must have been all those Seventeen magazines that she had read since third grade.

"Well, usually guys aren't that sweet, so he either is a one-of-a-kind sweetheart or he just REALLY likes you. And I'm guessing he really like you because what guy drives you an hour away to the hospital to see their boyfriend. No least no one around here would." Zoey gave her a little wink. "Should we go stalk him at the park? OR I'll watch from the car as you talk to him. Oh my gosh! Let's go! I can give you advice...I'll text you it!"

Margo blushed but continued to roll her eyes to hide her embarrassment. She laughed as well because Zoey was the person to get all hyped up about this kind of stuff. Anytime Margo had any boy trouble, Zoey was there and excited to help.

"Zoey...I...Are you sure? This sounds a little childish doesn't it?" Margo insisted as her cheeks still glowed a dull red. "I mean what about Bryan...he would be so heartbroken if he knew I was talking to another guy..."

Zoey laughed and parked right in front of the park. "Yep! But we HAVE to do this! So we know for sure. And don't worry about Bryan...okay..." She gave Margo a wink and unlocked the doors. "Now...go over by him, but don't make it obvious that you like knew he was there. Just like take a casual stroll and pretend you notice him sitting there! Okay?!" Margo gave her an awkward smile. "Now, you worry about you."

Margo thought about her last statement and realized that she hadn't been worrying about herself for awhile now. She always put everyone else first, making sure everyone was alright, and so, she never thought about herself. She thought, "I have to do this...for me!" So with a deep breath, she stepped out of Zoey's car and walked on the path towards the bench Logan was sitting on. She almost turned back a couple times, deciding that it was a stupid idea, but as she saw him her heart fluttered.

She noticed he was writing something down in a little blue and white journal. As she got closer she saw how fast he was writing. His hand was moving faster than any human hand could even go. It was as though he didn't have human hands, that he was a machine. She studied what he could possibly be writing down but couldn't concentrate on it.

As she walked closer to the bench he sat at, she called out, "Logan? Is that you?"

He turned around with a surprised look on his face. "What are you doing here?" She walked around to the front of the bench and sat down by him. She knew she had to tell him that she knew, that she was ready.

"I decided that it was too lovely out to stay inside, so I thought I would enjoy the beautiful day and write some poems. What are you doing in the park? You never come...I mean...I just can't see you being the type to take a stroll in the park." He nervously smiled and angled his body towards her.

He appeared heavenly in the sunlight, even more so than in the moonlight. His muscles were emphasized in his tight black polo, which would make any girl swoon. Margo brushed her hand over her mouth to make sure she wasn't drooling.

Her muscles twitched as she tried to not make it seem like she was checking him out, but he knew. "Why do you keep looking at me like that?" A playful smirk rose on his face and she felt her cheeks become hot.

Although flustered, she ignored the question. "I know... I know what you were trying to tell me...or what you thought I wasn't ready for last night. I know..." she replied softly still taking in his beautiful features.

He closed his notebook and looked across the park towards a couple walking down. Their hands were clasped together, and they seemed to sway to the music of love.

"I can't tell's too open here. And I know your friend Zoey is watching us in her car. I'm no fool, Margo." He laughed as he said this, and a smile came across his face. She was shocked that he knew because Zoey was practically hidden by the bushes that lined the parking lot.

He looked down at her phone on her lap. "Looks like she sent you a message." She looked down and realized how did he know Zoey was "main bish" in her phone? How? She looked back up at him and gave him a questioning look.

"How do you know that Zoey is under that name in my contacts?" He smiled and shook his head. "Is it because you actually are my guardian angel?" He shrugged his shoulders and opened up his journal again, swiftly turning each page until he stopped on a certain one and lifted it up to show her. "What is that?"

"It's everything I know about's not everything because I can only know so much information, but I know a lot. I...I think this will be the final proof you need." He gave the journal to her, and she began reading it. She soaked in all the information. All of it was true...every bit of it. He even knew of her depression, when she usually goes to bed, and who likes her and....wait a second. She looked at that part again. Skylar's name was on it, as well as Anthony and these other guys she had no idea who they were. Then there was a section where it said who loves her, and Logan's name was on it, but Bryan's wasn't on it.

"Where's Bryan on here?" He looked down and shrugged.

"I told you, I don't know everything. I don't know...I never really cared to know because he isn't meant to be with you." She looked at the book, confused, and back at him. "I...I'm meant to be with you." He brushed her hair behind her ear and looked longingly into her eyes. Her cheeks burned a bright red, and she sat there unknowing what to say or do. Should she turn her head away or should she lean in and kiss him?

Then her phone began buzzing again, and she knew Zoey was calling her.

"I uh better take this..." He took his hand away, and she answered her phone. "Um hello?" Her hands were shaky as Zoey began talking to her frantically. Zoey ruined a completely magical moment for her.

"Mar...what the heck?! That was the perfect time to lean in and get some, and you sat there with a stupid expression. Ugh girl...oh, also, I'm hiding behind that bush to your right so don't look over there. Okay? Okay! Now tell him your mom called you or something! Bye!" Zoey hung up and Margo rolled her eyes.

"So what did Zoey want?" He smirked slightly, and she shook her head.

"Honestly I'm supposed to tell you that it was my mom so for her sake pretend like I told you it was my mom, okay?" They both laughed, and he looked towards the fountain in front of them. "Oh and Zoey told me I ruined the moment ...that instead of staring at you, I should have...done something else." She nervously rubbed her thumb on her finger, like she normally did when taking a test. He looked down at her nervous habit while she tried to stop it.

"Oh really? Like what?"

Instead of letting her answer that question, he took her face in his hands and kissed her. On the forehead though. It was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done, she thought.

Her face actually didn't turn a bright red, but it went down in color. She smiled lightly as he spoke softly to her. "Margo, I'm here for don't have to worry anymore, and He is with you always...don't forget that."

His words made her feel so calming and good, and she felt safe. Then while she soaked in the words, she realized that he was still holding her face, gently. He just looked into her eyes and she, the same. He took his hands away and smiled. "I think you should maybe head along with your friend. She's been sitting behind that bush for awhile now...I'll be at the library, and if you need anything just give me a call."

He picked up his bag and waved goodbye as he walked towards the sidewalk leading down towards the library. She waited until he was far enough to go over towards Zoey who was on her phone texting someone.

"Hey Zo...I need to talk to you about something." Zoey looked up from her phone and a huge grin beamed across her face, and she gave Margo a wink of approval.

"Oh my gosh! I thought I was watching a freaking movie, like, that was the most romantic thing ever! Ugh...why can't my Joshy be like that? Anyways, sorry...what did you want to talk to me about?" Zoey got up from behind the bush, and they began walking back towards her car. "Like seriously... you guys just met but it seemed like he knew you for like ever. Kinda crazy, huh?"

They hopped into Zoey's car and just as Zoey was pulling out of the parking lot, Margo grabbed her arm. "Zoey, can you promise me that you will listen to everything I have to say before making assumptions? It's really important." Margo nervously glanced down at her hands, her thumb began doing the nervous habit...again. "It may sound very strange, and you probably won't believe it."

"Mar, of course I will listen...and what is he? Some like some secret agent? OR is he a vampire...just like Edward?!" Zoey asked, emphasizing Edward lovingly. "I really hope he is a vampire...that would be great!"

"No he isn't a vampire," Margo said lightly and Zoey groaned. "He knows a lot about me , like a lot, more than what you even know about me." Zoey gave her a confused expression and then frowned.

"What does he know that I don't know? And would he know all this info if you guys literally just met the other day? I mean, you can only stalk on someone's instagram profile for so long." Zoey bit her lip out of frustration. "Have you known him longer than this...and what exactly happened in that car ride, huh? You didn't give in right away, did you? I mean he's hot and seems very sweet, but you don't do that right away with a guy it just isn't..."

Margo cut her off, "Nothing happened in that car ride, and I have values, Zo! You know that!"

Margo took a deep breath before continuing. " And I haven't told him anything...that journal he showed was pretty much stuff he knows about me....I"

"What?!! Okay...he is some kind of stalker...We should report him to..."

"Zo! No! He ... he's my guardian angel. Only my guardian angel and God would know what he knows about it was pretty much everything. And in the car last night he told me he fell for me, and of course I thought he was just making some cheesy pick-up line but ...with what he knows about me, it only makes sense that he's my guardian angel."

Zoey stopped the car and looked at her wide-eyed. They sat there for a couple minutes not saying anything, and this was very strange because Zoey was always talking. "Zo, I'm not crazy or anything...He really is, I feel it."

Zoey looked down at the wheel and looked back towards her. Her slim, dark eyebrows creased in confusion. "Are you sure? I mean I always believed in angels walking the Earth around us, but he actually fell ...from the sky? Like from heaven? And oh gosh this IS just like the stupid movies...oh gosh no this can't be...can it? Holy crap ! I just can't believe this, but I can and..."

"So you do believe me, right?" Margo interrupted as Zoey nodded her head and a bright grin came across her face. "There's something more about him though, almost mysterious. He's hiding something from me, but I don't know what it is though." Margo face twisted with these words. She thought, why would he hide something from her?


Hey everyone!

Thank you again if you are reading this as you must be interested in my book to be this far :)

Once again please comment or message me if you see something I can improve or if you like anything!!

Also, if you could follow me on twitter ( @mad_dance97)  or my tumblr ( madelynjoy22) that would be awesome! I like to share funny memes, inspirational messages, and a lot of poems and writings about love ;)

Much love!

~Madelyn Joy

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