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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in but all will have powers and abilities that they don't have in the series that they come from as they may also be OCC. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes/translations), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Chapter TwentyNine: sacrifice

Both Naruto and Kurama moved as Naruto was pissed off. He couldn't understand why both of his parents jumped in harm's way to protect him. He had to quickly deal with Deva to locate the original Pain that was behind to scenes. Why would this Pain use corpse puppets to fight with? Why use the tailed beasts for peace and to reshape the world? If this person who Naruto believed it to be, somewhere he had lost hope to find a peaceful solution to gain peace. Naruto and Kurama charged at Deva as the last Pain armed himself with chakra rods hoping to disrupt Kurama's chakra.

*Those rods are the key to finding the puppet master, the last Pain.* Naruto stated towards Kurama. Kurama allowed his chakra arms to extend out to grab one of the rods in Deva's hands. Kurama's chakra burned the Pain causing the puppet to falter as he stumbled out of Kurama's grasp. Naruto took the chakra rod and stabbing himself in his hand using sage mode to reverse track where the original pain was at.

Nagato Uzumaki gasped when he felt Naruto's eyes trained on him.

"Nagato..... What's wrong?" asked Konan.

"The nine tail's Jinchuriki reversed tracked me through sage mode." gasped Nagato as he directed Deva to lead Naruto closer to where Nagato and Konan where stationed at. Nagato coughed up violently spitting up blood.

"Nagato...... Don't push yourself." Stated Konan in concern.

"I can't afford to go easy Konan. This is the nine tails after all. We need its power as it is the strongest of all the Biju." replied Nagato as he ran his hands through a series of hand signs. "Catastrophic Planetary Construction!"

Meanwhile, Deva performed the same hand signs as Nagato.

"Catastrophic Planetary Construction!" yelled out Deva.

*Biju Bombs won't be able to destroy that or prevent us from being captured.* Kurama stated mentally.

*Would you be able to destroy it in your true form?* Naruto asked as he allowed Kurama's chakra form to retract.

*I doubt that even in my true from I could put a dent in this jutsu.* replied Kurama. This left Nartuo little choice. He directed the black orbs to destroy most of the rocky terrain as he was caught in Deva's jutsu. Naruto was grateful that Hagoromo had taught him how to use the sage's power as Naruto caused the sage's power to surge through his body. His hands ran through a series of hand signs.

"Catastrophic Planetary Construction!" Naruto stated causing the large ball that he was trapped in to fall apart and break. Deva stood in awe as he watched the jutsu fall and break apart. But he couldn't see Naruto. Naruto had teleported behind Deva as he was armed with a large Rasengan. "Big Ball Rasengan!" he stated in a low voice as he slammed the Rasengan on top of the last Pain. Deva didn't have enough chakra to repel Naruto. The jutsu hit Deva hard causing several of his chakra rods that powered him to be incinerated as the last Pain puppet went down.

Naruto panted as the sage form unraveled from his body. The first thing on his mind was his parents. Naruto swayed as he was weak from his battle with the Pain's and using his newfound powers. Naruto felt strong muscular arms wrap around him to steady him this way he didn't fall. Naruto turned his head slightly to see a teenage Shippo next to him.

"Damn Naruto...... I thought that Inuyasha was always reckless but you take things to a new level." stated Shippo.

"Shippo......  Can you take me back to the village?" Naruto asked weakly.  He had a bad feeling in his gut that his parents weren't going to make it.  Shippo knew what it was like to lose a parent as he nodded his head.  Shippo used his fox magic to transform himself into a bird as Naruto slowly climbed onto Shippo's back.  Shippo stretched out his wings as he took off heading back to the village.

Shippo landed where both Kushina and Minato  laid clinging onto life.  Sakura and Nariko were trying their best to heal their wounds but it wasn't working.  Naruto slowly climbed off of Shippo making his way to where his parents laid while Shippo used his fox magic to shift back to normal.

"Your back.  Does this mean you won?" Minato asked as Naruto slowly nodded his head yes.

"Why did you protect me?" Naruto asked as he could hear his brother Menma and his twin sister Nariko crying.

"It's a parents job to protect their children.  I know that early on we neglected you and treated you horribly.  We blamed you for things that wasn't your fault and listened to everyone call you a monster.  That we began to see you as one." stated Kushina as she hacked up some blood.

"We were wrong and should have not listened to those rumors.  We paid for it the end as we lost the right to call ourselves parents.  When you came back we knew that we had to fix our mistakes." Minato continued as he wheezed when trying to breathe.

"We can see now that you are the hope for this world as we will gladly lay down our lives for you Naruto."  Tears began to roll down Naruto's face as he parents held each other's hand.

"We love you Naruto.  We are sorry for everything that we have put you through." they both stated.

"I forgive you......  And I love you as well." Naruto stated as he watched as his parents took their last breath before they closed their eyes.

Naruto let out a loud howl of pain as tears streaked down his face.   Nariko and Menma went over to their brother as they hugged him crying, morning their parents passing.  Loud howls from Kurama's family also echoed out at the two shinobi passing on.  The villagers began to sob at Kushina's and Minato's passing as they all vowed that their sacrifice will not be in vain.  They will help Naruto end this bloody war and bring peace to the shinobi world.  Naruto unraveled himself from his siblings grasp as he turned to Shippo.

"Shippo......  I need you to take me to where the last Pain is at." Naruto stated as he went over to the teen fox.

"Of course Naruto." replied Shippo as he used his fox magic to transform back into his bird form.

'Thank you.....  Mom......  Dad......  I love you both!' Naruto thought to himself as he climbed onto Shippo's back to confront the last Pain and to bring this cycle of death to an end.

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