31. Jinchuriki gather together

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in but all will have powers and abilities that they don't have in the series that they come from as they may also be OCC. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes/translations), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Chapter ThirtyOne: Jinchuriki gather together

After meeting and talking with Nagato and Konan, the sickly Uzumaki passed on leaving the search for peace in Naruto's hands.  Nagato believed that if anyone could bring about peace, it would be Naruto.  Naruto had this vibe about him that makes people trust that he can achieve what seems to be the impossible.  Konan took Nagato's and Yahiko's body back to Amegakure (the rain) village.  Konan vowed to do whatever she could to protect Naruto as she would get Amegakure to help him in his quest for world peace.  So far Naruto has established allies with Sunagakure (the sand), the Kumogakure (the cloud), and now Amegakure.  Naruto proceeded to leave the paper tree to find Shippo still waiting for him.  The two watched as the paper tree broke apart, scattering to the wind.  Naruto turned to the young fox with a soft smile on his face.

"Let's head home Shippo." Naruto stated.  Naruto knew that once back in the village, he would have to bury his parents.  He would give himself time to mourn their passing and rebuild his relationship with his brother Menma and twin sister Nariko.  After that Naruto knew that he would have to gather the remaining Jinchuriki together.  Naruto knew that if he and the other Jinchuriki could access their Biju modes, they would stand a greater chance against the Akatsuki.  Also it would help in the upcoming war.

Several days later, Naruto stood in front of Tsunade as he sent out letters to the two Jinchuriki that he did know personally, Killer B and Gaara.  He was requesting that they gathered together, the remaining Jinchuriki that is.  Naruto proposed that if the others didn't know how to access their Biju modes, then both Killer B and Naruto would teach them.  Naruto proposed that they all meet up in the fallen Otogakure (the sound) village.  He received letters from the Killer B and Gaara agreeing to the together.  Naruto took the letters to the hokage tower as Killer B and Gaara would be there along with two other Jinchuriki.  Yugitio Ni'i whom was the two tails Jinchuriki and Fu whom was the seven tails Jinchuriki.

"Obachan (grandma) ......  I need to leave the village for a while.  The other Jinchuriki are going to be training on how to access their Biju forms." 

"I see.  I hope that things work out.  May I ask why when you can access your Biju form?" Tsunade asked.

"War.  I have feeling that the master mind behind the Akatsuki will start the fourth great ninja war in order to get what they want which is the rest of the Biju's powers.  With four of their of their members killed and one cut her ties with the Akatsuki, I have a feeling that they will step up their game.  There is five of us left.  Only two of us can access our Biju forms therefor we have to teach the others how to go into their Biju forms." I answered.

"Alright Naruto.  I wish you and the others luck.  If for any reason we need you......"

"I will have one of Kurama's children stay by your side." Naruto replied as he summoned up one of the foxes.  Tomoe appeared after Naruto had performed the summoning jutsu as Tomoe was in his demonic form.

"You called for me Naruto?" asked the teen fox.

"I need for you to stay with Lady Tsunade in case she needs to contact me for any reason." commanded Naruto.

"Of course Naruto." Tomoe replied shapeshifting into his fox form as he went to the corner of the room to  remain out of harms way and to keep an eye on everything.  Naruto  then proceeded to leave the hokage tower and the leaf village to meet up with the others.

Naruto entered what remained of the sound village to see four people waiting for him.  Naruto recognized Gaara and Killer B but not the two women that was with them.

"Yo Naruto.....  What up?" asked Killer B whom was a dark skinned male with white hair as he wore a pair of sunglasses over his eyes.  Killer B was the brother of the Raikage of the cloud village.  He was also the eight tails Jinchuriki  for an ox cephalopod named Gyuki.

"Hey Killer B.....  Gaara....... I take it that these are the two you told me about." Naruto stated as he fist bumped Killer B. 

"Yes.  Killer B talks about you.  I'm Yugito Ni'i as I also hail from Kumogakure.  I am the Jinchuriki for the two tailed cat named Matabi." replied the blonde female.  Naruto shook her hand making an instant mental connection with the young woman.

"I am Fu as I hail from Takigakure (the waterfall) village.  I am the seven tails Jinchuriki." replied the young woman whom was the same age as both Naruto and Gaara.  She had sea foam green hair, pinkish-red eyes, and tan skin as she shook hands with Naruto.  Fu held within her the seven tail rhino beetle known as Chomei.  Kurama had reunited with two of his brothers and two of his sisters.

"Alright..... Let's get down to business.  I called you all here because of the Akatsuki threat.  I have taken out four of their members but, their are still others out there.  Also I have a feeling that war will soon be upon us.  And that the person behind the Akatsuki will step up their game to get our Biju's   I think that it would be best if we learned how to access our Biju forms." Naruto stated.

"What Naruto says make sense.  I had a hard time with dealing with the Akatsuki that came to collect me and my Biju, Shukaku.  These Akatsuki are extremely powerful and dangerous." stated Gaara.

"Naruto and I will train each of you how to access your Biju forms.  We also wanted to link each of us mentally.  This way if any of us are in trouble for any reason, we can call for help." stated Killer B.

"Then shall we start with this training?" asked Fu.  Killer B worked with Yugito while Naruto worked with Gaara.  Fu would have to wait because the higher the tail count, the more dangerous it was to access the Biju's chakra.  Plus it helped if you had a connection with the tailed beasts they held within them.  Fu may be a new Jinchuriki but she hasn't made a connection what's so ever with her inner tailed Beast.

Yugito much like Killer B could go into full Biju form.  Gaara could do the same if he went to sleep.  But Naruto had Gaara set up a way that he could access his Biju from without giving Shukaku full control.  Once Gaara and Yugito had gained their Biju forms, they tained with each other while Killer B and Naruto helped Fu with accessing her Biju form and making contact with her tailed beast.  Chomei was a very easy going and had a laid back nature that made her easy to get along with.  Accessing Fu's Biju form was tough at first but finally she was able to achieve it.  The five of them trained for a while going in to and out of their Biju forms and being able to access all of their Biju's powers.  Kurama hung out with his brothers and sisters while in Naruto's mindscape as each of them other than Shukaku were able to take on a human form.

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