36. Juubi's resurrection

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in but all will have powers and abilities that they don't have in the series that they come from as they may also be OCC. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes/translations), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Chapter ThirtySeven: Juubi's resurrection

Both Madara and Obito managed to resurrect Juubi without fully capturing Kurama, Shukaku, and Gyuuki. Even with the great ten tails fully resurrected, both men had a tough time controlling the beast. They knew that the only way they could fully control the ten tails power is to become its Jinchuriki. Madara tells Obito before they went onto the battlefield that he would have to become the Jinchuriki since because Madara was only a corpse. Obito understands the plan and how to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi as he asks Madara to by him some time to complete what needs to be done.

Madara directs Juubi to attack all of the allied ninja. Akira notices the attacks heading their way that there was a lot of people whom still needed healing. There wasn't enough medics to tend to the wounded.

'Please give me the strength to pull this off.' Akira thought to herself. "Summoning Jutsu!" she cried out. Some how she managed to summon two dragons.

One was covered in light blue scales with white fur as it had pink gem stones embedded in its body.

The other was pitch black with glowing green accents. She managed to summon the only twin dragons whom also happened to be brother and sister. Platinum Heart and Venom Blade.

"You had summoned us Mistress?" asked Platinum Heart.

"I need for you to protect and heal the ninja. Venom...... Can you attack the ten tails buying Naruto some time to recover his chakra?" asked Akira.

"Of course Mistress!" replied Venom Blade. The two dragons moved as Platinum Heart stood before the allies with her large wings open wide. Her pink stones began to glow as she healed all of the injured ninja. Venom Blade moves striking at Juubi with combined dark magic and venom blasts. His razor sharp claws, wings, and tail try to cut into the Biju. But Venom Blade's attacks were hardly phasing the creature. This gave Naruto more than enough time to recover his chakra. Naruto creates numerous clones as they all go into Biju form. Naruto darted through his allies as he transferred parts of Kurama's chakra to his allies.

"Why are you so determined to stand against us? Do you honestly think you can protect everyone?" asked Obito.

"I will stand any and all pain for my friends and allies. I'm not going to give up on them. Maybe I'm just being selfish but, not having my friends and allies here is the most painful thing for me. Period!" Naruto replied.

The Juubi lets out a massive roar which caused a massive storm of destruction. It destroys Akira's two summons. But Naruto's Kyuubi chakra managed to protect everyone while it left Naruto extremely weak as the chakra vanishes from his body as he collapsed to the ground.

*Careful not to strain your body too much Naruto.* Kurama states mentally. Naruto could see the medics rush over to help heal Naruto and help him recover his chakra. The rest of the ninja and the two transformed Jinchuriki move to fight the resurrected Juubi.

*Rest for a while Naruto. Let us handle it for a while. You are only one person. Remember that you have people to help back you up.* Gaara states mentally.

*I know..... Thanks Gaara.* Naruto replied. As Naruto went to shut down his kekkigenkai, he could feel and sense familiar chakra heading his way. 'It can't be....... Someone resurrected dad as an Edo Tensei corpse?!' Naruto thought to himself as he could see Juubi unleash a Biju Bomb at the group. Minato appeared suddenly before the group as he performed the teleportation jutsu to cause the Biju Bomb to head out to sea. Both Menma and Nariko were shocked to see their father once more before them since his death protecting Naruto from Pain. Heck even Tsunade was shocked to see her grandfather the first hokage standing before her. The four Edo Tensei hokages barely said a word as they performed a sealing jutsu to keep the Juubi contained.

"That won't hold that beast for long." stated Sarutobi. By now Naruto had finally restored his chakra and was ready to fight as he stood backup with his siblings, teammates, the Uchiha brothers and his father.

"Dad...... Open a hole in the seal. Allow us to deal with the Juubi." stated Naruto. Minato didn't question his son as he opened a hole large enough to let the teens inside. Gaara and Killer B were still in their Biju forms fighting the creature. As soon as the seal was closed again, the ten tails split its body up to attack the group. Various summons were called forth to help in the fight. Menma summoned Gamakichi, Nariko summoned Katsuyu, Sasuke summoned Manda, Itachi had used his Manekyo Sharingan to create a chakra skeleton (Susanoo), while Akira summoned her clans most powerful dragon.

A black and white dragon with gold markings and green stones on its body. Behind its head it had a glowing ring with words written in dragonic. This was the king of all dragons, Askook Birroth. Meanwhile Naruto had summoned Yohko Kurama not trusting what Juubi would do if he actually summoned Kurama from beyond the mindscape. "Let's take this creature down!" Naruto yelled out as the teens let out a rally cry.

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