7. Naruto's return

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Seven: Naruto's return

The years seemed to come and go quickly but still no sign of Naruto. Minato began to make some major within the years that Naruto has been missing. He had a stern talking to with Menma and Nariko. They also read Naruto's letter. They both felt so bad about how they treated their own brother. The Uzumaki-Namikaze home went under a remodel making a room for Naruto. Minato also disbanded the civilian council when he found out that some of them help participate in the daily beatings of Naruto. He also took care of the traitor Danzo when it was discovered that he has been killing off the Uchiha to transplant their Sharningan eyes into his body. Also thanks to Fukagu and Itachi, some of the Uchiha clan was killed off when they threatened a que on the hokage and the leaf. Minato and Kushina worked with training Menma and Nariko to help support Naruto and protect him when the time came to complete the prophecy. Little did anyone realize that the long-lost child of prophecy would return. Jiraiya had found the young blond and helped in his training with the Kitsune clan. Jiraiya had told Naruto about the prophecy and worked with the young child teaching him sage mode. He also told Naruto about how he scolded his parents about how they treated him.

"It would take something monumental for me to forgive them. I don't think I could ever truly accept them as my family especially after everything that I went through. I'm going to return to the village only to show everybody there how wrong they were about me." Naruto explained.

Now Naruto was twelve years old and the ripe age to start his training in the academy to become a genin. Naruto traveled back with Jiraiya, Shuichi, Chizuru, Azusa, and Tomoe whom were the only ones fully capable of even looking totally human. The rest were going to be summoned once they had set up a home within the leaf. Jiraiya meet all of Kurama's children and grandchildren grateful that the Kitsune's were able to help take care of Naruto and accept him as family despite that he wasn't technically as he only had their father sealed within him. Jiraiya was a bit upset when Naruto wouldn't sign the toad contract stating he already had a fox one thanks to Kurama and his children.

"So, do you plan to use your original last name Naruto?" asked Jiraiya.

"I want no ties with them. My last name will be Kitsune." Naruto replied. Just before they got to the village, Naruto created a clone of Shuichi while the older teen transformed into his demonic form minus his ears and tail. Everyone was to refer to him as otosan (father) until they got to their new home within the village.

As they all approached the gate, both Kotesu and Izumo were actually on watch as they could see Jiraiya traveling with an older man and five children. One of the children bore a striking resemblance to the fourth hokage.

"Do you think that could be the fourth's lost son? He does look like the fourth and his children." stated Kotesu.

"I am not sure. I'll make a quick clone and alert the hokage." replied Izumo as he made a clone sending it over to the hokage tower with a message that Jiraiya had returned along with what looked to be his lost son.

"Lord Jiaiya welcome back. Who are these people with you?" asked Kotesu.

"This is Yoko Kitsune and his children Shuichi, Chizuru, Azusa, and Tomoe. I have a feeling that you already know the blonde." answered Jiraiya. Both Kotesu and Izumo took a good look at the blonde. He had the same three whisker marks on his cheeks that both Menma and Nariko had. The same spikey hair style as Menma and Minato. The same golden blonde locks as Minato and Nariko. And the same sapphire blue eyes as Minato and his children. Naruto wore a martial arts kimono top of orange with a black vest as it was tied with a red sash around his waist. He wore a pair of blueish-black fit pants as his feet were in a pair of full shinobi shoes. A pair of black and red arm guards sat on his lower arms (see picture above minus the headband). All of Yoko's children were dressed in the similar fashion as Naruto.

"Naruto?" they questioned in shock. Naruto looked at Yoko and Jiraiya not acknowledging them.

"Can we go now Ojichan (grandpa)? Otosan?" Naruto asked in a dull voice. He wanted to get this over and done with.

"Of course, Naruto. Please excuse us." Yoko stated as they continued into the village being led by Jiraiya. Meanwhile within the hokage tower, Minato was alerted that Jiraiya had returned with his long-lost son. Instantly Minato performed the Flying Thunder God to inform Kushina about the news. He then teleported back to the office just as the doors opened. Izumo's clone had dispersed as Jiraiya entered with the Kitsune family and his son, Naruto. Naruto looked exactly like his older brother Menma despite the difference in their hair coloration. It was taking all of Minato's will not to leap up from out of his chair to hug his long-lost son.

"Welcome back sensei (teacher)....... Naruto, it is good to see you son." A low growl arose from Naruto.

"Son? Son! You haven't thought of me to your child since you kicked me out of your home. Oh, and let's not forget that you had abused me both mentally and physically." Naruto roared out as he slammed his hands down onto the hokage's desk causing the paperwork that was on it to go flying everywhere. Minato couldn't blame Naruto for being upset and angry as he kind of expected it. Yoko placed his hand onto Naruto's shoulder getting the young blonde to calm down.

"You will have to excuse him Lord Hokage but, I don't blame him for his anger. What right do you as a parent have to do the things that you have done to Naruto? Ignore him, ridicule, abuse, and blame him for something that you have placed upon him." asked Yoko in a low growl causing Minato to raise his brow as it seemed the older man knew about his son's burden.

"Then you know all about......?"

"Yes, we know all about the nine tails that was sealed within him. Regardless of the demon you have placed in him, we of the Kitsune clan have opened our hearts and our home to Naruto. To the point that he has become a part of our family. The only reason why we came to this village is because of Naruto's desire to become a ninja. And since Naruto is already a part of the leaf, we had no choice but to come here much to Naruto's disapproval." Yoko stated. Minato watched as the children pulled Naruto back away from the hokage as they comforted the young blonde. It hurt to see his own child being comforted by another family.

"I see......." Minato stated as he unleashed a long sigh. "Naruto, no words can express how sorry I am for how I had treated you in the past. I hope that you find in your heart to forgive me and your family as we were wrong to treat you like that. We would also like for you to come back home so that we can become a family again."

"I already have a family and it's with the Kitsune clan. They have done more for me that my so-called family has. They have excepted me even knowing about my heavy burden. If it wasn't for them I would have been killed. It will take something monumental for me to even forgive me and have me see you as my family once again. Until then, I renounce my last name of Uzumaki-Namikaze as I will from now on will be Naruto Kitsune." growled Naruto his eyes flashing a dangerous shade of red when he looked at his former father. Minato unleashed another small sigh as he took Naruto's words to heart. There was a small light of hope that someday in some way Naruto would forgive them and maybe call himself an Namikaze-Uzumaki once again.

"I see and understand. What of your other children Kitsune-san (sir)?" questioned Minato.

"Shuichi, my eldest is a skilled fighter as well as herbalist. My other children haven't expressed any interest in combat as we are mostly shrine folk." replied Yoko.

"If Shuichi is up to it, would it be alright to test him to see his level so perhaps he could be a captain of a genin team or a member of the Anbu guard." asked Minato.

*Answer yes Naruto.* Yoko stated mentally as Naruto nodded briefly to the clone he had made of Shuichi.

"It would be my honor Lord Hokage." replied Shuichi. Minato had Yoko fill out paperwork of all his children's names including Naruto's. He started a band fund with some of his own money to start the family off in the leaf as it was the least he could do to repay the Kitsune clan for the kindness they have shown to Naruto. He also gave them keys to an empty house that had just been built a couple of days ago as it would be large enough for the Kitsune clan.

"Classes start tomorrow at nine in the morning. I hope that you will come to enjoy our village and make it your permeant home."

"Thank you Lord Hokage. Jiraiya could you perhaps show us around?"

"Certainly Yoko." The family left the hokage's office along with Jiraiya. Minato slumped back into his chair not bothering to pick up the scattered paperwork. A small stream of tears began to fall down from his eyes.

"We messed up big time." he sobbed to himself. His wife and kids were going to be devastated when they hear the news.

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