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Zack exits the airport with his suitcases, his skin is tanned and he trimmed his hair. He stops a taxi and gives the driver his address,"had a good summer?" The driver asks.

"Oh yes I did, I am good for the next ten months", he nods.

He texts Kacy who is at work about now.

Zack: Hey, I am on my way at the apartment

Kacy: Yay, should I tell Elisha yet?

Zack: No, I wanna surprise her she's not expecting me till tonight

Kacy: Okay, so tomorrow at our parent's house for the weekend?

Zack: That's the plan and tonight meeting your summer fling 😉

Kacy: He's not a fling anymore

Zack: Oh really, what changed?

Kacy: Things

Zack: See you later


Zack unlocks his apartment and is surprisingly clean, Kacy and Elisha did a good job well after all they're female. He goes to his room to unpack his things, its clean and the sheets are change on the bed.

He calls Draven.

"Yes big cousin."

"Hey, what you doing now?"

"Nothing, just doing some gang stuff. What's up?"

"When you're done, do want to swing by the café where Kacy and your future sister in law works?"

"Sure, get Malcolm too?"

"Obviously, he wouldn't miss out on seeing his girlfriend every chance he gets."

They both laugh.

"Give me about an hour", Draven says and hangs up.

1 hour and fifteen minutes later

"Elisha isn't expecting me till tonight, what better way than to surprise her now?" Zack smirks to his cousins.

They enter the busy café, Kacy is taking someone's order while Elisha is giving a man his change and order. Zack gets in the line while Malcolm and Draven gets a table.

"Next", Elisha says.

"Can I get a welcome back hug", Zack grins and she gasps.

"Omg, you're here. I thought you were coming back tonight", she comes from behind the counter and hugs him tightly,"I missed you."

"I missed you too, but we talked last night", he chuckles.

"So? You been gone for over a month. I hope you enjoyed it though."

"Of course, then Kacy is leaving on Thursday, back to lonely apartment", he sighs.

"I can sleep over at your apartment if you want sometimes with pay of course", Elisha suggests.

"I don't think Malcolm would approve though, he can be possessive when he wants to be", Zack states.

"It's my life, I can do whatever I want", she scoffs.

"Hey, we get pay by the hour, you'll talk later", Kacy interrupts them.

"Hey little sis, missed you", Zack turns to her.

"I missed you too, butthead", she rolls her eyes.

"You know you love me" , he pinches her cheek.



Elisha, Malcolm and Chad all head over to Zack's apartment, since Zack wants to meet Chad, Elisha wants to hang out with Zack and Malcolm tag along. Brendan is carrying Annelise to San Francisco for the weekend as another apology gift.

"We brought Chinese food with us and a salad for Kacy", Malcolm announces as he walks into the apartments.

Kacy scoffs,"I am not on a diet, give me that", she snatches the bag from him.

"Just joking", he chuckles.

"You must be Chad, I'm Zack", Zack approaches Chad.

"Hey and don't worry I am treating your sister good", they shake hands.

"You better or else", he warns.

"Stop scaring away my soon to be boyfriend", Kacy shoves Zack aside, hugging Chad.

"Soon to be?" Malcolm frowns.

"Yes, he's meeting my parents tomorrow night instead of Thanksgiving before he flies out on Sunday afternoon", she explains.

"Couldn't stay longer?" Zack asks.

"Nah, I got some stuff to do at home first. Besides class resume for me week after unlike Kacy who still got two weeks when she goes back on Thursday", he chuckles.

"I'm starving, let's eat", Elisha states,"and put on a movie."

"So demanding", Malcolm chuckles kissing her cheek.

"You know you like it", she winks taking out a box from the bag.

"Of course."

"Ugh all this flirting is making me nauseous", Zack sighs.

"You need a girlfriend", Kacy says.

"I was going to ask a girl out when I got back, but now she's taken", he winks at Elisha.

"That sucks, don't worry I got six days to find you a girl to ask out", Kacy declares. Malcolm is watching between Zack and Elisha frowning a little.

They all sit on the couch while Kacy looks for a movie,"we'll have a vote, Everything Everything or a walk to remember."

"None", Chad shakes his head and the two guys agree.

"I saw a walk to remember a million times and saw the trailers for the other one, but it looks boring", Zack explains and both girls gasp.

"Boring? You're boring!" Kacy shrieks.

"What do you want to watch then Zack?" Elisha sighs.

"The other woman, Doctor Strange or Deadpool 2."

"Deadpool sounds good", she shrugs and Kacy sighs,"fine, but after we'll watch my movie", she puts on the movie and sits down cuddling next to Chad while Elisha did the same with Malcolm.

"I'll go make the popcorn", Zack gets up half hour later with the empty food boxes going to the kitchen.

"Bring drinks too", Malcolm adds.

"Come get it yourself", he answers back.

"I'll go", Elisha gets up.

"I'll go get it, you sit", he gets up too and pushes Elisha down to sit.

"So, have you guys done it yet?" Kacy smirks and Elisha turns red.

"What? No."

"You're blushing, that means you were close to though", she teases.

She doesn't reply just blush more,"omg, I'm right aren't I?" She gasps.

"Babe stop teasing her and mind your business. You don't hear people asking if we do it", Chad intervenes which causes Kacy to stop talking and blush.

Malcolm returns with four glasses of juice placing in on the table between the two couches; then Zack comes with a large bowl of popcorn.


"You know I forgive you right?" Annelise states to Brendan as they board the plane.

"Yes, but I did promise you I would make it up to you till I am certain you completely forgiven me", he kisses her knuckles.

"But I do fo-"

"Can't I treat my girlfriend to a weekend getaway?" He cuts her off.

She blushes,"of course you can, thank you for doing this", she smiles.

"Anything for you", they find a row with two empty seats, Brendan places their bags in the space above their seats and then sit down.

"Don't forget to text Elisha when we arrive at the hotel, you know how worry she gets about you", Annelise reminds him.

"Yeah I know", he chuckles,"I'm her best friend it bound to happen, it's a package deal", he explains.

A few hours later

"Hello welcome, how can I help you?" The receptionist at the hotel main lobby greets them.

"Room under Gunner", Brendan hands her his ID.

"Oh yes, room 308 with the amazing view for three nights", she nods and tells him the price.

"Do we have room service as well?" Annelise asks.

"Yes twenty four hours for all guests, we also can make reservations for you at popular restaurants around town", she explains.

"Don't worry after a tour tomorrow around town, we're having dinner at a fine restaurant", Brendan whispers.

"So that's why you told me to pack a nice dress and a bikini in case?" She points out.


"Mr. Gunner, here's your room key and hope you enjoy your stay. Pool is to the back and tours are at 9 am, 1 pm and 3 pm tomorrow", the receptionist hands him his key and ID while a worker takes their bags up to the room.

"I have a feeling we're going to have a good weekend, starting tonight", Brendan whispers in Annelise's ear.

"Wait till we get to the room okay", she smirks as they get into the elevator.


"Hey mom. How are you?" Elisha answers her phone the next morning, Malcolm is making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Elisha dear I missed you, I am doing great. Will be going New York soon to see my grandson, when are you going to visit them?"

"Maybe for Thanksgiving or something. How is Ace doing?"

"He's been busy since your father has been sentence a life time in jail", she sighs.

"What?" She gasps as Malcolm looks at her with concern.

"Didn't Brendan told you how much time he got?"

"No, if he knew he would have told me", she sighs.

"His lawyer tried his best to cover up his tracks, but all that evidence against him wasn't good", Kathy explains.

"Are you okay mom?"

"I'm trying to be, you know how much I love your father. I think it's time I moved on, he doesn't love me anymore like I love how I love him. I warned him so many times about his actions and how he will get caught one day", she sighs.

"You deserve better mom. I love you and I'll see you soon."

"I love you too and I always thought you would of end up with Brendan though."

"Mom", Elisha whines.

"What? That's my point of view, his mother and I always bet that since you started elementary school."

"Bye mother."

She hangs up.

"So what was that all about?" Malcolm places the waffles on the plate.

"Did you know that my father was sentence to a lifetime in jail?" She asks.

"What? Really? Well he kind of deserve it, human trafficking, drugs and multiple murder."

"Yeah, I'm just surprise Brendan doesn't know as yet. Speaking about him, I should call him later."


That night Elisha is in the house alone, Malcolm got some stuff to do with Zane and Draven; while Zack and Kacy are at their parent's house.

She's watching a movie when someone knocks on the door, maybe its Malcolm since he said he is coming over once he is finish. 

She unlocks the door and opens it,"hey go-", her smile drops,"who-"

"Sorry darling, orders are orders", the masked man says and knocks her out with sleeping powder. He picks her up, uses her phone to text Malcolm that he doesn't have to bother to come tonight, throws the phone inside and locks the door.

"By the time they realize that you're missing, you'll be long gone", he looks at Elisha's unconscious body. He places her in the van and drives off.


Who do you think the man is working for?

Does Zack actually have feelings for Elisha?

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