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Book name - Stars
Author - StarsAndFireflies_

Reviewer - Siya_the_writer

Note :- I am very sorry that you are getting your review very late dearie ! I hope you forgive me , I got caught up with my university works .


Cover :

The cover looks perfect . Its attractive and gives the soft-smooth vibe . It's a perfect blend and its simplicity is definitely appealing .

Title :

Title , it's very unique . It doesnt make sense in the first chapters and if you aren't a manan fan , it definently doesn't make sense but later on , it proves  there could be no perfect title than this !

A very apt one and of course , a unique title . So , it a perfect one !

Blurb/Prolouge :-

The blurb was a instant catch . It gave the vibes of a teen-fiction which is quite appealing .

It gives a insight of what is going go happen in the story . It's simple yet pleasing !

But , since I read a lot of badboy stories on wattpad...I have come across a few of these type blurbs .

The blurb is too common . For a fanfiction reader , yes...its definitely new but if a reader like me  who has read varied type of stories on the same genre , I dont think I would click on to read .

This is just my perspective . I hope you can work a bit more on the blurb , maybe consider changing the style you have penned it down .

Otherwise , it's a definite Pass in terms of Blurb .

Plot :

The plot chosen is a common one . Its definently clichè if you ask me .

Two people who has tashan-ishq relationship , rent out the same apartment without knowing and then their love story blooms on...!?

This cannot be called as a coincidence , can we ?

Then why did I click to read on ?

It is because of the way you took the flow of the story and that made it look different from the rest .

Obviously , the romance and humour is just a major advantage and a plus point for your story . The comebacks just steal the show away and I find myself cracking up at some dialogues .

The timings are just perfect , it's like expect the unexpected . Its definently enjoyable . Not many can handle humor  , but you kept the momentum . Good job !

Nandhini being portrayed as a bubbly girl while manik being the charmer  who makes your heart flutter at the sight of him is definitely a plus point .

This is kind of similar to Kyy but Manik is of course , less beast-y here and is more sweet than a sugar cube .

Their funny-cute interaction , The Giant and His potato's love story is a major catch in the story .
Also , the Fun-masti of the friends and their nok-jhoks over things are just a bliss to read .

Moving on , Their friendship really caught my eyes first . If only we could get friends like that in real life .

Also , I am happy that you focused on the other couples too and not merely focusing only on Manan . Its refreshing to read the love stories of cabir and navya and their funny breakup's over small things .

Admist all this , the twist of them being under the same roof is just amazing . This is a type of story that people mostly opt to , you've got a great knack here . This perception is from a common reader .

It is almost perfect but what's ticks me off is the phase of the story .
Initially , the phase was super fast . I mean , manan just met yet their friendship zone started and they started to have feelings for each other .

Yeah , I can understand the infatuation part but having real feelings in a short period of time ?

But that's fine , as long as it's fiction  anything happening over is possible .

I am only pointing this out because this book has the potential to be a novel yet its loses its realism charm which is a bit of minus for me , but hey...that doesnt mean it's not worth it , it definently is worth the shot .

Perhaps , you can just take a look at your initial chapters .

But otherwise...the story does make you read the further chapters even if you do not wish to continue , it has a strong reading force !

Also , the end notes added on each chapters only develops the curiosity of the readers , good Job on that too !

Character development :-

Nandhini and Manik's character are a treat to the readers . I literally enjoy reading their interaction with each other .

Manik being self obsessed and self-centered , playful yet sweet on the same time Is just so cute . His antics and his wrong timings just cracks me up , especially his comebacks to cabir or nandhini is hilarious .

I like his dual personality of being hot and cute at the Same time . Unlike kyy , this character actually suits him better .
Him being a mamma boy and then the next second you find him irresistible !

Nandhini , of course..the darling she is . Her emotions and thoughts regarding everything is just so realistic . I like how she doesnt hide back but stands up in front of manik .

There are very few stories where you find the female lead bold enough . In that case , this story is a definite pass for me !

The best part is , even though they fight a lot , at the end they just come back together and find solace in each other .

Great Job on their characterization and rest of them just fit into the story perfectly .

You've got a eye for characterization and I am glad that it is maintained throughout and doesnt go off trail .

Grammer / sentence formation :

Do you really want me to comment on that ?

Your grammar grip is fantastic and your sentence were perfectly constructed . Your use of vocabulary is quite amusing too .

I couldn't find any error while reading the story , it was a smooth finish .


The dialogues are icing on the cake .

The best part of the story is the dialogues , be it nandhini's monologue or manik and their different perception towards the world .

Some stories , I find the female and the Male lead having same type of perception yet this broke that clichè and took a turn around .

Good job, keep it up !

But , I suggest you provide English translations alongside the hindi dialogues .

Even though hindi dialogues deliver the emotions properly ,
Not all your readers might know hindi and most of the chapters had major hindi dialogues . This could reduce the interest of the people who really want to read your story but couldn't .

This is the only minus I found , otherwise as said before it's a perfection .

Points to be noted

- The blurb could be more interesting .

- The Story's phase should be uniform .

- Providing English translation alongside the hindi dialogues .

Advantages :-

- Characterization

- Story flow

- Mesmerising Dialouges

- Perfect Grammer Grip

Overall ;

This is a treat to Manan Fandom !
I would surely recommend it to people who haven't read bad boy stories before because the plot seems similar .

But , you definently have a new reader I.e, me because this is really gripping and I would love to see more of The giant and the potato's love story !

Good luck and all the best for your future works ××

Note :-

I am sorry if I was rude anywhere . Please do forgive me !



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