Chapter 40

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Silent like his own shadow, Tiberius walked through the woods with his head low. His heart laid in shattered pieces inside his chest. He felt so broken right now. All he wanted to do right now was to head home. And he wasn't even sure if he wanted to go there. At least this day couldn't get any worse.

Then it did.

"Hello your majesty," Ozone purred in a sickly sweet voice, emerging from the shadows. Tiberius sighed heavily. Was the universe against him today? "Hi Ozone," he mumbled, not really in the mood for talking. Clearly not getting the message, the mountain lion circled the miserable griffin, slinking closer with each circle. Flicking his tail about, Ozone remarked, "Where's Norman at? I thought you were looking for him."

"Ozone, please. I don't want to talk right now," Tiberius rasped hoarsely. Sympathy flashed in Ozone's eyes as he finally realized the situation. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know Tiberius," the mountain lion mumbled. Keeping his eyes down, the griffin murmured, "It's okay, you didn't know. It just happened tonight."

"My condolences. I imagine you want to get home as soon as possible," Ozone commented. Tiberius simply nodded his head. Patting the griffin on the shoulder, the mountain lion advised, "I took this awesome shortcut to get all the way out here. There's a meadow not too far from here that goes around the mountain, you can cut straight through it. No problems." Adjusting his course, Tiberius whispered, "Thank you."

"Safe travels your majesty," Ozone meowed. Watching the griffin until he disappeared, the mountain lion grinned sinisterly as he purred, "Safe travels to the afterlife that is..."

"Dad! Dad, where are you?!" Norman called. He ran through the field and into the woods, trying to find his father. But he wasn't a very good tracker yet so there was no sign of the older griffin. That didn't mean the cub hadn't found someone. He could hear crying in the distance. "Hello?" Norman called, entering a small clearing. There, he found a fluffy white dog all by herself.

"Oh, hi. Sorry, I'm just..." the dog stammered. Unable to finish her sentence, she broke into tears again as she sobbed, "I don't know what's wrong with me! I think I lost someone but I can't remember!" Taking her paw into his smaller taloned forepaws, Norman reassured her, "It's okay, I'm lost too." Wagging his tail, he remarked, "Maybe we can look together!"

"I like that idea. I'm Gidget," the fluffy white dog introduced herself. Trotting right alongside her, Norman quipped, "I'm Norman." Seeing the dog's eyes widen, the griffin cub asked, "Are you okay Gidget?" Shaking her head, the fluffy white dog mumbled, "I honestly don't know. I swear I've heard your name before."

"I hear Norman is a popular name," Norman informed Gidget. The dog nodded her head quietly. They walked along a little ways before she asked, "Who are we looking for? I can't remember anything." When the cub looked at her confused, she explained, "I suffer from short term memory loss." Giving her a hug, Norman replied, "I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe it'll come back to you while we look for my dad. His name is Tiberius."

"You both have very nice names- wait! You're Norman!" Gidget exclaimed. Her head just exploded into a series of flashbacks from the last few days, recounting everything she and Tiberius had gone through on their journey to find Norman. And now here she was with the cub. Pulling the youngster into a warm hug, the fluffy white dog cried, "Thank goodness you're alright! Come on, we have to find your father! He went this way!"

"You know my dad?!" Norman asked, recovering from the bone crushing hug. He raced after Gidget as she shouted, "I will explain everything later!"

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