Chapter Ten: Terrible Trouble

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Fox's POV

Alex steps up.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Alex says in a singsong voice.

He runs around, trying to find us. He climbs on top of a pile of hay, looks behind it, and jumps down. Apparently, that is all the barn can take. It begins to tremble. I look at Rose and Avery and pull them closer to me. I hold them as close as I can, and shield their heads in case chunks of ceiling fall. Alex looks around, bewildered. I look around the room, considering jumping out and running out with everyone. I have a new secret. I am secretly afraid of falling from high places. I consider. If I have a choice over a falling building and a psyco seventh-grader, I'll take the building.

The ground starts to fall in chunks. I hold on tight to the kids. The ground underneath us falls just as I jump up with them and land on a piece of hay. It is still behind the pile, so he doesn't see us. Rose and Avery are frightened. The ground below our piece of hay falls at the same time as Alex falls. He looks at us for a split second, then he lands in a pile of straw. We hold on to the twine wrapping around the hay, and land on the ground. The hay breaks our fall. Alex stands up.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Fox. I've heard so much about you!"

I roll my eyes. I push the toddlers behind me and stand up.

"Who do you think you are? To do this to Amanda?" I say.

He flashed a beautiful grin. God, I need to stop thinking this way, he's nothing but a jerk! A beautiful jerk...

"Aaah!" Stella and Parker fall down through the ceiling behind Alex.

Alex smiles. "And what do we have here? Some kids who are related to Fox and Amanda! What to do...What to do..."

He pretends to think. He puts his finger in the air.

"I know! I could just shut and bolt the door so nobody can get out!" he looked up at the falling ceiling.

He runs out and shut the door. I hear a thump. He bolts the door. A piece of ceiling narrowly missed my head.

"Crap. We need to get out of here!" I say, "Parker! You know what to do! In the dry season, barns from this type of wood tend to-" I stop, seeing a small flame where Rose is about to step. I grab her arm. "Catch on fire!"

Everyone else falls down. Parker is running around, putting out the fires with his shoe. Brendan and Ryan help him.

"What do we do?" Chris asks, "And what did we do?"

I shrug. I look around. The flames are getting bigger now.

"Bryan, Chris. You go see if the wood can be punched through!" I shout.

They go over. Bryan reels back and punches the wall. A hole appears. We all cheer. I grab the small kids and drop them out the window first. Then, the rest of us jump out. I go last. As I jump, flames lick at my feet and hands. My long hair catches fire. My wrists and ankles begin to burn. I tuck and roll on the ground. Alex is riding away on his horse. I run to an old pigpen and dump the old water on my head.

"Chris, Bryan, go get a bunch of damp cloth!" I say, "Alyssa, turn on the sprinkler system!"

They run off to do what I said. I move the kids away from the fire.

"Oh, yeah, guys? Amanda is in jail, just FYI," I shout after them.

When the boys return with the cloth, I press it to everyone's mouth.

"Breathe," I tell them all.

The sprinkler system turns on. The fire begins to go out. Mom and Dad pull up in the car. The car stops and they step out. They run over.

Author's Note:
How will they tell the parents? Don't forget to comment and vote, and I will follow you back!

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