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Jack walked into the home base of the Fallen Angels. Immediately, three girls fawned over him.

"It's Ajani." One said.

"God, he's hot." Another said.

"Guys, shut up. Wishu could hear us." The third scolded.

"So? It's her loss for breaking up with him."

"Yeah, but she still likes him, remember?"

"That's not true."

"Yeah it is."

"Girls." Jack yelled at them, grabbing their attention. "Just stop. I'm not available."

"Sean?" Jack turned to the brown-haired girl on the opposite side of the room. "Can I talk to you?" Jack sighed, rolling his eyes as he made his way over to her.

"What is it, Wishu?"

She frowned. "Really? Back to the code name?"

Jack scowled. "Well, what else am I supposed to call you after you broke my fucking heart? They all think you broke up with me. They don't even know that you cheated on me with Rodin."

"I'm sorry, Sean, I don't know what came over me. I... I miss you, Sean."

"You only miss me because you no longer have anyone to fuck since my father executed Alec. You don't miss me at all."

"That's not true!" She exclaimed. "I really do miss you!"

"Fuck you." Jack spat. "Goodbye, Wishu. And stop talking to me." He walked off to his father's office.

Felix looked up from his desk and smiled. "Jack! How was your first day?"

Jack tried to smile and failed. "Not very good, Father. I think the detective knows that something is wrong. We interrogated the man Dad and I tried to kill. I think... I think he's trying to find out who Ajani is- who I am."

Felix nodded. "I know. Signe called and told me about it."

Jack scowled. "Of course she did."

"Jack, what's going on with you two? You used to be best friends, and even dated. Now it's like you hate her."

"Because I do!" Jack exclaimed. "She fucking cheated on me with Alec! And I have no use for people in my life who do that sort of thing to me."

"Okay, okay, I hear you."

Jack collapsed in a chair. "Can we talk about something else?"

"Fine, fine." Felix picked up a piece of paper. "I have another mission for you."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Of course. Let's hear it."


Mark stayed late at the LAPD that night, pouring over every file he could find over Ajani, or at least mentioned him. After coming up with no leads, he put the files back and rubbed his face tiredly. He stared at the picture on the wall for the millionth time, and paid no attention when the door opened, and someone walked in. The person cleared their throat, and Mark jumped, turning to face him.

Mat smiled at him. "Evening, detective. I didn't realize you'd be staying late again tonight."

Mark sighed. "I always do, Mat. Anyways, what do you need?"

Mat laughed to himself. "Funny you should ask that, actually. I need-" Mat's smile fell as he pulled his gun out of the holster. "You."

"What-" Mark's arms were forced behind his back, and he turned his head to see the man in the black and white poker mask. "What's going on, Mat? Why are you doing this?"

"The Don wishes to see you." Mat put it simply. He pulled a white cloth out of his pocket and pressed it over Mark's nose and mouth. Mark struggled to breathe as his vision started to fade. Eventually, he stopped as he closed his eyes, already asleep.

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