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Jack took his headset off, leaning back in his desk chair and stretching. Another mission done and over with. He stood up to leave for his apartment, until Mat forced his way into the room.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Mat? What are you doing here? Why aren't you with Steph and Ollie?"

Mat closed the door behind him. "Your father didn't want you to leave. Not yet, at least. He needs you for his interrogation."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "You mean the guy Dad just brought in? What's so special about it? Who is it?"

Mat wasn't able to give him an answer, since a voice chimed in his ear. "Alright, Mat. Bring him in."

"Right away, Felix." Mat looked at Jack. "Don't make me force you this soon." He motioned to the door, and Jack followed him out.


Mark slowly woke up in an unfamiliar windowless, metal room. He was sitting upright in a chair and was placed in front of a table. He sat, looking at the bland table, until an older, blonde male walked into the room.

"Hello, detective." The man said in an accent Mark couldn't recognize at the moment.

"What am I doing here?" Mark demanded.

"I have some questions I would like to ask you." The man said, smiling at him. "First of all-" The man's "nice guy" demeanor came off, and he scowled at Mark, slamming his hands on the table. "What do you want with Ajani?"

Mark looked at the man's face, confused, until it clicked. He smiled. "Oh, this is the Fallen Angels mafia! And you must be the Don."

"Answer my damn question." The Don spat.

"No. Why should I?"

"Do it or I kill your partner."

Mark scoffed. "I don't have a partner."

The Don smirked. "Oh really?" He stood up straight. "Bring him in, Miji!"

The door flew open, and Mat walked into the room, gripping Jack's upper arm tightly. Jack stared at Mark, a look of pure horror written over his face. Mat threw Jack in the chair next to Mark.

"Mat?" Mark asked quietly. "You're Miji? You're part of the mafia?"

"Shut the fuck up." Mat spat at him. "Or I'll kill you. I never liked you, anyways- you always thought you were better than anyone else, especially when that Amy bitch was alive." Mark bit his lip.

"Now," The Don interrupted. "Answer my goddamn question." He held his hand out to Mat, who took his gun out of the holster and handed it to him. The Don took it off safety and pointed it at the center of Jack's head. "Or your partner is killed."

"What the fuck is going on?" Jack screamed.

"Shut up!" Mat screamed back.

"Answer it!" The Don chimed in.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Mark yelled at the Don. "He's just a fucking kid! Leave him the hell out of it!"

"Trust me, I don't want to do this. But if it's the only way to get what I want-" The Don loaded the gun. "You better start talking."

Jack started to cry. "Detective, please... I don't want to die... whatever it is, just please tell them!"

Mark groaned. "Fine! Your 'Ajani' killed my girlfriend!" The room went silent. "I'm looking for him so he can pay for what he did to me!"

The Don was silent for a moment before clicking he safety back off and handing the gun back to Mat. "Miji, you take care of the Detective. I'll take the kid."

Jack violently shook his head, tears streaming down his face as he was forced out of his chair and out of his room. "No. No, please, don't hurt us!"

Mat grinned sadistically at Mark when the door closed behind Jack and the Don. "This is going to be fun."

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