Daniel Meets With Vincenzo.

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After breakfast that morning, I decided to go for a walk before Tsubaki came over later in the afternoon. When I got to a sporting goods store...
"Hey, traitor." I heard a voice say.
"Hello, Vincenzo." I said without looking at him as he appeared out of a circle with the Rossi Family crest on it.
"Long time no see." He smirked.
"What do you want Vinnie?"
"Your mother told me where you were and I heard that you want nothing to do with the family anymore."
"I heard and just her side of the family which by some amazing coincidence includes you." I growled.
"You know I'm not going to go away Danny Boy."
"You will."
"I still owe you for telling my girlfriends the truth about me."
"You were lying to them, juggling them and using them. I just did the right thing which was always a difficult thing for you to do Vinnie. And that happened five years ago. I thought by now that the time spent in Polermo would have taught you some common sense by now."
"Kind of hard to learn when your focused on revenge."
"Wow and I thougth mom was dense." I said as the Tempus gauntlet appeared on my arm.
"Ohh, I'm not going to fight you here and now Danny Boy. Our family taught us better than to go head first into a battle without at least sizing up the competition."
"Well then you would be outclassed in that case considering you would always attack first and ask questions later. Which by the way is why your mom left the family long before your little juggling issue."
"She was just afraid of how great and powerful I'd become."
"Not true. You see. You were an embarassment to her. So..." He started getting angry. "Ahh, why bother on touching on things that already happened."
"Well, you may act smug now Danny Boy. But I wonder what your friends would do if I went after them and killed each one of them. And told the others to ask you why I did it."
"Leave them out of this Vinnie. This vendetta of yours is between just you and me."
"Oh I know. I'll visit your girlfriend and have my way with her then kill her. That way we'd be even."
I was shaking in anger as I remembered one of the fragment nightmares.
"Don't you dare touch Tsubaki. She's done nothing to you."
"That all depends on you cousin."
"Tell me what you want."
"Meet me at your little school tonight at eleven. If you don't show. Then it's open season on your friends and your precious Tsubaki." He vanished and I fell to my knees. As I was crying and feeling sorry for myself and how I was so stupid for not just leaving when I heard Vinnie was told where I was by my mother.
"Hey, sport." Said Uncle Luciano.
"Hey, Uncle." I said standing up and wiping away any excess tears.
"It seems you had a run in with Vincenzo." He said solemly. I nodded. "Well, I was going to come and invite you to my hotel room for lunch but it seems you have something else on your mind."
"Your right." I said clearly after calming down. "Listen Uncle I'll be at your hotel room later and can I bring my girl along?"
"Sure. After all I gave you the white/red rose didn't I to give to her." I nodded. "Be here at three." He handed me the address and room number.
"Wait this is the hotel room you holed me up in."
"So your using it now?"
"Yeah. Things are rather dicey in Italy at the moment. So I'm taking a vacation here until it's sorted out."
"How are things dicey in Italy?"
"I'll explain more later. Right now you need to get home and cleaned up before your girl arrives." He smiled and hugged me and I headed home. "See you at three Daniel."
"See you Uncle." I ran home and as he suggested got cleaned up, even put on a clean button up black shirt and blue denim jeans. Once I put on a pair of black sneakers a knock came to my room door. "Come in."
"Hey, Daniel." Rias said rather irritated.
"Uh oh. Who's in trouble now?"
"You are." She said.
"Look Daniel, I know your mother told your cousin where you were at, and I know he's already here."
"How?" I asked.
"Akeno saw you sneak out the night before last and followed you. You met up with your father and he told you that your family was going to leave you alone. But he also told you that your mother told your cousin where he could find you." She was steaming. "So as a precaution for your day with Tsubaki yesterday I had my familiar follow you and keep tabs on you." I hung my head in shame as she continued. "Look, I'm glad you and your father are trying to patch things up. And I can tell that you were happy that he met Tsubaki." She smiled a bit, but not enough to hide her disgust and anger with me. "So when your afternoon with Tsubaki is done today. I would like to talk to you more at length as to what can be done."
"Yes, Rias."
"So what are you going to do today?"
"Go to my uncle's hotel room. He's using the one he put me up in when I left Italy."
"Well, I'm glad your Uncle looked out for you and it seems he continues to."
"Yeah. Uncle Luciano has always looked out for me. He's just the best."
"Well, have fun and remember we will discuss what to do when you get back."
"Okay, Rias." I stood up and headed to the parlor where Tsubaki was just arriving via transportation circle. "Hey, Princess." I said as I approached her.
"Hey my Italian Devil." She smiled as I kissed her.
"Please." I gestured for her to sit down on the sofa and I sat down next to her.
"So, have a good nights sleep?" She asked.
"Yes, and no." I told her.
"What do  you mean yes and no?" I could tell Rias was watching what was going on from the second floor.
I took a deep breath and told Tsubaki the truth. How my dad and I met the night before our day together, how my spiteful mother told my cousin where he could find me since shse couldn't find any support to try and force me to end an age old and a long dead rivalry between the Rossi's/Sitri's/Gremory's. Even about my run in with Vincenzo this morning and what he said he'd do if I didn't show at eleven that night. When I finished, "So, I will understand if your mad, or want to slap me and never see me again. I just wanted to protect you and my friends from my sociopathic cousin. I'm sorry." Rias watched Tsubaki's reaction which was shock, anger then just relief.
"Daniel." Tsubaki said. "You are the man I love. And even though you did lie to me and the others. I forgive you because you did what you thought was in my and our friends best interest." I looked at her with a confused look on my face. "And how can I get mad at someone who would throw himself into the deepest pits of hell just to keep me safe." She hugged me and I slowly hugged her back. "By the way." She said pulling away from me. "Does Rias know?"
"Mmm Hmm." I hummed pointing to the second floor. Tsubaki looked at her and smiled.
"But she wants to talk to me at length about what can be done from here in terms of dealing with my cousin."
"So she doesn't know about your meet up tonight?"
"Nope not yet." Tsubaki called Rias down to us and snuggled closer to me.
"What's up you two love birds." She jokily said.
"Rias. I ran into my cousin this morning and he wants me to meet him tonight at eleven and if I don't. He'll have his way with Tsubaki and kill her. Then the rest of you." Rias was concerned now that I told her about the meet up.
"Well, this does kind of limit our options. But I'll get ahold of Sona and we'll figure something out." 
"Thank you Rias." Tsubaki and me said in unison.

About around two thirty Tsubaki and I headed to the hotel Uncle Luciano was staying at. And it took us at least thirty to forty minutes to get to the hotel and up to his hotel room. "Here we are." I smiled.
"I'm actually kind of nervous meeting another member of your family." Tsubaki smiled. I held her hand in my left and knocked with my right hand.
"Uncle Luciano it's me. You here."
"Yeah. Just a second." Uncle Luciano said before opening the door. "Come on in guys. Make yourselves at home." He smiled as Tsubaki and me walked past him. We saw the table covered in Italian dishes that I was sure were made by him. Home made eight layer four cheese lasagna, angel hair pasta spaghetti with meatball/marinara sauce, even his signature gnocchi.
"Wow, Uncle Luciano. You really know how to bury the term all out." I smiled as Tsubaki leaned into me.
"Well, this is the first time I had some time with my nephew. Only difference is. Now he's got a girlfriend." He looked at Tsubaki. "Hi, I'm Luciano Rossi. Daniel's uncle."
"Tsubaki Shinra. I'm his girlfriend."
Uncle Luciano smiled and giggled, "She's sweet and funny."
"Also Student Council Vice President." She added.
"Wow. That's awesome." He smiled at her. "So what will be the topic of conversation this afternoon, Tsubaki?"
"Why do I pick?" She asked me.
"Well, me and Uncle Luciano started a tradition that whenever we got together we'd take turns choosing the topic of the discussion and since he did it last time it falls to me. But since this is the first time with a girlfriend. He wants you to choose."
"Oh." She looked at Uncle for a moment or two and said, "Can you tell me what Daniel was like when he was younger?"
"Oh, I have a ton of stories." He giggled as did Tsubaki. I looked up and was just stunned that Tsubaki would do that.
'Angels and ministers of grace defend us.' I whispered. The luncheon went very well. In fact Tsubaki loved hearing about the time I was barely learning how to swim and how my best friend at the time nearly scared and drowned me when he 'pretended' to be a shark.
When five o'clock rolled around me and Tsubaki said our goodbye's to Uncle Luciano. But when I reminded him of what he said about things being dicey in Italy. All he said was, "Your mother raising hell there since she couldn't find any supporters for her little cause." I nodded in understanding. "But I do hope we get together again Daniel. And you as well Tsubaki." We left and headed to Issei's manor and once we were there. Tsubaki created a transportation circle before kissing me goodbye hopefully for the day.
"See you tomorrow baby."
"See you tomorrow Princess." I kissed her cheeks and lips and hugged her before she walked through the circle. After the circle vanished I headed upstairs to my room to prep for the meet up with Vinnie.

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