The Italian's First Kill.

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Later after School. I reported to the ORC clubhouse...
"Okay, well we have a new member here to introduce. Daniel Boyce. This is Kiba, Koneko, Issei, Asia, Xenovia, Gasper and you already know Akeno."
"Hello, Daniel." Everyone said.
"Hi." I waved to them all.
"And for any girl in this group that's not aware. He's off the market and so quickly too."
"Oh really. Who's the lucky girl?" Kiba asked.
"Tsubaki Shinra." Rias said.
"Oh wow. Congratulations, she's quite the catch and woman." Xenovia smiled.
"Oh, I know. And another thing. I'm part of the Rossi Family. One of the last pure blood devil family's aside from the Sitri's and Gremory's."
"I know about that Daniel." Rias smiled.
"Then I'm guessing that you know what my family thought I was here for." She nodded.
"And I also know that you can not stand your families politics and bureacracy."
"Very true."
"Well, your family means nothing here. As long as your with us you have a new family and you will always be looked after. "
"Thank you, Rias." 
"Your very welcome Daniel."I sat next to Koneko who was eating a piece of a chocolate bar and Gasper who smiled at me as he was happy that he wasn't the only other guy aside from Issei and Kiba. "Now, down to business. We have a stray devil to exterminate. So instead of waiting another second we should head to the site and go from there. Oh but before we do. Daniel I want you to know that I would like you to stay back. But if worse comes to worse. I'll send you in and you can help the others."
"Yes, Rias." I replied. We all were taken to what looked like a clearing of trees and in the center was a woman weeping over a body. Rias handed out assignments. Kiba and Koneko took the rear, Gasper and Issei took the left, Xenovia and Asia took the right leaving Akeno and Rias in the front. After they took their positions around whatever this was. Kiba, Koneko, Issei, Gasper, Asia, Xenovia, Akeno and Rias approached the woman. And not even a second latera real battle broke out in front of me. The woman had a giant spider like body with teeth in the centerof the chest of the spider half of her. After a few minutes and since no ground was being gained as it were. I felt my right send tingles up my right arm and when I clenched my fist a bright blue light covered my arm and most of my the trees I was standing under. When the light suceded. My surroundings weren't affected but what covered my forearm and hand and wrist was truly a sight to see. I felt like I was looking at an advanced futuristic all purpose tool or something. But there were small rings circling my wrist and at my finger tips was a larger version of the rings circling my wrist. I looked at the fight and held out my hand and bent it at the wrist making my palm face the stray devil and it froze in place. Everyone looked at me and noticed the blueish ring at my fingertips. My other hand was a mere two inches from my 'decorated' forearm. I moved my right arm to the left and the stray started showing cuts and burns on its body even a shattered body to put it mildly. Rias and the others looked at what was going on and didn't know whether to make heads or tails of what was going on. I moved my arm to the right and the stray went back to it's first position when we arrived. I held my arm outstretched and with my left arm reached to my side and a portal opened up and a staff manifested from it. At the top of the staf was a sundial. Along with two other clocks that hovered over the sundial. I struck the ground with the sharp pointed bottom of the staff and lowered my right hand. The stray remained unaware and frozen in position. I pulled one clock that was hovering over the sundial and approached the stray. And held the ticking hand and the stray started gasping and sputtering.
The strays head was released from the freezing effect and it looked at me. "What's going on?" It asked.
"My guess is that as long as I hold this hand." I showed it the clock and I was clutching the ticking hand in place. "You will slowly die." I told it.
"Please. Let go of it. And please unfreeze me."
"Sorry, that's not my decision. It's my masters. Rias." I said coldly as Rias approached me smiling after a moment. She went into what I learned was a common speech that needed to be said before killing a stray devil. And once she did destroy the stray. everyone looked to me as I had returned the clock to it's original position and barely grasped the staff before it and the holo-tool as I would call it vanished into thin air and only my ring remained back on my finger. Rias approached me as did the others.
"What was that?" She asked.
I looked at her and said with all honesty. "I wish I knew."
"That would be the staff of Kronos and the tempus gauntlet."
"Azazel what are you doing here?" Rias said.
"Oh not much. I heard we had a new devil in the ranks so I decided to come and observe him and I must say he did reallly well."
"Azazel. Commander General of the fallen angels. Now consultant for the ORC. Correct?"
"That's right. Nice to meet you Daniel."
"I wish I could say the same." I said sarcastically.
"Well you shoul be very happy with yourself Rias you have a genuine ace in the hole with this kid."
"But he stopped time. I thought only Gasper could do that." Issei said.
"Well, Gasper can only stop time. Not control time like Daniel can." Azazel grinned. "No offense Gasper."
"None taken." He approached me and grinned. I kneeled so I could be at Gaspers level and he hugged me. I smiled. "I'm glad I'm not the only one with time manipulation anymore."
"Well, I'd like to think that we're brothers in time." I giggled. And he laughed.
We returned to the ORC clubhouse without Azazel and once club business concluded. Rias said, "Daniel, I would llike you to stay at Issei's with the rest of us. I hope that isn't a problem."
"No. Not at all." I smiled. We all transported to Issei's manner and to my surprise a room was prepared for me. I walked into my new room and found Tsubaki there waiting for me.  "Hey princess." I said making her smile and blush.
"Hey my Italian Devil." She approached me and kissed me as I wrapped my arms around her. "How did your first stray devil hunt go?"
"Great. In fact apparently I have a couple of special abilities. Both having to do with time. But I'm too tired to discuss that for now. I just want to just do some homework and relax but for now. I want to spend time with my girlfriend." I laid down on the bed and she joined me not too long after. "How did Council business go tonight baby girl?"
"As well as can be expected." She said as she laid her head on my chest.
"Well that's good to hear. "
"Yeah." She nuzzled her head deeper into my chest. "I'm so happy you and I are together." She smiled.
"As am I. In fact if it weren't for you my Lady Tsubaki. I'm not sure I would have been able to stay."
"How come?" She lifted her head and looked at me.
"Well my mother visited me day or two ago as I was getting back to the hotel room I was staying in thanks to Uncle Luciano. So if it weren't for Rias taking me in and you giving me the opprotunity to be your boyfriend. I probably would have left Kuoh City and ran to some other place. I hate my family and it's bullshit politics and long dead vendetta's. And now that I have you as my girl and Rias' peerage as a new family. I feel much better." Tsubaki blushed and leaned down and kissed me and I kissed her back not long into our kiss. Once we pulled away from each other. I looked at the clock and it was almost midnight. "Ohh, how I wish it was Saturday baby girl."
"Me too." She frowned a bit as she looked at her phone and noticed that her timer had an hour left on it.
"Why don't we just lay here and cuddle baby girl?"
"Good idea." She laid her head on my shoulder this time and I wrapped my left arm around her waist.
Once her timer went off. We got up off the bed and I hugged her and kissed her and asked, "Do you really have to go baby girl?"
"Yes that was the deal you made with Rias and Sona darling."
"I'll know better next time when negotiating with Sona."
"Good. Because it hurts to be away from you."
"Same here Tsubaki." A transportation circle appeared near us with the Sitri seal embedded in it.
"See you at school tomorrow baby."
"See you at school darling." I bowed and held her hand to my lips and kissed it gently. She kissed my cheek then walked onto the circle and vanished. I opened my briefcase and spread out my homework assignments and began working on all of them. It took me at least an hour to finish all assignments before going to bed. After the last period was place, I put away the finished homework and changed into some spare pajamas I found in the dresser near the closet, then went to bed.

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