Chapter 25

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I jumped at the sound of the door. I hesitated. 'What if it was one of those thugs?' I had to question myself. I still decided to get out of the bed and walk towards the door, the Kolvstad in hand. I then after several moments, opened the door.

I found that it was Gwen at the door. I sighed. "Your really paranoid now. Whats wrong?" she inquired.

I sighed again. "Its just... That I... I just... Don't know what to do." I replied, falling face-first on the bed, mumbling.

"About what?" she asked back. I thought on that for a moment. 'What did I not know what to do on?' I asked myself. I rolled on my back. I then sighed.

"I don't know what to do with anything and everything. I can't do this anymore. I ju-" I was cut off by someone else closing the door.

"Really now? Thats not the Miranda that I knew." Cyrus said. He leaned on the wall, smirking. I sighed.

"You're probably right. I don't even think that I know who I am anymore." I yelled. I turned away, clenching my fists as I walked towards a chair to sit on.

"And thats okay since you're an amnesiac. Don't worry, we'll get all of your memories back." Gwen responded.

"Its not," I mumbled, head on my arms, "I need to know everything that I once knew. I need to... Just... Sort everything out."

"And thats what we'll do. Stop worrying Miranda." Cyrus replied, patting my back. All I did was sigh. I lifted my head to look at him.

"I just can't... I need answers." I replied, tearful. I turned away, laying my head back on the desk, only to get hugged by Gwen.

"Its okay, you don't necessarily have to lead by yourself." she replied. I sighed yet again. I lifted my head and turned to face Cyrus.

"You're both right," I told them, "I have all of my friends and family," I stood up, hugged Gwen for a moment, and let go, and then walked up to Cyrus and hugged him, "And for that, I thank you both for lifting my mood." I felt Cyrus tense up when I hugged him, but I didn't care, I didn't want anyone to ruin it. He understood it, and huged me back.

"Its alright," he said, tightening his hold, "We'll all help you." I pulled back. I then felt something press slightly on the top of my head.



























It was Cyrus patting my head. I flet heat rushing into my cheeks. Realizing this, I fell to my knees, my gaze focusing on the ground so people wouldn't see my blush.

"It alright. You can countt on us." Gwen said as she trotted out.

Cyrus sat on the ground next to me. "Don't worry Miranda, everything is going to be alright." he spoke after a while. All I could do was nod slowly.

"Hey, look at me. Everythings going to be alright." Cyrus said.

I looked up at him.

Hola todas! Konichiwa minna! Hello everyone!

Sorry for late update. I've been busy with school and swim, so when I get home, I eat, do hw, type a little, and then sleep. New news! Chapter 28 is the end of Book 1. And its the same deadline for the Challenge... AND ITS ONLY 3 CHAPTERS AWAY! New upcoming things! Be on the look out for The Journey Of Two: Book 2: Breakthrough The Prison... Coming to an update near you. So have fun, read more, laugh lots, live life.

Bueno suerte! Ganbata minna! Good luck!
Adios todas! Sayonara minna! Goodbye everyone!

Signing off,

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