05| The Invitation (Part 2)

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Kelly LeVonne

The weeks following the 100th anniversary ball, I busied myself with working for my father's company. I had asked him for a job some days after the ball and after a couple of refusals and a ton of begging on my end, he finally gave in.

In all that time, though, I never forgot my encounter with King Theodore. I sometimes allowed myself to fantasize about him just a bit, teasing my mind with what I thought would be his sexual preferences. From the impression I got of him, he looked like a man who liked control which was perfect because I liked giving it.

I also sometimes wondered what he was up to, so I allowed myself to stalk him on Instagram and google him a couple of times. His position being so public helped a lot. From my search, I know that he has been on some kind of diplomatic tour for two weeks now out of the country and would be returning shortly. I tried not to be excited at that. It's not like I could book a meeting just to see him and if I did that would just be awkward. Or maybe not.

No, Kelly. I mentally chided myself as I forced my mind to focus back on the documents before me. We had a department meeting in five minutes so I quickly rounded up and was about to stand up when my assistant, Danica knocked and without waiting for a reply walked in. Something she had a habit of doing.

"Department meeting starts in three minutes." She reminds me, holding her o' so prized tablet close to her chest.

"Thank you, Danica." I said to her as I stood up from my seat.

Over the couple of weeks that I have worked here, Danica and I have become a bit close. We had a friendly agreement and she calls me by my name.

As soon as we were ready, she came with me to the meeting which would be holding on the 14th floor of the LeVonne Corporations building. On getting there, at the head of the table sat none other that Greg Barker, the current head of the finance department.

I had asked my father not to make me the co-head of the department, but rather, the deputy but upon meeting Greg, I really wish I was the Co-Head. Maybe being on the same managerial level as he would stop him from making unethical sexual advances towards me as he has ever since I arrived here.

As I took a seat on his right hand side, I tried not to gag at the disgustingly strong smell of his perfume. It seemed like he bathed in it before coming here and it briefly came to my mind that he was probably trying to impress me. Wrong move, buddy.

He gave me what was supposed to be a sexy smile. "Hello, Kelly."

I openly rolled my eyes before ignoring him and looking down at the folder on my desk to read through.

"Don't be rude, Kelly." He said with an annoyed frown.

This guy really doesn't get the hint.

"Rude, would be the pungent smell of your perfume." I tactfully stated with a straight look at the edge of the table where a presentation was about to begin. I could feel his eyes boring a hole in my head but I couldn't care less.

In an hour, the meeting was rounded up and I quickly made my way back to my office with Danica at my heels.

As I settled back into my leather seat, Danica immediately went off on something but my mind wasn't even there anymore. No. The moment I picked up my phone, opened my Instagram and saw my feed, my mind exited that room. There in that picture was none other than King Theodore and with the news that he had returned to the country. A small smile graced my face at that knowledge.

"Ma'am." I heard Danica say worriedly because I had drifted away.

I looked up at her. "Tell me, Danica. What do you think of the King."

She looked surprised by my question for a moment. "King Theodore?"

I gave her a small nod.

"Well, what every other citizen of this country thinks. That he is a strong and amazing leader who has truly impacted this country positively in a relatively short period of time." She practically recited that sentence off the top of her head.

I shook my head at her with an inaudible sigh before deciding to forget it. I don't even know why I asked in the first place. "Never mind."

A couple of hours later and I was soaking in a bath, resting after the day I had. After that short and ridiculous Q and A with Danica, we had worked strainiously for hours.

After my bath, I was in my room getting dressed when I heard a knock on the door.

"Just a minute." I said loudly quickly tying a robe before going to open the door.

A maid stood there and handed me a letter. "This came in for you, ma'am."

"Thank you." I said to the young girl, taking the letter before shutting the door closed.

I briefly wondered whom it could be from as I tore it open.

You, Miss Kelly LeVonne have been cordially invited to the annual equestrian match at...

I couldn't help the high pitched squeal that I released like a little girl. Why, you may wonder?

Well, the annual equestrian match is the biggest horse match in the whole of Westgate, a country which is known for their horses as well as other things. It's an event where the elite and royal folk come and bet ridiculously high amounts of money on the players. It is also an event that the king always attends as he is one of the sponsors. I'm almost convinced that this is an invitation that he had sent to me.

While I was antagonizing how I was going to see him again he helped make it easy. It looks like this won't be so hard after all, I thought to myself with a wide grin.


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Also, I created a schedule for this book. I will be updating two chapters every weekend.

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