06| The Match

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Kelly LeVonne

Finally, the day of the match arrived. I made sure to look my best in a short white and yellow floral designed sundress. Since it's is going to be out in the open, I decide to wear a black  pair of Aldo sandals and tie my hair high up in a ponytail.

My mother had been so happy when I told her I received an invitation. Usually, she had one made for me as my father is also a sponsor of the event. She had no idea who it could possibly be from but she sure had her fun speculating. Meanwhile, I had no intention to tell her who I suspected it was indeed from, she didn't need to know that.

As soon as we were both ready, we had the driver take us to the large ranch where it is always held. All through the ride, I found myself strangely nervous. Why? I have no idea. Just the thought of seeing the King again put me on edge that badly.

We arrived the place and already there was paparazzi taking pictures of the whole thing. I swear those people are everywhere. It was already almost packed by the time we arrived and my mother immediately went off with her  friends while I went to look for mine. There was a stairway which led to the glass showing room from where the match was usually watched. No one ever stayed on the stands where the heat sometimes got crazy.

As I walked in, there were many people around but I immediately spotted Alice, whom I had remained in constant contact with these past weeks. After exchanging greetings we went to get something to eat at the table before going back to socialize. I was with Alice and her parents, Austin and Arabelle Brick. Almost everyone who is anyone in this society knows Austin. He is a multi billionaire and the owner of a internationally known steel producing company as well as some other businesses. His wife, Arabelle, who is also a close friend of my mother is the elder sister to the late wife of the King.

Austin walks off, most probably to discuss business leaving his wife, Alice and myself alone. After some minutes of chatting, two handsome young boys run up to her screaming, "Aunt Arabelle." I know before I am told who those two boys are. With their perfectly pressed short shorts, matching polo shirts and jet black hair, I immediately identify them as the King's sons.

Arabelle hugs them close and speaks to them about something that make them even more excited as I watched them. The taller boy looked so much like Theodore with his thick black hair, straight nose and full lips. But the younger one didn't. He had brownish hair with some other features that didn't match Theodore's. I knew immediately that he took after his mother, Queen Analiss.

"Kelly, these are the Morris boys. This handsome growing man here is Richard and this equally handsome boy here is Ronald." She says with a fond smile.

"Hey! I'm a growing man too." Ronald argues making us all laugh.

"Yes, you are buddy." I tell him ruffling his hair slightly. A faint pink hue brushes his cheeks at that which makes me laugh.

"Looks like they found you already." I hear a deep sultry voice say from behind me making my back stiffen.

None other than King Theodore walks to us. "Arabelle." He says as the two exchanges kisses. "Alice." He acknowledges her with a nod before turning his attention to me. "Kelly." He says, my name rolling of his tongue like fine wine. I want to hear him say it again and again and again in different tones and intonations.

I must be going crazy.

"Your Majesty." I say with a respectful nod.

"Please, call me Theodore." He replies.

I'm momentarily surprised at this but I recover quickly. "Theodore." I say his name and something flashes in his eyes. Something primal and predatory that takes my breathe away. All too soon he looks away and back at the others acting unaffected but I immediately knew otherwise.

"How are you ladies doing this afternoon?" He asks with a smile still standing close to me.

Alice and Arabelle smile and reply but I feel my mind become hazy at his close proximity and the smell of his very masculine, very sexy perfume.

After chatting for some minutes, the boys drag Arabelle off to the table with food while Alice goes to find her husband leaving myself and Theodore.

"And how are you?" Theodore asks, gazing into my eyes intently. I realize he is asking me personally since I was too distracted by his scent and commanding male presence to reply earlier.

"I'm very well thank you." I reply. "And you?"

"Very well." He repeats with a grin that makes mine falter at the sheer beauty of it. God. How can a man's smile be so breathtaking? "I hear you now work for your father."

"Hmm." I say with a wide grin. "It's either news travels fast around here -and quite frankly, I don't think that is big enough to make news- or you are keeping tabs on me, Theodore."

"Maybe I am." He says with an unembarassed look and a glint his eye as he takes a sip of his red wine but I am surprised at his admission. "You intrigue me, Kelly."

"Me? Intrigue you?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." He utters simply, his eyes still staring at me.

At the intensity, I break away from his gaze and  unconsciously bite my bottom lip. I feel his hand come to the side of my face and with his thumb, pull my lip free from its previous spot between my teeth. I'm shocked at this action and immediately look back up at him to see his grey eyes a shade darker than it was a moment ago.

"Don't do that." He chides softly as he drops his hand. "Not here where I cannot react."

"So if I did it elsewhere, in private maybe, will you react?" I shock myself by asking.

Theodore grins again, this time devilishly. "Maybe. Tell me, you are a beautiful young woman, Kelly, intelligent too, how come you haven't been married off yet?"

I pause at his question, giving some thought to it before replying him. "Well, I haven't found the right person yet."

He lets out a small chuckle. "In this society, it's all about making and strengthening connections, not love."

"It is." I agree with a nod. "And I've been blessed with parents who haven't married me off for that reason, at least not yet." I add the last part with a laugh. "But I want to be with someone based on my own reason and feelings and I don't see myself agreeing for any other reason."

He nods and I see a slight admiration in his eyes.

"As far as my needs are met, I'm in no hurry to get married." I add in a way that makes sure he knows exactly what those 'needs' are.

His eyes move lower to my lips staying there for a moment before making their way back up to my eyes.

That moment speaking to him feels almost too good to be true when someone interrupts and he says apologetically, "Excuse me, Kelly."

I just give him a smile glad my name was the last thing I heard from his mouth before I go to find my seat and settle in for the match.


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