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Lan Fan sat out in the garden still. She was supposed to be sleeping, but she wanted to revisit the place where she spent time with the prince earlier. He had been so gentle and sweet. That's what she loved about him. Lan Fan looked at a gorgeous rainbow flower in the center of the garden. It was the most treasured flower in the entire garden. Every night, a knight was sent to protect the garden especially that flower. Although most knights-in-training don't guard it, Lan Fan's grandfather thought she could handle it when she requested to guard the flower tonight. Her true motives were to spend time reminiscing about earlier that day with the prince. She looked towards one of the many towers of the castle, the shortest tower. Her prince's room was up there. She smiled softly until she noticed a strange figure climbing up the tower. She watched the figure go into the window of the young princess's room. Lan Fan ran off and tried to quickly make her way up to the tower before whoever it was could escape. She burst into the room of the young princess, but it was too late. Whoever had been there was gone along with the princess. Lan Fan ran to the window and looked around and saw the strange figure running off with the princess.

Lan Fan pursued the dastardly kidnapped by jumping out the window and chasing him. She drew her sword, ready to attack.

"Lan Fan!" Lan Fan stopped and looked down to the garden. Her grandfather was there, looking at her. She looked back at the kidnapper only to find him gone. He had vanished into the night. "Why are you not guarding the flower?!"

"Grandfather! Someone kidnapped the princess!" Lan Fan shouted.

"What?!" Grandfather ran to ring the bell which alerted the rest of the castle. Chaos ensued, filling the castle with restlessness. The king and queen ran to consult with Lan Fan and her grandfather.

It was a while before the chaos settled down. The king and queen went to talk to the head knights in private. A sleepy Ling wandered up to Lan Fan, rubbing his eyes with his robe sleeves.

"Lan Fan," Ling yawned, "what's going on?"

"My lord, I'm afraid something terrible has happened." Lan Fan said.

"What is it?" Ling looked at her anxiously.

"I'm afraid someone kidnapped the young princess. I failed to stop him." Lan Fan bowed. "I am very sorry, my young lord."

Ling took in what he just heard. Once the news sank in, Ling made his way to the room where his parents and the knights were talking. Lan Fan followed him, but Ling stopped her.

"Wait here, Lan Fan. I'll be out in a minute." Ling commanded.

Lan Fan nodded and waited outside. It was several minutes before the doors opened. Ling walked out of the room as did the knights and the king and queen.

"My young lord!" Ling looked at Lan Fan. "What is the plan of action?! What's going to happen?!"

"I'm going after the kidnapper. Along with your grandfather." Ling said.

"My lord! May I request that I come too? It is my fault that the kidnapper got away and I wouldn't feel right leaving you and my grandfather to fix my mistake alone!" Lan Fan yelled.

"Lan Fan-"

"Please let me come, my lord!"

"Lan Fan, you can come." Ling said. "I trust your skills and I want you to come along to protect me just in case. I would be honored to have you come along." Ling smiled sweetly.

"Thank you, my lord." Lan Fan bowed. "And I apologize for yelling at you."

"It's alright, Lan Fan. We'll head out in the morning once the sun has risen. You better pack." Ling advised then walked off to his room.

"Yes, my lord. Thank you." Lan Fan watched her prince go to his room and then she went off to her room to start packing. Once she finished packing, Lan Fan laid down to rest before the coming trip. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, sweet dreams becoming her temporary reality.

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