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Hey guys :) so Fizz and Jacob are now sixteen! Since you know in the description she got saved nine years later lol.. But here's their pictures in case you wanted to know what they look like now ⬆️


"Doctor, she's waking up."

I heard. I squeezed my eyes shut and felt a pounding in my head, as if someone were beating hammers inside.

I groaned as I saw a bright light above me through my closed eyelids. I heard someone beside me, and the voice sounded familiar.

"Will she be okay, Doctor?"

It asked. There was some shuffling before a deeper voice came and stuck something cold on my chest, moving it around a bit.

"Her heartbeat seems to be stabilizing. There's a possibility she won't remember some things, but she will be just fine."

It said. I forced my mouth to open and take in a fresh breath of air, gaining the persons attention. It was silent, and I wanted to break it, but what could I say?

All of a sudden my chest felt as if a boulder landed on it, causing me to gasp and sit up, my eyes shooting wide open. I continued breathing hard, my mouth hanging open as air escaped my lungs.

I looked at my legs, and I was under a blanket and what looked like a hospital bed.

"W-Where am I.."

I barely whispered to where only I could hear. I was scared. I felt tears brim in my eyes and felt one roll down my cheek as I scooted up on the bed, away from the people I heard.

A boy who was standing motioned to come towards me, but the doctor held his hand up.

"She's still a little shaken up.. I also forgot to mention that she might also have some night terrors, but if you take her to a counselor, that might help them."

He said to the other men. He turned to me, and when I looked around the room, I noticed the eight people here. Who I would assume was the doctor, came towards me, and held out a hand, patiently waiting for me to grasp it.

I waited a second, wiping away my tears and looking at him, cautiously grabbing his hand.

"Hello young lady,"

He greeted with a soft smile. I said nothing. I looked at all the people in the room, and I guess the doctor noticed.

"Do you know these people?"

He asked me. They were all boys. But I didn't remember any of them. I examined their faces and bodies closely and silently, and shook my head no after a second.

I saw some of their faces fall and one almost started crying.

"S-She.. She doesn't remember us.."

One said. He had black hair, a jean jacket on, jeans and some dirty converse. The one next to him with a leather jacket, brown hair and boots on whispered in his ear.

"Don't worry Johnny.. It'll be alright."

He said. The doctor nodded and brought the other boy to the side of the bed, where he looked at me.

"Do you recognize him?"

The doctor asked. The boy had hope in his eyes. Even some tears. I saw him mouth some words but I couldn't comprehend what he was saying.

I slowly shook my head, and at that moment, the boy started crying.

"My names Jacob.. What's yours?"

He asked. I stayed silent. He sat down and I stared at everyone blankly. A tall, very muscular man stood up and brought his hand to my face, caressing it slowly.

"I missed you Fizz."

He said.

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