10: Lick the Hero

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*Natalie's pov*  

I hate this book. Not only could it cause the end of the world, but now I have a demon I don't want following me around. Sure everyone else likes him, but I don't. They can keep it away from me! 

I guess maybe if it was following someone else around I might like it. But you try liking something that licks your face, gets in the way of everything you do, drools in its sleep- it also sleeps in my bed- at night, and a bunch of other things. It is not easy to like, what did they call it Lick? Yeah, I haven't learned the things name. Ugh, this job is not paying enough for this. 

I was sitting on the couch with Winston and Peter. Ray and Egon were looking at the book to see if you could put any demons back into the book for the future. Lick and Slimer were doing who knows what, and Janine was working. I placed the scarf the book was wrapped in around the demons neck and Ray put a home-made dog tag around it so people know this demon was the Ghostbuster's. Don't see how that will back fire on us. 

"There is never anything good on, is there?" Peter asked flipping through channels. Winston and I were playing cards. I was winning. 

"I don't know, but this gal right here is a killer at cards," Winston told him. I smiled. 

"Hey guys!" Janine called to us. The three of us went down the pole to see what she wanted. She was holding up a piece of paper. "We got a call." 

"Well, so much for a quite day, huh?" I asked getting my uniform. Lick walked over and touched my hand with his nose. "What do you want flea bag?" 

"That wasn't very nice Nat," Peter told me. 

"Like you are nice to everything?" 

"Well of course I am! Name one thing I wasn't nice to!" 


"Name two." 

"You weren't nice to that Peck guy," Winston told him. 

"Alright name four more things." 

"Ray," I told him. 

"Egon," Winston put in. 

"He's not very nice to Janine either." 

"He's not nice to you all the time." 

"Right back at you. How about all the girls he flirts with?" 

"Oh, and his dad!" 

"Alright, alright! I get it," Venkman mumbled at us. "Why don't you two make yourselves useful and go get Spengler and Stanz?" 

"I will," Z told him rolling his eyes at him. I finished getting ready and was in Ecto 1's passenger seat with Peter at the wheel waiting on the others. They come shortly after and we took off to the shop we needed to go to. 

------At the shop--------- 

"Get it already!" Ray yelled at us. Him and Winston were trapped on the other side of the store, and Egon, Peter, and I were trapped on the other end. This ghost was a heck of a fighter, and we couldn't get the Proton stream on it for it keep moving from them. 

"Don't you think we're trying?" Egon yelled back. I hit the spot it was before, but the damn thing moved once again. 

"Shit!" I cried looking around for it. "Where the hell did it go?" 

"There!" Winston yelled and I looked where it was. We all shoot again, but missed. 

"What is this thing?" Peter cried while we all looked for it. 

"It's a Class five, and shouldn't be this hard!" Egon told him looking at the PKE meter. 

"Nat, look at!" Winston called I looked up and saw the ghost rushing at me. I fired a stream at it, but it dodged. It picked me up in its ectoplasma hands. 

"Put me down!" I yelled kicking and thrashing. The ghost didn't listen. It started to carry me to the door, like it was going to take me someplace. "Help!" I yelled. I couldn't reach my proton wand, so I couldn't get free. 

"We can't shoot it Nat!" Egon told me. 

"We might hit you!" Peter added. 

"Great! Figure something out!" I yelled at them. 

The ghost was close to the door when I heard a giant bark. I looked out the door and saw Lick running at me. He looked mad and was looking at the ghost. 

"Lick, sick him!" I ordered the demon, and just like always, obeyed. He flew through the glass and grabbed the phantom in his mouth. I feel to the floor and grabbed a trap. Lick held on to the ghost for me until the others blasted it. "Lick, get out of here! Don't want to get you in a trap!" The demon nodded and left, but stayed a safe distance in case I needed it. 

I pushed the trap under the ghost and pushed the petal with my foot, and just like that, the ghost was gone. 

"Good boy Lick!" I told him petting him and he licked my face. 

"Aww," Peter said interlocking his hands and placing them on his check. 

"Does this mean you like him?" Ray asked me with a smile. 

"Oh alright, I guess Lick isn't so bad," I admitted. Hey, give me a break, you try hating something that might of just saved your life! It's not easy! 

"Now that we all short of like each other, I say we go get this guy's pay," Peter said with a smile. I nodded and we all went out to see how this went. 

"Look what you did to my shop!" the shop owner cried. 

"Hey, at least we got this thing," Peter told him while I held up the trap with Lick behind me. Slimer was behind Ray. 

"Got it? Then what do you call those two?" 

"I call that one Slimer, and this one Lick," Ray said pointing at the spirits. 

"You named them?" 

"Yes. Now let's see about the price," Egon said looking down at some paper that said nothing on it. 

"Price? I won't pay a dime!" the shop owner cried. 

"Oh, well then let me just go put Mr. Ghosty here back," I added turning on my heels and he grabbed my shoulders. 

"Please don't! I'll pay, I'll pay!" he told me and I took the check in my hand. 

"A pleasure doing business with you," I gleefully told me, and we left with the crowed yelling 'Ghostbusters.' I love this job so much at times, when I don't hate it. 

How was that? That was a lot of fun to write. I was looking through the chapters I have written and I noticed I don't do a lot of Egon's pov. I would like to say now that it is kind of hard for me to get into the mind sets of the really smart person, Egon. Ray and Peter when they come up with plans also takes time. These characters have their own track then what I write, like Ray being a big child at heart, Peter an upright jerk to women and others at times, Winston is a laid back kind of guy so he is pretty easy, and Egon uses big words that I don't know half the time. So sorry, it's not because I don't like the characters if I don't use them a lot, cause I love them! The problem is I have to get into their minds, and that can be hard. Natalie is all mine, so I can make her however I please, so it is much easier on me. 

Well that out of the way, you can see the scarf that is now around Lick's neck. Peace out my Stars! 

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