9: Natalie's Demon

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*Ray's pov* 

We were all working on something today. Winston and I were working on Ecto 1, Egon was reading something that must have to do with what happened last night, Peter was making a bird house in his office I think, and Natalie was looking at a star map at Janine's desk, and the secretary was reading. No one had called since the Grey Lady, and I think everyone was glad. A little break was good now and then. Now if only we didn't have to work all day, that would have been better. 

"This is fascinating," Egon mumbled making us all look at him. 

"What?" Peter asked placing a piece of wood on the top of whatever he was making. It really did look like a bird house. 

"Haley White's book," he answered turning the page. 

"Your reading that book?" I asked him walking over. Winston followed, and Peter was already looking with Janine over Egon's shoulder. Only Natalie stayed where she was, and she didn't look at us. 

"I am reading it, and White was an impressive person. She had a cure for almost any sickness at her time, and the ideas she had. I could see her has one of my relatives." 

"Well I can't," Natalie grumbled over at the other end of the desk. We looked up at her and she did look upset over something. More then likely the fact something in a dream told her she would bring the end of the world, and she now how something that could bring the end of the world might do it. 

"Cheer up Nat," Peter told her walking over and hugging her. She glared up at him has he continued. "A lot of people would love to have a book that could bring the end of the world." 

"Peter, shut up," she told him taking his arms off of her and she stood up. "And I am not one of those people. I don't want anything to do with that book." 

"Come on Nat, it's not like the tales are real," I told her. She raised her eyebrow and took Egon's PKE meter. Egon had sat the book on the desk and Natalie placed the PKE meter where it would get a reading. The thing beeped loudly and then it started to smoke. She threw it up in the air and it exploded. All that was left was ashes. 

"Tales not real Ray?" she asked turning around. She hit the book and it fell off the desk. She looked at the now open book and picked it up closing it. She replaced it on the desk and made it halfway to the stairs before we heard a growl. We all looked at the spot it was coming from. There was a dark blue, almost black dog looking thing. It was much larger then a dog, and much taller then Natalie who was now the only one standing, and was one of the tallest people in the room. It's eyes were an orange color, and it's teeth white, since it's teeth pretty much stuck out of it's mouth. It's paws were huge, and the creature took off straight at Natalie, and pinned her to the ground. We couldn't see what it was doing to her. 

"Oh no it's eating Natalie!" Peter cried, the first thing that came to my mind too. 

"I don't think it is," Janine told us trying to see over Egon. We were all standing now, trying to figure a way to save Nat. 

"What else would a demon do to her?" I asked Janine. 

"I think it is chewing her face," Winston said. 

"Whatever it is doing, we have to get it off her!" Egon cried. 

"It's... it's..." Natalie said crying. 

"It's what?" Janine asked her while we heard all of her cries. 

"It's licking me!" Natalie laughed. I then heard that the cries were her laughing from the things tongue tickling her face. "Get off of me!" 

 The demon did what she asked it too, and it started panting and wagging its tail and watched Egon and Peter help Natalie up. 

"Gross!" she cried whipping the thing's saliva off of her face. "Ugh, where did that come from?" 

"I think your book," Egon told her. 

"But I didn't even open it!" 

"Well you did knock it off the desk. Maybe the book doesn't know the difference," Peter suggested. 

"Maybe Peter's right," Winston told her giving her a dish towel to whip her face with. 

"Well whatever the reason, I don't see why it isn't destroying anything," Natalie said catching some paper in her hand. The creature's tail wagging was making loss paper fly all over the place, Nat glared at the thing. "Would you stop that tail wagging!" It did. 

"You know that is the second time the whatever has listened to you," Janine told Natalie. 

"So?" Natalie asked her placing the towel on the desk. 

"Maybe it thinks you are its owner or something." 


"I don't know, maybe Janine is on to something," I put in. 

"You all have gone mad if you think that this thing will obey what ever I say!" she cried. 

"Then prove it," Peter told her. She shock her head and looked at the dog. 

"Fine. Um, sit boy, sit!" she told it clearly not knowing what she was doing. The demon sat down with a loud thud. "Lay down!" The demon laid down. "Play dead?" No matter what Natalie told it, the demon listened to her. 

"I believe it is obeying you, Nat," I told her. 

"Shut up Ray," she mumbled well the thing licked her hand. 

"You know it is kind of cute if you look at it," Janine said patting the thing. We all looked at it. 

"It reminds me of my neighbor's dog," Peter told us looking at it with a smile. 

"Can we keep it?" I asked. 

"No no no!" Natalie cried. "I am not keeping this thing!" 

"Come on Nat," Winston pleaded walking over to them, "how can you say no to that face?" The demon licked her face once again. 

"I know, why don't we call it Lick?" I told them. Everyone except Natalie agreed. 

"Oh come on, one of you has to be thinking right! Egon? Ray? Winston? Peter? Janine? I can't be the only one who thinks this is a bad idea!" 

"Afraid you are," Egon told her. 

"We are not keeping it!" she cried. We all looked at her with begging eyes. "No," she said closing her eyes and folding her arms. Lick pushed her lightly and she looked at his big orange eyes that looked sadly at her. Her face softened and she sighed. "Oh alright, we can keep him." We all cheered and she rolled her eyes. "But I am not going to be held responsibly for whatever it does! This is going to end badly for me." 

The update! So I was with my dad at a meeting, and we just stayed at the hotel since it was out of town. We spent time together, had awesome food, ya know, family stuff. But I'm back now, and I get to write! So over on the side you can see White's book, or the book since it really doesn't have a name. So let's hope that it doesn't cause trouble in the future, hint hint. Haha, peace out my Stars! 

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