8: The Grey Lady

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*Winston's pov* 

Don't you just love being woken up to go to work in the middle of the night? Yeah, me either. Janine got a call and we had to go do that, but I still think waking us up by screaming is much nicer than that stupid alarm. Well, what can you do? 

All of us went down and suited up. Janine gave me the address and we all hopped into Ecto 1. I was in the diver seat with Ray next to me. The others were in the back looking at us while we went to the job. We were there in no time at all. 

"Hey, isn't this the Public Library?" Peter asked looking up at the building. 

"Yep," I told him also looking up at the building. 

"What is the ghost?" Ray asked. I looked at the paper. 

"They said something called the Grey Lady is back." 

"The Grey Lady?" Natalie asked sounding almost has confused has I was. 

"Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't know who this is." 

"Oh no, the Grey Lady," Peter said looking at Ray and Egon. They gave him a dreadful look, and Natalie and I were left in the blue. 

"Alright, I give," Natalie said looking at them. "Who is the Grey Lady?" 

"She is one of the first ghost we ever looked for," Egon told the two of us. "We never got her, cause we didn't have the Proton Packs then. Only the PKE meter." 

"So this will be the first time you all hunt her, not look?" I asked. 

"Correct," Egon said getting on his pack and walked up the stairs with Ray close behind him. Natalie and I come a few seconds later with Peter running to catch up. I saw a man looking very worried, and he glanced at the library nervously. 

"Yo, you see a ghost?" Peter asked him. He looked up and ran over him. 

"Thank goodness you are here!" he cried. "There- there's a g-g-g- ghost in there, and I was to-told to call y-you." 

"Well we will find this g-g-g-ghost," Peter told him mocking him. He opened the door for us and said, "Lady's first. Plus I don't want us older busters being scared to death." 

Natalie glared at him and walked through the doors. Before the rest of could walk in the door slammed shut. Natalie looked back and while we tried to open the door from the outside, she tried from the inside. Nothing we did worked; she was trapped. 

"Can't we just blast it down?" Peter asked Egon while taking out the proton wand. 

"We don't know what is causing the door to stay shut," Egon told him. "We also don't know if it will let Natalie stay a safe distance away, so I would say no." 

"Ugh, isn't there a back way?" Nat asked. 

"Nope, only this way," I told her. I saw her get mad and kick the door. I also looked behind her and saw a woman who looked old and had a purplish glow to her. She was staring at Natalie and was holding what looked like a book wrapped in a scarf in her hand. 

"Um, Nat," I tried to tell her but she didn't hear me. 

"We could always try pulling the door down with Ecto 1," Ray suggested. 

"I think we run into the same problem with the Proton Packs," Egon told him. 

"Guys, look behind Nat, and tell me what that is," I told them. Everyone, even Natalie, looked to see the ghost. Natalie gasped and backed into the door. 

"Can we shoot now?" Peter asked Egon. 

"No! We might shoot Natalie!" he told him with worry in his voice. I could see that the untrapped Spengler was trying to figure out how to free the trapped Spengler. 

"Egon, Ray, Peter, Winston," Natalie said has the Grey Lady floated towards her, "a little help?" 

"I'm thinking Nat," Egon told her. 

"Just give us time," Ray said. 

"I think we might have to bring that up with her," Peter said pointing to the ghost who was now on top of Natalie. She placed her finger to her lips, and I heard her say 'shush.' 

"She shushed us again!" Ray cried. 

The Grey Lady held out the book and scarf to Natalie. Nat looked down at it, then up to the old lady's face. 

"Me?" she asked. The lady nodded her head yes. Natalie took the book, and then the ghost held up a note. Natalie also took that in hand, and we all watched has the purple spirit faded away. The door flew open, and Natalie wasted no time walking out with both the book and note in hand. 

"What's it say?" Peter asked her has she read it. "Is it something to do with the Grey Lady?" 

"No, not at all," Natalie answered frowning at the page. 

"While, what does it say?" Ray asked, curiosity clear in his voice. 

"It's an old tale about a woman named Haley White," she answered. "She was born in the nineteen hundreds, and she was believed to be a witch. Yet she wasn't, but instead was someone who worked with herbs and such to cure people. She lived in a small village, and no one believed the girl. One day a witch did come into the town and heard of this woman. The witch was jealous of her beauty and her skills of herbs. So she cursed the book. When any woman of Haley White's blood opens the book and reads it, they unleash demons, an army if opened long enough. Haley gave the book to her brother who gave the book to his friend, and soon left White's daughter and herself. Yet White knew that one day the book would be opened, and even gave a year on when it would happen." 

"What was the year?" I asked. 


"This year?" Peter asked. "That would mean that the person with White's blood would have to have that book. The person who has it is you Nat." 

"You don't think..." Egon said with thought. We all looked at the book, and Natalie dropped it on the ground. "Nat what is it?" 

"The book just said my name!" she cried. 

"I didn't hear anything," I told her. 

"Maybe you just went over the edge," Peter told her. 

"Natalie Spengler!" a voice cried and we looked down at the book. The voice said her name again and again, until it was screaming it. Natalie kicked the book into the column of the library and covered her ears. 

"I think that proves it," Ray said looking at the book that went quite when she kicked it. 

"My dream," Natalie mumbled sliding down the wall. 

"Your dream?" I asked. "What about it?" 

"The man said that I was going to help him bring the end to my world. If an army of demons is released, then that would do it." 

"Hey, it might not be you," I told her sitting down beside her. 

"Then why would the Grey Lady give it to me?" she asked. 

"For show?" Ray asked lightly. 

"You don't think you could just leave it here, do you?" Peter asked. 

"I could, but the story says that if anyone who used to be in White's family touched it, it would follow and do it. So it would follow me until someone else in my family touched the book, and the only person who is related to me in New York is Egon. That defeats the purpose of trying to get the book away from me since we live together." 

"Well I say we take it back to the firehouse and look at it tomorrow," Egon said picking up the book. 

"What about the Grey Lady?" I asked. Egon shock his head. 


"While alright, let's role out!" 

I'm back! So I have not been around, and I am sorry. I was not around any computers, and writing on my phone sucks, so I was going to wait. I want to dedicate this chapter to DaPandaBear, cause they really wanted to know when NB was coming back and told me that they loved it. I don't have anything to say, besides that there will be a double update for NB since I was away, and I hope you all like it. The Grey Lady over there, the guys hunting her also. Peace out my Stars! 

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