7: A Ghostly Prank

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*Peter's pov*

I was watching Natalie work in the little place Egon set up for her. It had colorful liquids and plenty of maps of stars around her and on the walls. I didn't think she would hear us, so I silently closed the door and faced the others. Ray and Winston were playing chess, and Egon was reading the paper. I smiled at them.

"Oh boys," I said in my best evil tone I could. They looked up with worry in their eyes.

"Yes Venkman?" Ray asked.

"I think we should have a little fun with Natalie," I proposed.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Egon told me with a warning look on his face. I walked over and placed my hands on his shoulders and he looked up at my face which was looking down at his.

"Come on Spenges, where's your senses of adventure?" I asked him.

"I know better than to mess with Natalie. The last time I did it, she wouldn't talk to me for almost six months."

"Well we can count Kidder over there out," I told them leaving Spengler to his newspaper. I had more important things to do, like prank Nat. "How about you two?"

"I don't know Peter, Egon might be right," Ray answered.

"Might?" Egon asked.

"Oh come on, it would be good for us, and it would be good for her!" I told them.

"In what way would it be good for Natalie?" Winston asked me. "Tell you what, think of five things and we all will help you."

"Alright," I answered. They went back to what they were doing while I thought. Five? Let's see, that's not a good thing, that's not a good thing, that could be a good thing. I got em!

"One, we would make a great memory for her. Two, she would learn to laugh a little more because of this. Three, it will take her mind off of all that work she has been doing. Four, we can grow a little better has a team, and than we can teach her from it. Five, we can all have fun with this. That was five you all have to pay up now!"

They looked at me blankly, then Ray and Egon glared at Winston who only shrugged with a shy smile on his face.

"How did I know he could come up with five?" he asked them. Egon stood up and walked over.

"He always does," Egon grumbled under his breath. I lead them into our room and we got to work. The other's didn't seem to happy about this, but I sure was. It was going to be amazing to see Natalie's face when she walked through the door and the plan went into motion.

"So who is going to go get her?" Ray asked me. That was one part I did not think of.

"Well it has to be someone she trust, who she will follow," I answered. I looked over at Egon who was standing next to me. I saw Ray and Winston do the same. Egon looked shocked at us.

"Me?" he asked. We all nodded. "No way, I am not going to risk my life for a foolish prank! There is no way you can make me!"

"Oh Slimer!" I called. The little spud come and looked at me. "Now Egon, do we really want to doubt what I can do?"

"I don't care, I'm not going to do it."

"Alright. Hey Slimer, you see Egon's socks?"

He told me yes with a lot of other things, but I made out the yes.

"Well, I have something to tell you about it. Unless Spengler want to do it."


"Alright. There. Is. A. Cupcake. In. His-"

"Alright! I'll do it!"

I smiled. Doing the one word at the time made it easier for Egon to see that I was going to do it. He walked into the room Nat was in, and we watched. He tapped her shoulder and she looked up, taking the earphones out.

"Yes Egon?" she asked him.

"Er, I need you to come here," he said, and I could tell he was up to something a mile away. Natalie raised an eyebrow at him and looked back at the paper on her desk.

"What for?"

"For? I need you for-"

"Egon get her in here!" I yelled, not able to take Egon's bad lying for one more minute. "We can't hold it off much longer!"

"What was that?" Natalie said getting up. She walked past us into the living room. Egon followed her and motioned for me to do something. I mouthed get her in the bedroom.

"In there Nat," he told her pointing. She opened the door and walked in. We heard her scream and all of us fell to the floor laughing.

*Natalie's pov*

I'm going to kill them. Not going to ask question, not going to take names, just going to kill them. I thought something was up when Egon came into the lab and tried to get me out of the room. Then I hear Peter yelling for help, and than I go into the bed room. That was a mistake.

When I opened the door, the first thing I saw was a bunch of snakes. They were everywhere, and when I started to leave the room, a bucket of them fell on me, and they were slimy, covered in the stuff. I screamed until I realized they were fake. I have no problem with fake snakes, just real ones. I turned around and saw the guys laughing at me. I pulled the snaked off and went in there. Egon was the first to stop laughing; Peter the last.

"What is this?" I cried holding up one of the snakes. I was angry, if they couldn't tell.

"Well, it is a snake," Egon answered looking down. I might kill him first and get a medal for it. I might get one for killing all of them.

"I know this Egon, but what is it doing in the room? What were you all doing?"

"Hey Nat, calm down," Peter said walking over. "We were just have a little fun with you, that's all. No harm was done, so I call that a win."

"A win? A win for what? For all you know is that I am afraid of snakes, and that I really hate them! Egon over there should have told you I usually get panic attacks if I'm around a bunch of them!"

"Jee Egon, that would have been nice to know!" Ray told him. Egon seemed to just want to disappear.

"Natalie, I am sorry. I forgot about that. I feel foolish now," my twin told me looking very upset. He always took me getting hurt in the idea he did something wrong. It started when he broke my leg when we were six. Every since he is scared if I get hurt. I smiled and walked over to him and gave him a small hug.

"Hey lil bro, I'm fine," I told him. He looked at me and smiled back.

"There," Winston said, "we are all fine."

"Oh no, I will get every single one of you back," I told them with a smile. "So I would sleep with your eyes open from now on."

"Hey look, Egon was right, again," Peter said with a frown.

"Of course I was right," Egon told him.

"We can talk this over, can't we Nat?" Ray asked me.

"Slimer, Peter has a cookie in his shirt if you want it! So does Ray, Winston, and Egon!"

The Class five raced out of the room and slimmed Peter looking for the cookie. He did the same to the others who glared at me.

"Now we can talk about it," I answered walking out of the room with a huge smile on my face. Then I went back to my work.

Again, just a small throw away chapter. So on the side you will see- what the hell?! Sparkles why is this a picture of a snake? I told you to get something to do with the chapter!

Sparkles (My elf servant): Snakes has to go with the chapter.

I meant Ghostbusters! I didn't want a snake!

Sparkles: Well sorry, but at least it is brightly colored.

I will get you back. Just you wait. Well, since it is a snake, I hope you don't run away crying from this book. Anyway, I hoped you liked it, and let me know what you think. Maybe give me an idea to punish Sparkles? Peace out my Stars!

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