11: Saying Goodbye

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I was sleeping when the accident happened. I never knew that saying goodbye would hurt this much. I have no idea what the others were doing, cause I was asleep. I wasn't ready to wake up to a job, but that was what happened. I opened my eyes and saw the others running to get ready. I wanted to take my sweet time, but that might mean getting the paper and telling everyone where to go, and that got me moving. Yet when I got down there I saw none of the guys moving, but around Janine's desk. 

"Slow down Janine!" Peter told her. Her face looked like the Contaminant Unit just exploded, or the other saying, she just saw a ghost.

"Alright, well you know the book Egon and Ray have been working on?" she asked looking at all of us. We nodded. "Well Ray told me to bring it upstairs later, so I was doing what he asked. I placed it right there on my desk.  Slimer and I were watching some old tapes about us, and Natalie was yelling at you guys for something." 

"Big surprise," Peter mumbled under his breath. I elbowed him in the ribs. 

"Go on," I told her. 

"Well it was almost done, and you were really mad. The book just started to shack, and before I could do anything, this light blinded me and the next thing I see is the book is gone. Is that a good or bad thing?" 

"Depends," Egon told her taking out his PKE meter. "If whatever took the book has a female Spengler to open it, then that is bad. If they don't, then it doesn't mater, and I would take that has good." 

"Well the only female Spengler is you, right Nat?" Ray asked. I shock my head standing close to the others. I was not going to be taken by some ghost again. 

"No," I told him. "There is more, but for New York, yes, I am. My family is still in Ohio."

"Well let's hope this thing doesn't want to leave New York," Winston said rubbing Janine's back to calm her down. 

"It hasn't," Egon told us looking at the meter.

"Then were is it?" Peter asked him.

"It says it's in Time Square."

"How is it in Time Square?" Ray asked him.

"Cause that is where all demon wielding books go when they disappear in a flash of light, Ray," Peter told him walking to the car. "Well, let's go save the world, again." We followed him to the car. 

----Time Square----

"Look at all the people running!" Peter told us very gleefully. "I am guessing the book is here."

"It is," Ray told him pointing at a building that had blue and white lights shinning at the top. Through the lights I could see a man with something in his hands.

"Either Christmas is coming early, or somehow whatever took the book is learning how to open it," Z spoke up. "You all ready to go up?"

"Sure," I answered. "What's the worse that can happen?"

"We could be killed by an army of demons, our atoms can be split and we will be nothing but ashes, and then the book would remain open to let the demons out," Egon answered. I covered his mouth with my hand before he said anything else.

"Don't talk," I told him. "It's not good for us when you do."

"Well let's go sign our death warrants!" Peter cried walking into the building. Against my common sense, we followed. We looked up at the stairs, and the others groaned. I could see why: thirty flights of stair in all of our gear.

"Not again," Winston sighed and I looked at him.

"What do you mean, not again?" I asked.

"We had to do this when Gozer was released," Peter answered. "It was not fun."

"Do you think the elevators are still working?" Ray asked. We looked at them and saw they were.

"It's against my better judgment, but let's take them," Egon said walking over to them and pressed the button. We waited, but when the door opened, the car went straight down, then back up. It did this five more times before coming to a stop. I looked at the others.

"I think the stairs won't kill us," I told them leaving them to take the elevators. I actually liked living. I heard them follow me, and we started the long climb up the stairs.

We made it up them in about twenty minutes. We were all out of breath and tired. It is not easy climbing up thirty flights of stars in what seemed like thirty pounds of equipment on your back. It hurt like hell is what it was. Ugh, this job gets easy at times, and other times it makes me want to shoot a person. Can't win with it.

"So where is the book?" Ray asked Egon. My brother took out the meter, and then dropped it when it started to smoke.

"Around," Egon said rubbing his fingers that were now red.

"Did the meter just burn you?" I asked looking at his hand.

"It has before," he answered taking out the gun.

"So why would something take a book that can only work when a Spengler opens it?" Winston asked has we walked down the hall looking in doors, but not finding anything.

"Well maybe the person was a Spengler at one time," Ray answered. "Or maybe it was going to come back for a Spengler when it needed it."

"Thanks Ray," I grumbled, "that was a thought I wanted stuck in my head!"

"Sorry Natalie."

"Yet the question is, what does it want the book for?" Egon asked. None of us could answer. We come to a door at the end of the hall, and Winston kicked it down. We all saw a demon that was bright green. It had four large hands and four legs, eyes. There were two ears, one nose, and one mouth, thank goodness. Its eyes were yellow, as was its teeth. It made strange growling noises, and it was standing over the open book. I looked at the demon, and knew someone opened the book. I also saw it wasn't going to be very nice to me like Lick was.

"What do we do now?" Peter yelled over the rushing wind.

"The traps won't hold it, nor will the Contaminant Unit!" Ray put in. "It has to go back into the book!"

"Well you and Egon were working on that, so how do we do it?" Winston asked.

"The only way something can be put back in the book was if the person who opened the book dies or if someone pushes it back in," Egon answered. "We don't know what opened the book, and the last one would mean that who ever does this won't come back. They will be trapped in the book!"

"Then I'll do it," I volunteered.

"Why you?" Peter asked.

"It's my book, that's why! It will be safer if the only person who can open it is trapped inside." 

"Safer for not opening it, but not for us!" Ray told me. "I'll do it Natalie, you don't have to."

"Like hell you will," Winston put in.

"Well someone has to do it," Peter told us. "And I know it won't be any of you."

We heard a bark and looked behind us. Lick and Slimer must have been standing there the whole time, for Slimer was trying to stop Lick from jumping at the creature. Poor little spud couldn't do it, and Lick jumped at the other demon. He fought for a minute, and soon had it over the book.

"Lick, what are you doing?" I yelled at him. He barked at me, and Slimer hugged me, crying. I looked at him, then back at my demon. What was he doing? He was going to be trapped in the book if he does what I think he was doing.

"He's saving us, that's what he is doing," Peter said sadly.

"Oh no, Lick!" Ray cried when both him and the other spirit were suck into the book, shutting it. Lick's make do collar fell to the floor, and I saw gold ribbons wrap around the book. We all sat there in silence looking at the book. I stood up and took the scarf in my hand.

"Good boy Lick," I whispered to the scarf.

"Is there anyway we can get Lick out of it?" Winston asked. Egon shock his head.

"There might be, but we won't know what would come out of the book," Egon answered.

"He knew what he was doing when he jumped into that demon," I told them still holding the scarf. Ray picked up on piece of it, and sighed.

"He saved us," Peter said picking up the book. "Do you think we will ever see him again?"

"No," I answered taking the book out of his hands.

"No?" Ray answered.

"I never want to see this book ever again!" I cried wishing I could throw it into the Hudson. I found a box and stuffed the book inside, then found a chest, I opened it and locked the book inside, for what I opened was forever. The others only watched. The book was going to stay there for a long time to come. I was not going to loss someone else to this stupid thing.

"Nat?" Ray asked.

"I don't want to see if ever again," I told them.

"Why?" Peter asked.

"What if it was you all who went into it? What if it was Slimer, or Janine, or someone else I cared about? I don't ever want to see this damn book again!"

I stood up, and we left without one word about the book or about Lick.

 I'm a jerk, I am sorry. So I just broke the Ghostbusters heart, great, I'm evil. Just call me Gozer and I'll be golden, haha. Anyway you can see the poster for the first film that started the people we know today. I love this poster, but anyway, hope you liked the chapter! Peace out my Stars! 

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