12: This Chick is Toast

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*Ray's pov*

Things have been quiet for the past week. We all didn't say anything to Natalie, expressly when we got home. I have never seen her fully anger, and Egon told me I never did. She come close the night we lost Lick. Once we got home, that was bad.

We all got out of Ecto 1 and Natalie still had the box with the book in it, and Lick's collar. She slammed the door shut and went down to the basement. We all watched has she threw the chest into another box, then slammed it into a closet. She then stormed upstairs with the scarf. She didn't say a word to us, and Janine looked up from her desk. Natalie went up the stairs without a word.

"What was that about?" Janine asked us.

"Lick is gone," I answered sadly.

"What do you mean gone?"

"A demon was let out of the book," Peter told her. "The only place it could go was the book."

"But the only way to trap it in the book was if someone went in with it," Winston added.

"Lick jumped on it and trapped himself and the spirit inside," Egon finished.

"Oh poor Natalie," Janine said looking up. "Is she okay?"

"She will be fine," Egon answered. "If she isn't, then I will talk with her."

"I'm sure that would make her feel better," Peter joked, getting a glare from Egon.

"I'll have you know that I have made her feel better before," he told him.

"I can see that."

"Good night Peter," I put in walking up the stairs with Winston. "Good night Egon."

"It is late," Peter yawned then lead Egon up the stairs. We walked in to Natalie already asleep. Peter looked down at her.

"Isn't she sweet?" he asked. "If this was Sleeping Beauty, I wonder who the prince would be."

"No one," Spengler told him. "Nat swore she wouldn't date another guy after David."

"David? Who's that?" I asked.

"The last guy Natalie dated. He broke her heart on a date, and left her crying in the park."

"Wow. That's tough," Winston said. "What did she do?"

"She come home and told Mom, Dad, and me everything. The next day I tried to talk with him, but he punched me in the eye."

"Then I kicked him and never saw him again," Natalie yawned siting up in her bed. "Nobody messes with my brother and gets away with it."

"You know I can see you doing that," Peter told her. "Well, let's hit the hay."

We went on a few jobs, one on Thursday and another on Sunday, but other than those two, nothing. I was bored, but the others seemed pretty okay with it. Peter was playing cards with Winston and I, while Egon and Natalie were doing something. Natalie told me that she worked more when she was upset, and that cleared her mind. She had been working all week. 

"Ugh, how do you keep winning?" Winston asked Peter as he won for the sixth time in a row. Peter smiled at him. 

"My little secret," he answered. "Want to play another game?" 

"With you, no," I told him giving him my cards, which had not chance of winning. 

"I'm with Ray," Winston said getting up. Venkman shuffled the deck and stood up. 

"Maybe the Spengler twins want to play," he said to himself going to the door and opening it. "I wonder what they are doing." 

"Venkman, you really shouldn't be bothering them," I told him. "They might be working on something dangerous!" 

"I live for danger Stanz," he replied and walked into the door. Winston and I followed him. I saw both Spenglers looking over at something on Natalie's desk. She had two things in her hands, and both were liquids. She poured one in slowly and then placed the glass down. 

"Now if I had just a few drops of this, it should work," she told Egon not looking up at us. She started to poor a few drops into a bigger container of something that was a light blue, almost white. When she placed a few in there, it started to turn purple. 

"BOO!" Peter cried making both Natalie and Egon jump. Natalie dropped the glass she was holding into the other one, and I watched from a safe distance with Winston has it turned bright pink. Natalie looked at Egon when a small explosion happened inside the glass. She then glared at Peter. 

"Peter Venkman!" she cried. 

"Yes?" he asked looking at the ashes on the other two's face. Peter had nothing on him. 

"You could have had us all killed!" 

"Not like it's never happened before." 

"Peter, that could have made this whole city's atoms break, then it would take out half of New Jersey, not that anyone would miss it." 

"So? It didn't. Oh Nat, you have a little something right, well all over your face." Peter moved his finger around Nat's face. She glared at him and pointed to a red liquid in a glass cup. 

"That is a chemical that will melt your flesh right off the skin," she told him. "Slow and painful till there is nothing left." 

"I think I hear Janine calling," Peter rushed running out of the lab. Natalie turned to Egon and Winston and I walked over. 

"Is that really a chemical that will melt flesh?" Winston asked looking at it. Without taking her eyes off of Egon, who was giving her notes, she picked up the glass and took a drink. 

"It's fruit punch," she answered putting the glass down. Winston and I laughed. 

"You should have seen Peter's face!" I laughed, the two not looking at us. 

"I thought he was going to die from fright!" Winston added. Egon and Natalie were talking over some notes, and when we were done laughing at Venkman, we glanced over both of their shoulders. 

"So what was that?" I asked as Nat sighed and started to clean up the mess. 

"A chemical that if we can figure out the right matter to put in, will, theoretically, make the ectoplamsma fade away," Egon answered taking some white powder off of the desk. 

"You can do that?" Winston asked in wonder. 

"I have made harder things then this in my chemistry class, of course I can," Natalie told him taking some of the white powder and placing it under a microscope. "This might help with the solution," she told Egon he wrote something down on the paper. 

"Will it be able to hold up with the rest of the atoms?" Egon asked her. 

"Umm... I'm not one hundred percent sure it will, but I think it will. Maybe if we add water that might help." 

"It might. How about-" 

Winston and I left the two alone to figure out whatever they were talking about. We saw Peter going thought the refrigerator, then held up a container with Natalie's 'chemical.' 

"Hey wait a minute," Peter said getting angrier. "Natalie Spengler!" 

"What?" she called back. 

"You tricked me!" 

"Like that is hard to do!" 

"I'll show you hard to do," he grumbled walking into the lab. In a few seconds I heard Natalie cry out in shock. Venkman walked back with a smile on his face and the pitcher now empty. Natalie stormed out with the punch dripping all over her. Egon followed looking shocked has well. 

"Peter," I gasped looking at Natalie. Her light purple top was now a reddish color, her grey pants a much darker color also. Her hair even was a little pink in color. 

"What? She asked for it!" he explained putting the pitcher down. 

"You- you- ugh!" Natalie cried, and Egon and Winston held her back. She looked mighty pissed, then broke free of the two and stormed back into the lab. Egon followed before she slammed the door shut. I heard Natalie yelling all the way from where I stood. 

"Don't tell me to calm down Egon!" she yelled at him. "I have every right to be angry!" 

"Nat, please calm down," Egon pleaded. The rest of us were standing closer so we could hear what Egon was saying. 

"No Egon, this is just like back home! I calmed down there and that didn't work out so well for me, did it?" 


"No Egon, I don't want to hear it! I thought they would be different. You said they would be different then everyone else!" 

"They are! Peter was just angry. He will say he is sorry when you go out there." 

"I don't know. I just don't want this to end up like the town, and the college, or the inn. I want to make this a place that people will care about me, and take me in, no matter how I act, or what my name is." 

"I know Natalie. I promise this will be different. I know it." 

"Well, if you promise." 

"I do. Now why don't we get back to work? Your clothes are ruined now, so the explosions won't hurt them." 


We stood back and looked at each other. We wondered what that was about, and we all looked at Peter who shrugged. We went back to what we were doing, not bothering the Spenglers again. 

This was more of a throw away chapter. See the awesome scene of the chapter's name: This chick is toast! Haha, I love that part of the movie. Also just cause I could, you can see them fighting Gozer. Peace out my Stars! 

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