13: Waves

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*Egon's pov* 

I was asleep in my bed with everyone else. I was expecting to be awoken by the alarm or at my own free will, but not the way I was. I was wrapped in the covers cause we forgot to pay the heating bill, and by we I mean Peter. It was cold inside the fire house, but the sheet were warm. I was suddenly on the floor instead of my bed. I laid there for a few moments then stood up. I grabbed my glasses off the table and put them on to see what had happen. I looked at Peter first thinking he must of pulled the sheet off, but he didn't have it in his hand or around him. Neither did Ray or Winston. I looked over at Natalie, and in her hand was my blanket. I shock my head and walked over to her. 

"Very funny Natalie," I told her loud enough to wake her. She looked up at me sleepily and I took the covers from her hand. 

"What was funny?" she yawned.

"Pulling the blanket so I would fall out of bed!" 

"I didn't do that." 

"So why was the cover in your hand? Did it magically walk over here and put itself in your hand?" 

"It might of, you never know what will happen in this screwed up job!" 

"Well when you are ready to admit that you did it, I will be ready to hear it," I told her walking back to my bed. 

"I still didn't do it," she grumbled covering her own body to go back to sleep. 

I got to sleep for the rest of the night and woke up on my own. I saw Natalie tie her shoelace and she walked by me. 

"Morning Egon," she told me and left the room. I changed and went out to the table to eat with the others. While we were eating I dropped my fork. I bent down to get it, but couldn't find it. It took me a while, but I finally found it, then took it to the kitchen to get a clean one. I heard Natalie cry out in shock and glass break. I ran back and saw Natalie on the floor with the bits of the plate on the floor. The others looked at her with shock, and we all looked at her feet. Her shoes were tied together. 

"Egon!" she cried looking up at me. 

"What?" I asked. 

"What the hell is this?" 

"What is what?" 

"You tied my shoes together!" 

"I did not." 

"Well then who else did, since you were the only one down there?" 

"I don't know, but I know I didn't do it." 

The bell started to ring and we started to get ready. Natalie got into the drivers seat, and I started to get in the passenger seat before she stopped me. 

"I think you can ride in the back," she told me angrily. I glared at her. 

"I think I will," I replied. Winston, Peter, and Ray all looked at each other then shrugged. Ray got in next to Natalie, and Winston and Peter next to me. 

"Hey Egon, are you two okay?" Winston whispered to me. 

"Why wouldn't we be?" I asked back not feeling like talking about what me and Natalie were doing. We got mad at each other, didn't talk for a few hours, then made up. It was that simple. 

"Well alright." 

We got to Central Park and saw a few people under two ghost. I took out my PKE meter and scanned them. One looked like a male, and the other a female. They turned and I could tell that they must have been twins. They looked at the couple under them and smiled. 

"You two have been very naughty to each other," they both said at the same time. "Now you must pay for what you have done!" 

The ghost covered them with a strange light, and then I saw the couple- also twins- handcuffed together. The ghost laughed and then saw us. 

"Oh, it's more people!" they cheered and raced at us. Peter shout his proton stream at the ghost and they moved back. 

"Now why don't you let these nice people go?" Peter asked them. The ghost twins started to giggle. 

"We can't until they learn their lesson!" they told him. "Mother says twins should play nice. Twins should be kind and never argue. If we broke the rules, then we get punished. So do all of these twins who fight and bicker." 

We all looked down the path and saw more people we were in fact twins, or maybe not. I couldn't tell by all of them, but something was making them either be nice or stuck to each other. 

"Hey, reminds me of a certain set of twins we know," Ray said looking at Natalie and I. 

"You two could use a little help to not fight," Winston added. I saw the twins take an interest in Natalie and I, and they looked at each other. They floated towards us, and the male pushed me into Natalie's back. 

"Twins shouldn't fight," they told us light starting to raise up around us. "Mother used to say walk a mile in their shoes and see how you like it!" 

The light blinded me for a minute. I was on the ground the next moment when I was just standing up. The ghost twins were gone, and Natalie was lying next to me. Her eyes were still closed has Peter and Ray helped me up. 

"Egon are you okay?" Winston asked me and I glared at Ray. 

"Thank you so much for bringing the topic that Natalie and I were fighting in front of the ghost that just so happened to be doing things to twins who were fighting Ray!" I told him. 

"Egon?" Peter asked me looking me up and down. 

"What?" I asked it coming out very sharp. 

"You sure you are okay?" Ray asked. 

"I don't feel any different. What was that flash?" 

"We were hoping you know," Peter said. 

"Do I look like I know?" I asked then covered my mouth. What was I saying? I never talked like this, and I always knew what things were. What did those ghost do to me? 

"Oh my head," Natalie said sitting up shacking it. 

"Nat, are you okay?" Peter asked. 

"Please don't hurt me!" Ray called hiding behind me. 

"Hurting you won't solve anything Ray," she said standing up and fixed her glasses. 

"Huh?" Winston asked. "What problem?" 

"The light," Natalie said taking out her PKE meter and looked something on it. 

"What was that?" I asked her, still not understanding what was going on. I should have been the one taking out the PKE and know what was going on. Natalie should be the one speaking like this to the others. 

"That light was a series of particle flows and electricity. The spirits were able to somehow make the right about of waves so that it interfered both of our brain waves," she answered and all of us looked at her blankly. 

"I never thought I would say this," Peter said, "but English Natalie, English!" 

"Take a pool of water once you hit it. When the waves start to move they have a certain pattern depending on the person, or in this case thing. If two of these things are next to each other, and with the right energy, the waves will cross until they reach that other 'things' mind." 

"So?" Winston asked. 

"Don't you see it Z?" Ray asked him. 

"See what?" 

"Natalie and Egon. How does Natalie usually act?" 

"Not the way she is now," Peter told us. 

"She is acting a lot like Egon," Winston said. "In fact Egon is acting a lot like her." 

"So what does it mean Ray?" I asked looking at the others. Natalie shock her head. 

"We switched personalities and, to a certain link, switched minds," she told me. 

On the side you can see a video of me and my friends at lunch. Hope you like it, that's all I got. Peace out my Stars! 

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