14: The Amazing Switcho Twins

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"Switched minds with you?" I cried looking at her. She nodded. 

"I don't like it either, Egon," she told me looking back at the PKE meter. 

"What are you looking for?" Peter asked her. 

"The ghost so I can go back to normal," she answered. "Do you think I like acting like Egon?" 

"What is wrong with acting like me?" I asked. 

"I don't think I should answer the question," she said then put the meter away. "They aren't here." 

"Well can you fix this Eg- I mean Natalie?" Winston asked her. She shrugged. 

"I have no idea if I can or not," she answered. 

"Why not?" Ray asked. 

"Well for one thing Ray, I don't have any idea how much energy it would take to switch two people's mind waves. Second, there is a fifty percent possibility that if I try and fix this, Egon and I will be blow up. Third, I don't know what I would need until I run some test." She looked down at the ground then up at the sky. "Somebody shoot me if I speak one more time! I can't take this!" 

"I guess she was right when she said a certain link," Peter whispered to Ray. 

"This is no time to joke Peter, we have to help Egon and Natalie!" Ray whispered back. 

"Then let's go figure this out," I spoke up taking her hand and smiling. "My little sister here has work to do!" 

"Little sister?" she asked looking me up and down like I was crazy. 

"You call me little brother, and now I am thinking like you, I do not see why I can't enjoy calling you lil sis." 

"I have to fix this," she mumbled walking away. "You stink at being me." 

"I thought I was doing good!" I called out has she walked away. 

We got in the car and drove to the firehouse where Janine sat waiting for us.

"How did it go?" she asked. Ray shock his head. "Not good? You all are still alive, so what's the problem."

"Those two," Peter said pointing at Natalie and I.

"What happened to Egon?" Janine asked scared.

"Thanks for being worried about Natalie," Winston mumbled under his breath.

"I kind of switched brains with Nat," I answered ignoring what I just heard. Janine stared at me, then at Natalie.

"So you are Natalie?" she asked looking at me again.

"If I do not fix this, then yes he will," Natalie answered punching numbers into a calculator.

"I thought you said to a link!" Ray cried.

"That was before I got to thinking. The more time that goes on, the worse it will get until Egon truly believes he is me and I think I am Egon, which is why I have to figure out how to fix this fast!"

"No kidding!" Winston said. "How long will it take?"

"My guess is between five days-"

"That's not so bad."

"-to ten years."


"Well then you better get to work!" I told her. "I don't want to be you for ten years!"

"Thank you Egon, I love hearing that someone doesn't want to be me for ten years," she said walking up the stairs.

The rest of us did whatever we could to not get in Natalie's way. The phone sounded and Janine answered it.

"Hello Ghostbusters," she said into the phone. She took a pen in hand and wrote something down. "Yes, they will be there. Of course they can! I'm not sure I can promise that. Alright bye," she told the person and put the phone down. She held up a piece of paper and gave it to me. "Those ghost that were in the park are now in an apartment building." 

"Alright, someone go get Spengler, and let's go catch the Amazing Switcho Twins!" Peter told us. 

"The Amazing Switcho Twins?" I asked him.

"To make you and Nat mad," he explained. I glared at him.

"Let's go," Winston said. "I think we should leave Natalie here so nothing else can happen to them, and so she fix this."

We all agreed and left in Ecto 1, hoping to catch the ghost who did this to Natalie and I.

 Hehe, classic Peter. I hope this one is good, nothing to the side cause I didn't feel like looking up stuff, haha! Not much to say. Peace out my Stars! 

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