15: We Come, We Saw, We Kicked It's Ass

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*Peter's pov*

We all looked up to the building that the ghost were in. I could see why too ghost who were trying to stop twins from fighting would come here. It was a huge building and I was sure it had plenty of twins in there. We all took out our packs and walked into the building.

"So where do you think it is at?" I asked everyone. We looked around, but we left our PKE meters at the firehouse. It was manly Egon who used it, but his brain was at the firehouse.

"Great, how are we going to find them now?" Egon asked. He sounded a lot like Natalie when he asked that.

"Well, how do we find ghost when we don't have Egon to point us in the right direction?" Winston asked. We all thought about it, and Ray sighed.

"By pure luck," he answered.

"I guess we do need Egon's brain," I said looking at him.

"I didn't know I would be so needed when I wasn't totally here," Egon said, then looked down. "Peter, I didn't mean it like that."

"Hey, it's fine, you aren't yourself today, I understand."

"I'm going to ignore that."

"Let's just call Natalie and get this over with," Ray told us and we agreed. I dialed the number, and Janine answered.

"Hello Ghostbusters," she said.

"Janine, I need you to put Nat on," I told her. I heard the phone move a bit, then it was placed on someones ear.

"What?" she asked angrily.

"Temper temper Nat," I told her with a smile.

"Sorry Peter, it's just this whole thing is getting worse."

"How could it get worse?"

"I can't see out of my glasses. I can't see with them off either."

"What was the point of them then?"

"I use them for reading. I can see just fine, or I used to. Now what was it you wanted?"

"We need that wonderful brain of yours to come help us find the Amazing Switcho Twins."

"Who gave them that name?"

"I did. Why?"

"That is the most immature thing I have ever heard of a name."

"Would you get down here or not?"

"I'm on my way Peter, calm down."

She hung up the phone and I stood there waiting for her to get here. She walked through the doors with her glasses in hand looking a little upset.

"Yes?" she asked, her pack on and I saw the PKE in it's proper place.

"That," Ray said pointing at her PKE.


"Yep, we left ours at the firehouse. Can you please lead us to the ghost?" Egon asked her sweetly. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"You all would loss your heads if they weren't attached," she said taking it out. She blinked then glared at it. "Those stupid twins, I can't read this, and I can't see anything!"

"Hey, you sounded like yourself there for a moment!" I told her hoping that would make her feel better. Then I looked at Egon who was trying to read something.

"What does that sign say?" he asked. I looked and saw the huge red words and told him. "Oh no."

"What?" Ray asked him.

"Now my eyes are becoming like hers!"

"Well, did you find anything out at to fix this?"

"No, not at all," she answered and took Egon's glasses and placed her own on his face. "Here, that should work."

"Thanks Egon," he told her not paying attention to what he was saying.

"Your welcome Nat," she answered also not giving too much thought on the name. She walked away and we followed. I pulled Ray and Winston back and told the other two to stay there.

"Anyone else creeped out by this?" I asked and the others nodded.

"We have to fix this fast," Ray said.


"Well, maybe if we catch the ghost things will go back to the way they were," Winston answered thinking.

"It's worth a try," Ray told us. "If that doesn't work we are going to need Egon's brain to start thinking about a way to solve this."

"I don't think Egon's brain is the problem," I put in. "I think it is the fact Natalie's doesn't want to be Egon's. Now let's get these ghost in a trap and hope we get lucky!"

We walked over to Natalie who was looking at the meter, and we saw it flash. She turned and it flashed even more.

"I believe the ghost are that way," she said pointing the direction we needed to go. We walked around a corner and saw the twins,

"Alright, no stopping to talk this time, just get em in a trap," I told them. We all pointed our wands at the ghost. We shout them and they yelled out in shock, and I pushed a trap under them, and they were gone.

"Did it work?" Winston asked. A bright light bust out from the trap, and I covered my eyes. Usually lights like that knock all of us off our feet, but this time it was just Natalie and Egon who were.

"I think it did!" I told them and I smiled. "Hey Ray, you know what I said when we caught Slimer?"

"You said a lot of things. Be more specific," he answered looking at the Spenglers.

"We come, we saw, we kicked its ass!"

"Nice Peter," Winston told me with a smile has the other two got up with the help of Ray.

"Anyone else of a pounding headache?" Egon asked and Natalie raised her hand. "Good, thought it was just me."

"So how is our favorite pair of twins?" I asked them and they both glared at me. Before either one of them answered, another pair of twins come running at us.

"You all are-" one started, but the other finished.

"-the Ghostbusters, right?"

"Yeah," Ray answered looking at them.

"You have to-"

"-help us."

"You see-"

"-these two ghost-"

"-they did something to us."

"Now we can't-"

"-speak on our own-"

"-Without the other."

"It got worse when-"

"-that light hit us."

"Can you please-"

"-help us?"

"You said it got worse?" I asked looking at them. They nodded. "You don't think-"

"Help us!" two more twins come running at us. They were tied together, hands and body.

"Let me guess, you two were tied just by hands until the light hit?" Ray asked. They nodded. Then we looked at Natalie and Egon.

"How do you feel Egon?" Winston asked him.

"I feel fine, why?" Natalie answered.

"Natalie?" Ray asked.

"What?" Egon asked back. We looked at each other and then back at them.

"Will somebody tell me what you two are talking about?" Egon asked then placed his hand over his mouth. "Why do I sound like Egon?" 

"You do sound like me," Natalie said then gulped. "I sound like you. Please tell me this is a dream and I will wake up."

I pointed at a mirror and the two looked in it. Egon backed into a wall and shock his head. Well his body did. Natalie's body just stared in the mirror.

"No, I- I can fix this," Natalie's body said. "I will not be trapped in my sister's body! 

Ohhhh! I wonder what is going to happen to the Spengler twins? I guess we will just have to see. Well you all have to, I already know what is going to happen. Umm... You can see some awesome candles that I really want, I just love candles, probably going to die because of that. Anyway, you can also see the scene with one of my favorite lines from the capture of Slimer, the first being "Nice shooting Tex!" Anyway, peace out my Stars! 

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