16: Hello Dolly

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*Ray's pov*

"No, I can't be in his body!" Egon cried. While Natalie really, but it was- oh you know who I mean!

"This is so wrong on so many levels!" Peter cried looking at the trap with the ghost twins.

"If we let them go, do you think it will fix them?" I asked them before Egon took my hand.

"You all said trapping it would fix it," he said messing with the hair in his face. Natalie's ponytail come undone when the light hit, and now it was all over Natalie's body's face. "How do you put up with this hair?"

"That's why I put it up!" Natalie told him. "It's the most annoying thing I know. Ugh, I feel so wrong right now!"

"How do we fix this?" Winston asked.

"I think I'm going to puke," Peter put in looking around.

"Well, we could try to match the same frequency that the light gave off," I answered the question. "I just need to figure out what it is."

"Did the meter pick it up?" Winston asked me.

"I don't know, hey Nat!"

"What?" she asked me standing up.

"Did the meter pick up anything?"

"Barely," Egon answered with the meter in his hand. "It's a faint reading, but I believe that we can reverse the power the ghost gave off and free every twin in New York."

"What could happen if we don't do this?" Natalie asked him.

"Every single twin, including us, will become nothing more than this. The power is taking hold quickly, and I fear if we don't save them, this won't be reversible."

"You mean I would be stuck in your body for the rest of my life?" she cried.


"We have to fix this quickly."

We all looked at Peter who just sounded like he was sick. We looked around the corner and saw that he was sick, and he threw up in a box. He looked in and smiled.

"Well hello Dolly!" he cried and stood up.  "Those poor kids now have-"

"I don't really want to hear it," Winston told me walking away from this floor. We all followed and got to the firehouse quickly. I started to take the ghost to the Contaminate Unit, but Egon stopped me.

"I might to get readings from those two before they go into the place I can't get readings," he told me and I agreed. He told me a list of things he needed to remake an energy wave, and I got most of it.

"What is dichromate?" I asked him and Natalie gave me a glass filled with an orange powder.

"Here you go, dichromate," she said and sat back down. It could a long time, a lot of work, and a lot of money we were going to have to earn back, but we finally got the machine working. We had no idea if it was going to work, and no way to test it.

"Egon, what happens if this thing doesn't work?" Winston.

"Every twin in New York will be left the way they are, and Natalie and I will be burned to ashes, along with any other twin close enough to get a strange does of the energy," he answered.

"What are the odds that it will?" Natalie asked.

"About seventy three percent."

"That's it? Alright, let's get this over with, I want my body back!"

"I second that," Egon told her then started to play around with some buttons. The lights on the machine started to flash, and this strange blue glow was starting. All of a sudden a pulse of blue light blow across the city, and I saw Natalie and Egon both fall like before. I turned the device off and walked over to Egon's body, not sure who was in it. Both of their eyes opened and they sat up.

"Hey, there the headache I didn't miss," Natalie's body said well rubbing the head.

"Did it work?" I asked.

"Only one way to find out," Peter said and walked over to us. "Hey, Egon!"

"What?" Egon's body asked Peter while standing up.

"Oh Natalie."

"Yes Peter?" her body asked. She then looked at her hands and laughed. "It worked! I have my body back!"

"Yes!" Winston cried with joy. "It's good to have the Amazing Spengler Twins back to normal."

"Don't ever call us that again," Natalie told him.

"If you don't mind me asking, but what were you two fighting about anyway?" I asked them and they looked deep in thought.

"Egon accused me of pulling the sheets off his bed making him fall, and I accused him of tying my shoes together," Natalie answered turning to Egon. "That reminds me, if you didn't do it, than who did?"

"That is a good question," Egon said thinking. Slimer came up and taped Natalie on the shoulder. She looked at him and he made a tying motion and pointed at her shoes, then at himself. He then went over to Egon and made a pulling motion. The message was clear: Slimer pulled Egon's sheet and tied Natalie's shoes. Both of them glared at him.

"Slimer!" Natalie cried at him. He stuck his tongue out at her and left. "Oh that little green spud, get back here!"

She ran downstairs and we heard a crush. Egon ran in to figure it out and I heard him yell at Slimer, and the rest of us were laughing.

"So good to have those two back to normal, wouldn't you say?" Peter asked with a smile on his face.

"It sure it," Winston said with Natalie and Egon doing who knows what to Slimer. 

Alright, that was a bit of a head headache. Never doing something like that again! So on the side you can see, I can't remember if it is the poster for Ghostbusters 2 or that powder I can't spell. We'll see, won't we? Well I have nothing to say besides sorry for the headache. Dedicated to dafluffyunicorn because she is in love with my book and I just love her picture! Love the Corpse Bride. Any way, go look her up. Peace out my Stars! 

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