17: Louis Tully

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*Winston's pov*

I walked down to the garage and saw Louis at his desk. He must have gotten back from his trip to his parents house. He looked up, then back to his work.

"Hey Louis," I told him. "How was your trip?"

"It was good," he answered then gave me a small smile.

"Did the guys know you were coming?"

"Just got back today. The guys nor Janine knew I was coming today. Did I miss anything while I was gone?"

"Did you meet Egon's sister and the fifth Ghostbuster?"

"Egon has a sister?"

"Yeah, Natalie Spengler, his twin sister. Want to meet her?"

"I don't know Winston. Is she nice? Is she like Egon?"

"She works like him, but other than that, no. So do you want to or not?"

"I'm going to one way or the other if she works here."

"Natalie!" I cried and she slide down the pole. She didn't have her uniform on, but instead a teal top and black pants. Her black shoes hit the ground with a click! I looked over at Louis, and he was staring at her.

"Yes Winston?" she asked then noticed Louis. "Who's this?"

"This is Louis Tully, our accountant," I told her, and they shock hands.

"Pleased to meet you Louis," she told him letting go of his hand.

"The pleasures all mine Natalie," he said looking at his hand she had touched.

"So you do the Ghostbuster's taxes?"

"Yep, I sure do!"

"Good, I stink at math that doesn't involve chemistry or astronomy. I'm barely good at that. Well, I have to get back to work for the two slave drivers upstairs I call Egon and Ray."

"Alright, I'll see you around Natalie!"

"See you in a bit Nat," I told her and she walked up the stairs. Louis sat down in his chair with a dreamy look on his face. "Louis?"

"What a gal," he said.

"Louis, are you okay?"

"What? Oh, I'm fine, just.. um..."

"You have a crush on Natalie, don't you?"

"Maybe just a little. Her blond hair, her blue eyes just shine in the light. That skin is flawless, and her glasses just seem to bring everything out. She is just, wow." 

"Calm down there Romeo," I told him laughing. "You just meant her!" 

"Who just meant who?" Peter asked walking down the stairs and saw Louis. "Hey Louis, long time no see!" 

"Hi Peter," Louis said, probably still thinking about Natalie.

"So who is this girl you just meant?"


"Oh, I see. I understand completely. Dr. Natalie Spengler is one heck of a looker, and gets better once you get to know her."

"She does?" Louis asked full of hope, but then slummed down. "But she probably wouldn't like a guy like me. No girl ever does."

"Hey, cheer up," I told him. "Natalie doesn't judge the way half the girls in the world do."

"What do you mean?" he asked looking confused.

"What Winston is saying, Natalie won't make any judgments on you until she gets to know you," Peter translated. "Keep up hope, your a great guy, and any gal would be lucky to have you."

"Thanks Peter," he said to him. "Now I have work to do."

"Alright, we'll be upstairs if you need us," I told him walking up the stairs with Peter right behind me. We sat on the couch and I looked at him. "Do you think Louis has a chance with Nat?"

"Not one bit," he answered, "but how break his little heart?"

"Good point. And you never know, maybe that is the kind of guys Nat is into."

"Maybe, we will see. I bet you five bucks she doesn't go out with him."

"Your on!"

Suddenly we heard an explosion from the other room. Everyone who wasn't in the room ran to it, and I opened the door to see the dust of the ceiling falling and Natalie, Egon, and Ray hiding behind a table. They looked up, and then Ray and Natalie glared at Egon.

"What was that?" Janine asked.

"Him," Natalie said pointing at Egon.

"So I made a small mistake," Egon said putting numbers in a calculator.

"Small mistake?" Ray asked.

"You could have blown us into New Jersey!" Natalie cried. "That is not small, that is huge!" 

"I didn't, so there is no problem," Egon told her. She smacked him upside the head and he rubbed it. "You know I thought you would stop doing that after high school." 

"I did when you stopped doing stupid things like this," she said.  

"You used to smack Egon?" Peter asked with a small smile on his face. 

"Ever since I was three she has," Egon answered. Peter started laughing, and I couldn't help but smile. 

"That is rich," Ray put in with a smile. 

"Spengler's one weakness is his sister!" Peter cried. 

"Egon, I didn't know someone could put you in your place," Janine said joining the fun. 

"Don't let Natalie hear all the things you've done in the past," Louis laughed. 

"She might need a week of slapping him for that!" I coughed from laughing. Egon glared at all of us. 

"It is not funny!" he told us, making us laugh more. Natalie then smacked Ray the way she did Egon. She stood up and did it to all of us and glared at us. 

"Is it funny now?" she asked, and we all stopped laughing. She crossed her arms, and we shock our heads no. "I may be able to stop Egon with doing stupid stuff, but I also make sure people don't laugh when he does." 

"Sorry Egon," I told him, and Natalie walked out of the room. 

"Damn, even when mad she is still a sexy woman!" Peter cried, and Egon and Ray looked up at him shocked. 

"She just hit you upside the head!" Ray told him. 

"You think it is smart to call her a 'sexy woman?'" Spengler asked him.

"Don't know, don't care," Venkman answered and walked after Natalie. Janine and Louis walked downstairs, and I joined Egon and Ray.

"He really is going to get us killed one day, isn't he?" I asked.

"Has a child I always thought it would be Natalie, but now I am certain it will be Peter," Egon answered.

"He sure will," Ray said, and we laughed when we heard Peter cry out in pain, and come back with a black eye.

"She really is a tough one, isn't she?" Peter asked, and Natalie walked in.

"I told you to catch," she said throwing a baseball up in the air and catching it. "Not my fault you missed."

"Very funny," Venkman mumbled. "Do you know how long it will take me to get rid of this black eye?"

"A week and two days," she answered and walked off again.

"Told you," Ray said and went back to work, and I took Peter to get some ice. Another crazy day at the office.

 So, if you watch the shows and movies, you should know that there was a guy named Louis who was there from time to time. He didn't do too much in the show, but I like him so much I forgot about him! Haha, I did like him, I just totally forgot him when I was making the list for the book. So he is here now, tried to give a reason for him being gone, but don't be fooled. He is to the side, well his show look. Hope you liked a chapter, a funny one to get Louis in there. More to come, promise! Peace out my Stars! 

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