18: Routine Spook Check

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*Peter's pov*

You know I am starting to think there is something going on with Nat. Lately she hasn't come out of the basement, while besides jobs. Her mind is somewhere, and we all can see that. I don't even know when the last time she ate or slept was. It's like something is pulling her down, and she won't talk about it. We even asked her once to get a glare and her storming off. 

"Do you think she will ever come out of it?" Janine asked me. I looked up from my chair and shrugged. Sure Natalie is a huge pest, but over the months I had gotten to know her, she become like a big sister to me. I never had one, and it felt good to know that if you fall someone is there to catch you. I knew the others felt this way too.

"I hope so," Ray said laying on the couch.

"Thing's aren't the same without Nat up here," Winston said cleaning his boots.

"I think I heard her grumbling to herself once," Louis put in taking a drink of his soda.

"Something is wrong with her," Egon told us, "but if there is Natalie won't let us help her. She never has before."

"It is probably just something to do with stress or something," I suggested, but Spengler shock his head.

"If Natalie is stressed we would know it. This is something different."

"Well then, what is it?" Ray asked, and we all looked at Egon who sadly shock his head.

"I wouldn't have a good suggestion to say what is wrong with her," he answered. The phone started to ring, but stopped after the second ring. A bit later, Natalie walked up the stars with something black on her cheek and a little of it in her hair.

"There's a ghost on First Avenue," she said then started to walk down the stairs before I stopped her.

"Nat, is that ashes on your face?" I asked and she ran a finger over the stuff and looked at it. She then whipped it all over and looked at me.

"Not anymore," she answered and looked at me.

"Why the hell do you have ashes on your face?"

"Why do you have to ask so many questions about my business?" she asked angrily and walked downstairs. I looked at the others and walked down. We got ready and left to bust a ghost with the moody gal in a jumpsuit. I woldn't want to be the ghost who messed with her.

"Are you sure you are okay Natalie?" Winston asked her from the divers seat. Ray was next to him. Natalie looked up and sighed.

"Can we not talk about it?" she asked back, but something was wrong, and we all knew it.

"No, we can't," Ray answered her question. "If something is wrong, we want to help." 

"You won't be able to help Stanz!" she cried at him, and we looked shocked at her. I never heard her voice that angry or that cruel. Natalie glared at him, then her face softened. "Ray, I didn't mean it that way. It's just... Never mind." 

"What's just never mind?" I asked and she looked up at me sadly. 

"The book." 

"White's book?" Egon asked. 

"No, the other book I hate, yes White's book!" 

"What about it?" Winston asked. Natalie looked down at her arms, and I saw something that looked like spiderwebs on her arms. She pushed her selves up so I couldn't see them anymore. 

"It's causing me to want to open it," she answered and we all gasped. 

"Have you?" Ray asked and Natalie looked shocked. 

"Of course not! Up until now I have been able to fight off the feeling with different things I found, which reminds me I have to give Egon back one of his books. Anyway, it calls my name, and once I even woke up with my hands about to pull the covers apart. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, but even now it is trying to get me to open it." 

"What did you do with it?" I asked still looking at her arms. 

"I locked it in a chest and gave the key to Slimer to hid," she answered, then looked at her arms again. 

"You said you with different things you found," Egon repeated what she said. "What were some of those things?" 

"I tried things like salt, garlic, the color red, patterns on my arms, things that keep spirits out of your body. Some worked longer, but soon whatever got through." 

"Is that these are?" I asked moving her sleeve to see the lines up and down her arm. 

"Yes, I have to wash them off, but I haven't gotten the chance." 

"Well we can talk about this later," Ray said looking out the window. "We're here."

We got out and in full uniform walked into the little restaurant. The owner looked up and walked over to us.

"What are you going to do?" he asked us, and I thought about it.

"Oh nothing much, just a routine spook check, then we will put the ghost into it's proper place," I told him and patted his arm. "So where is the ghost?"

"The kitchen," he answered.

"Good, I'm starved!" Winston joked, and we walked in to almost getting hit in the face with a frying pan. Well I did.

"And I thought the first thing to be thrown at us was a knife," Ray said, and then a knife was thrown at us. Natalie glared at him.

"You really need to hold that tongue of yours Ray," she told him. She looked up and ducked has another knife was thrown inches from where he neck would have been. "You really need to hold that tongue."

"There it is!" Egon said and we saw a blob of yellow playing with pots and pans and a lot of kitchen stuff. I blasted it with my wand and it dropped everything it had. Winston and Natalie did the same, and Ray took out the trap.

"Now?" he asked Spengler, and he nodded.

"Now!" he answered, and Stanz opened the trap under the ghost. He walked over and held it up once the ghost was inside.

"That's one spirit we don't have to deal with anymore," Winston said with a smile.

"Pretty good since half the ghost we catch try to kill us," I put in.

"Speak for yourself!" Natalie laughed. "That thing nearly took my head off!" Her smile was long over due, but soon disappeared. She looked like she was listening to someone, and she looked over her shoulder at nothing. Her eyes grew in fear and she stepped into Egon's body.

"Nat, what's wrong?" he asked her looking at the spot she was. Her eyes never moved from that spot, and it still looked like something was talking into her ear.

"Earth to Natalie!" Stanz cried taking her arm. She still did not look.

"She must be in a trance," Egon told us.

"Well how do we get her out of it?" Winston asked. I stepped in front of her and took her face in my hands.

"Natalie!" I called and she looked up at me. The fear in her eyes was gone, and she looked at me confused.

"What?" she asked like nothing had happened.

"You just zoned out like something was speaking to you," Winston told her, and she thought hard then looked up.

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"While you were laughing and then it looked like someone was talking to you. You looked over there and- Whoah!"

We looked where Winston was looking and saw a mirror. In that mirror we saw ourselves, but it wasn't pretty. All of us looked like ghost of some short, and each had something different. Ray's body had muscle showing all the way down his chest, like he was ripped in half or something and sewn back together. Winston was a glowing skeleton that looked upset about something, like fear. Egon was covered in bit marks and stretches like something tried to eat him. I looked like I was crushed under a lot of weight. Natalie, on the other hand, looked verily good looking. She was wearing a long white dress and it looked like she wasn't a ghost, but greenish glow around her made it clear she was. The only thing about this Natalie was that all around here were snakes of all kinds, and they may have been fake, but it was clear what the cause of death was: dying of fright.

"What kind of a mirror is this?" Ray asked looking at all of us. Natalie looked at it, then gasped.

"My dream!" she cried.


"In my dream, Ray was ripped in half, Winston killed by acid, Peter you were crushed, Egon was bit and played with by demons that killed him, and I more than likely died by the box of snakes!"

"I had almost forgotten about that," I said looking at my crashed ghost form.

"So what does that have to do with the mirror?" Winston asked.

"I- I had the dream again last night, and the night before that, and pretty much all of this week."


"Let's go home," Egon said when, in a flash of purple light, the mirror disappeared. We got our payment from the owner, and went back to the firehouse with the mirror sill in mind. 

So I am finally getting into the plot I wanted to get into since the beginning of the book, but I wanted to play around with the characters first. So I hope you enjoy. On the side you will see a clip from the second Ghostbusters film, and a picture of the Extreme Ghostbusters. Note that they will not be in this book, but since I saw one of my Stars liked the show, I'll show it to you guys. The show is Egon putting together a new team, and I wasn't too big of a fan, but it was an alright show. I don't know their names, but I think one of the names is Kylie. Don't hold me to that. If you know the names of the Extreme Ghostbusters, let me know. Peace out my Stars! 

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