19: Got Party on His Mind

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*Natlie's pov*

I was ready to leave this job. I wasn't meant to fight my own death, and that was what it felt like I was doing. After we looked at the mirror, the week had been busy with no breaks in the calls, and we barely got to sleep. Every ghost we faced was hard and drained us with everything we did. It didn't help that the voice that kept coming into my mind tried to get me to open the book, and that I was thinking about it. I still had no idea where the key was, but I couldn't open the book!

We all sat by the phone, and thought we were going to get a call about another ghost. I was falling asleep, and when I did fall asleep, I awoke when I had that same dream I have been having every time I go to sleep. What was happening to me?

Someone put there hand on my shoulder, and I looked up into Egon's worried face.

"Nat?" he asked, and I hugged my brother. I did this a lot when I was upset, and I usually made him uncomfortable, but I never cared. He looked at me, but said nothing.

"Help," I cried into his chest, and he looked me in the eye.

"Help with what?"

"Me. It's too much, all of this is too much. I just want to get this book over with."

"I know big sis, I know. I just don't know what to do to stop this. I have thought, but all the theories tell me that if we destroy the book, you, and possibly the whole Spengler family, goes with it. I'm trying Nat, but it is taking time."

"I don't think we have time Egon. I just don't think we do."

"We will, and we do. Trust me."

"The last time I trust you like this I lost everything I had to my name."

"That was a simple mistake Nat. I said I was sorry."

"I know. It's just me being upset is making me mad."

The phone began to ring, and Janine answered it. After a few short seconds she held out the phone for someone.

"It's the mayor," she told us. "He wants to talk to a Ghostbuster."

"Which one?" Ray asked and she repeated the question into the phone.

"The female one."

"What did I do now?" I asked to them before taking the phone. "Hello Mr. Mayor."

"There is my favorite girl Ghostbuster," I heard him say.

"I'm the only one."

"Whatever. Anyway, has you know the election is coming up, so I had to ask a favor from all of you. Just a tiny one, nothing big, and it is simple."

"Why are you asking me?"

"You seem to be able to talk the others into doing stuff."

"What is it?"

"I want you all to come to a dance I am hosting. No catching ghost unless there is one there. I just want you to talk to people. For some reason the voters seem to love your work and if I have the Ghostbusters by my side, I think I can get elected again."

"When is it?"

"Tonight at seven. Bring your workers if you want. Just be there! If you do then I will pay you each a hundred bucks!"

He hung up at me, and I was surprised at the reaction. Well I hoped that charm could get them in, cause if that didn't, then beauty would. My job, my job.

"So what was that about?" Winston asked me. I smiled hoping to sound nice instead of how I usually sound.

"Well the mayor would be very grateful if we went to a dance to help him get elected again," I answered.

"No way," Egon answered.

"Not doing it," Peter put it.

"Nope," Winston said.

"I'll go," Ray told me with a smile. Thank goodness for Ray Stanz!

"I'll make that special thing you wanted Egon," I bribed him, and he smiled very quickly before it was gone.

"I don't see how going a few minutes would hurt," he replied.

"I'll do a little dancing with you Peter," I told him sitting on the desk in the most beautiful way I could think of. His upset face disappeared and he gave in.

"Alright," he sighed with a slick smiled.

"I'm still not going," Winston told me. I thought for a moment then smiled.

"The mayor is giving us each a hundred bucks for those who go," I said and he nodded.

"Then I go. Money talks much more than you do Nat."

"Janine, Louis, you two want to go?" I asked them, and Janine looked up sadly.

"I want to, but I have to go help my sister paint her apartment," she answered. I sighed and looked at Louis.

"How about you Louis, want to come?"

"Well, sure," he answered, then looked up at me. "Hey Nat?"

"Hey Lou?"

"Would you, I don't know, maybe want to be my date, or girl person thingy?"

"Girl person thingy?" I laughed and he blushed.


"Hey, it's for a night. I'll do it, but I have to dance with Peter once."

I looked over at the guys and Winston was smiling at Peter. Venkman reached into his pocket and put five dollars into Winston's hand. I didn't pay it too much attention and went on with my day until I had to get ready.

Hours later

"Swell party, isn't it?" Louis asked me. I was having a good time, and I could tell the others were too. I got my dance with Peter over, thank goodness.

"It is," I answered. I danced with all the guys, even Egon. Even if I had to bend down just a bit to reach them. It stinks at time to be taller then most men. I was only a few inches off on Egon, so it was easier to dace to his height.

"So do you think the mayor will win again?" Louis asked me.

"If he is lucky," I answered with a smile. I didn't know then that it might be one of the last one I gave for a while. The floor began to shack under out feet. I grabbed onto Louis and he pulled me away from the center. Somehow all the guest besides my friends ended up on the right. We ended up on the left.

"Is this an earthquake?" Ray yelled over the sound of wind in the room. Egon looked at the PKE meter in his jacket pocket. All the men were wearing suits and the women were wearing dresses. Mine was a blueish green color.

"No," he answered just has loud. "The levels of PKE are too great. They are all coming from right-"

Egon was cut off when a creature broke the floor and rose up. It looked like a man, but its skin was too pale to be. It had on a suit that was a grey color with red on it, but if that was part of the suit or stains was beyond me. Its hair come to its shoulder in a black color, and its eyes had not pupil but glowed a white color. It had claws were its nails would be, and it was looking for something on the other side of the room.

"Where is Natalie Spengler?" it asked, and I knew the voice. It was the one from my dream, the one that spoke to me to open the book. Now the voice was here to get me. I held on to Louis and Ray, the two closest to me. The other guest pointed in my direction, and I glared at them. The demon looked at me with a blinding smile. It picked me up in its hand and I tried to get out of its hold.

"Put her down!" I heard Peter yell at it, but I was being held by its eyes. It seemed to show me things that I wanted so bad, things I would never have.

"You are a special girl Natalie," it told me. "Not many will survive what will come, but you have too. Say good bye to everything you have ever know!"

I couldn't even get a word or thought about what he had just said. Red smoke filled the air and made tears come to my eyes. I coughed, but it wasn't worth it. The world seemed to fade to black. The only thing I had left in my mind was five men yelling my name, worry and pain clear in their voice. 

Ohhhh, shit got real up herrrreeee! I don't know what I am doing, haha. So I am finally getting to the story line that I have been ignoring this whole freaking time! So, I aim to get around thirty chapters, but if I don't oh well. You all better feel special cause I don't feel like writing and I'm in the mood to just kill them all and get on with my life. Then I thought about my Stars and I know I can't do that. So be freaking thankful that I love you all!!!!!! On the side you will see the video game thingy I think and the Real Ghostbusters into. Hope you all liked the chapter, and I have nothing else to say. Peace out my Stars! 

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