20: Ligen

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*Peter's pov*

"Natalie!" we all cried. The thing that was holding her simply made smoke go around both of them. When the smoke cleared both the creature and Natalie were gone. We rushed over and looked for a way the thing would have gone, but the floor was back to the way it was before. She was just gone.

"Where is she?" Ray asked, looking for a sign that she was still here. The other guest stayed out of our way, and some even started to leave.

"She has to be somewhere," Winston said looking at Egon. He was just staring at the spot that Nat was taken. He didn't look anywhere else. I don't even know what was going through his head.

"So anyone got an idea of where she is at?" I asked them, but no one had an answer. 

"We have to find her," Louis told us, and we agreed. 

"How do we find her?" Winston asked Egon, and he took out his PKE meter and turned the knob and messed with the settings. 

"If I set this to Natalie's signature, then it should lead us straight to her," he answered. "Once we see what the demon did to her, we can save her. I just hope she is okay." 

"We all do," I told him looking at the meter. "Now let's go find Nat so she can be forever grateful to us!" 

*Natalie's pov* 

I woke up with a chain on my foot. I sat up and looked around, but saw nothing but darkness, I felt my face to make sure my glasses were still there, and they were. I must have been changed cause I was no longer wearing the dress I was before. It was the white one in my dream. My hair was in a loss ponytail, and small pieces were in my face. I pushed it out, but they fell back in the place I did not want them. 

I put my hand on the wall, and discovered it was glass. I was in a glass cell? Where was I? I remembered the events that lead me here, and I did not like them. The guys' cried of worry and pain still sounded in my ear, and I hugged my knees. What was going to happen to me? Not many will survive what will come, but you must. Those words rang in my head. I would live while everyone else was going to die. I started to cry with my foot chained to the wall and glass all around me. 

"Do not cry Natalie Spengler," the voice said. I looked around and saw a hand coming at me. I didn't want to be picked up, but it did anyway. It cut the chain which told me I was never coming back to this place again. I looked up to see the face of the creature, but I still did not want to look. He opened the room to a show me a large throne. Much smaller demons were running around cleaning, cooking, and so much more. They were a blur to me, but they were there none the less. 

This demon carried me over to the throne, and he sat down with me in his hand. He smiled down at me. With a snap of his fingers a golden cage appeared, and he put me in it. I grabbed the bars, and he held me to his eyes thanks to a chain at the top. The cage, since I looked at it from inside, was a bird cage. 

"So you must be wondering who I am and what I want," the thing asked me. 

"I do," I said still holding the bars. 

"I am the demon Ligen. I wish for you to open the book that once belonged to White so I can build my army to attack the mortal world." 

"Why would I help you with that? My friends and family are in the 'mortal world.' I won't help you destroy it." 

"Then it is a good thing I am not asking. A certain thing you should know is that I can control whoever I want, but only one person at a time. If I wish for you to open the book, it will not matter if you want to or not, you will open the book. The matter is to just get the book. I will leave you alone Dr. Spengler." 

He took the chain in his hand and carried the cage over to a hook. He placed the little circle on the hook and left me hanging in the room. The demons left has well and I was alone. I crawled to the center on the cage and felt something there. They were pictures of me and the guys. I looked through them and had even more tears in my eyes. I didn't want to open the book and know I killed them. I might be mean to every single one of them, but they were like family know. 

The first face I saw was Peter. Peter was the annoying older brother I never had or wanted. Yet he somehow could make me laugh when I needed it, and would risk his life to save me. The next face was Ray's. He was so sweet and child like, I just had to love him. He was probably the most likely to fight a ghost, but I do know that he would be the adult he was and save anyone. Though the reason might be stupid, it had a lot of bravery and kindness in it. I saw Winston next. He probably was the most easy going guy I knew and liked. I didn't meet many guys who had to do what Winston does and does it has well has him. He might be one of my greatest friends in the team. Janine's face was seen in the pictures. She was the sister I never had. Being the only other girl in the business let us talk and bound a lot. We were good friends and could probably tell you a lot about the other, even thought we were totally different. Louis. The only guy who didn't throw himself at me that had a crush on me. He failed a lot at hiding it, but if he saw me with another guy he would just want me to be happy. The little spud was in here too, but I just smiled at it. Slimer was a pest, but he was my pest and I loved the ghost with all my heart. 

The last face in the pictures was Egon. I closed my eyes and thought about all the memories we shared has children. I don't think I can remember one moment in my life where Egon and I were not together. Some people grow apart from their brothers in sisters, but Egon and I were twins and we would never grow apart. We would get mad at each other, but that only lasted for a day. If I ever needed a shoulder to cry on, a person to listen to, a friend, I went to Egon. He did the same, but not too often. He might have gotten me into a lot of trouble, but I did it worse then he did. We were nothing a like, him keeping more to himself and scientific most of  time, the book worm he is, and me being the out going and not the smartest, and more of a party gal. I took all the spirit and he shared the brains a little. 

I thought of all the Ghostbusters. Ray the heart, Peter the mouth, Egon the brains, and Winston the common sense. They were a good team, and I came along and changed the way the team was. I heard the people who gave them all the names that make up the Ghostbusters. I heard the part they called me. Natalie the brawn. 

So what did you think? Like it, hate it, love it? Just cause I didn't know what else to do, here is the Extreme Ghostbusters intro.  Not sure if I like it, but I do enjoy the song of it. Very cool, love the guitar in it. Picture of the cage. Peace out my Stars! 

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