21: You Took Her

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*Ray's pov* 

We were driving in Ecto 1 to the firehouse. We had to get out of this suits before we went to save Natalie. We were trying not to talk about it, but it was hard not to. Of course it was Venkman who broke the silence. 

"Do you think she is okay?" he asked, and I closed my eyes trying to think if she was or not. Winston was driving with Egon next to him. 

"I hope so," Egon answered. 

"We all do," Winston put in. "I can't even begin to think what a demon would want with Nat." 

"A wife?" I asked. 

"Then Natalie would be the last person they take," Egon said playing with the meter. "How much longer until we get to the firehouse?" 

"Like two seconds," Winston answered pulling into the garage. Janine was sitting at the desk, and I looked at her. 

"Didn't you have to paint your sister's apartment?" Peter asked her, and she looked up from her book. 

"I did. Turns out my sister already started and was almost done," Janine answered. "Where's Natalie?" 

"She was taken by a demon at the party," Egon answered putting on his suit. We didn't say a word has we slipped into our uniforms, and Louis and Janine looked at us. 

"If you all need back up, we will be here," Louis told us, and I smiled. 

"I hope we won't but we will call if we need you," I told them, then got into the car. I hoped we could get her back before something else happened. 

Before we left, the whole building started to shack. We all got out and looked around. We didn't know what was going on, but one look at the others told something bad was going to happen.  

"Egon, what is going on?" I asked him. He pointed over to the stairs, and two demons carried a chest out of the basement. 

"What do they want?" Peter asked, and we watched has the two dropped the box and crushed it to millions of pieces. Inside the box was the book Natalie locked away. 

"The book!" Winston cried. They picked it up and gave it to the demon who took Natalie. It was standing behind us. 

"You!" Peter growled at it. "You took Natalie!" 

"I did," it responded with a smile. It held the book in two of its fingers and had the demons sitting on its shoulders. 

"What are you going to do to her?" Egon asked with anger in his voice. 

"I am going to make her open the book Dr. Spengler," it answered him. 


"To get rid of you annoying mortals. This plant used to be the home of many ghost and demons. Now you pathetic mortals rule my once home. I plan on taking it back. Some will be chosen to stay alive, much like Natalie Spengler so the book will stay open. Though I do not plan on having you stay around, but I might show mercy on the girl and having some stay for her." 

"That is crazy!" Peter yelled at it. 

"We will stop you," I told it, and it laughed. 

"You stop me?" it asked like it was a joke. "I must say that some of your other ghost and demons were easy, like Gozer, Vigo, the Ghostmaster, but I am nothing like them. I am much more God like, much more powerful, and much smarter then them. You would be foolish to try. Stay out of my way Ghostbusters." 

With the same smoke it used before, it was gone. I looked at the others, and I saw they had the same thought I was having. 

"Let's go safe Natalie, and the world," Peter said getting into Ecto 1, the rest of us close behind. 

*Natalie's pov* 

I sat in the cage thinking about how I was going to kill the whole plant. I heard Ligen walk into the door and walk over to the cage. He smiled at me and sat on his throne. I was a prisoner waiting to carry what he wanted me to do. He knew I was trapped, and I felt like a slave. He was playing something in his hand, and I saw it was the book. He got the book from the chest? Of course he did. 

After minutes of just sitting there and playing with it, and opened it and started to read from the book. He spoke aloud and I could hear what was written inside. Now I knew why Egon believed White could be related to us. It sounded so much like something he would write that I was surprised it was not him. 

"Wonderful text, isn't it?" Ligen asked walking over. "Such words White had to say about the cures of your mortal sickness. No wonder people thought her a witch." 

"I know," I sighed looking at the book. He placed it in front of me and started to pet my head. 

"Do not look so upset about this Dr. Spengler. Change can be a good thing. If you do has I say, even if I have to force you, you will be allowed someone to stay alive with you." 

"What are you going to do to me?" 

"This," he answered cutting a piece of my hair with his claw. I felt my hair, and he clenched it. He removed his hand and my hair that he took was gone. He pointed a finger and me and my body tightened. I could feel my will leave and knew he had control over me. I was no longer in control of my body. "I hope you do not care too much about this." 

He made me crawl over to the book and put my hands on it. It was the first time I really ever touched it, and I felt the power that was inside. I grabbed the pages, and slowly opened the book. I set it inside on of the bowls  and watched him take it. Demons lined the walls, and I looked for Lick. He wasn't there. I had tears in my eyes and watched helplessly has Ligen watched demons ran out of the book. He pointed out the door, and they left to kill all the people. 

"So do you wish to keep a demon?" Ligen joked, and I heard a bark. I saw Lick at his feet, and I smiled. 

"Lick," I sighed and he barked up at me. Ligen picked up my demon and threw him in the cage with me. He waved his arm, and while Lick tried to break the bars, he couldn't. 

"Nice try, but you two are trapped. Nothing will save you Dr. Spengler," Ligen told me. Then he smiled. "I hope you enjoy your slumber," he said, then waved his hand again. I felt tired, and against my will I feel asleep. 

So how was that? So this book will be over soon, sadness. I hope you enjoyed the many tales I have written, but I am still going to write in this book. But I will have to end it soon since the main plot is almost over with. Let me know what you will do after NB is over. The trailer is at the side, the trailer to the first movie. Peace out my Stars! 

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