22: Back to Busting

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*Winston's pov* 

"To the left!" Egon called to me. I moved the wheel to follow what Egon was telling me. I was still driving Ecto 1, and I had no idea if we were close to finding Natalie. Peter and Ray were trying to blast any demons that were trying to get the people of New York. I might love this city, but now it seemed like we weren't going to be able to protect it. 

"Right!" Egon called and I turned right. 

"You sure this is the right way?" I asked looking at the building around. 

"Yes," he answered. "We are close." 

"Thank goodness for that!" Venkman called looking at his pack. "We have more in the back, right?" 

"Yes, why?" I asked. 

"I'm out of charge." 

"So am I," Ray said putting the pack he had down and put on the other one. "We have two extra, not counting Natalie's." 

"We are going to need them," Egon said. "I brought the charger with us so we could charge the packs. Hook them up so if we need them they will get some charge." 

"How do you plan for these kind of things?" Peter asked. 

"I think ahead unlike you. Right." 

After following Egon's directions we come to a tall building that was deserted. All buildings should be deserted if the people were stupid enough to not lock the doors. The phones back home were probably off the hook with Janine trying to tell the people we have it under control. I hope she was right. 

"We ready?" Ray asked and Peter smiled. 

"I don't see what could go wrong, do you?" he asked. 

"I can think of a few things," I answered kicking the door down. We looked inside and saw a grand hall with demons and ghost of all kind running the place. I looked at the others, and we got to work doing what we did best. 

"Back to busting, wouldn't you say?" Peter asked me while I zapped a ghost charging at Ray. We had most of them in traps, so we ran ahead to the next room which was empty. It looked like a giant throne room, and to the side of the room was a giant bird cage. 

"Image what bird would go in that," Ray said, and I glared at him. 

"I rather not think about that," I told him and he smiled. 

"Natalie!" Egon called her name. We waited, but no answer. We looked around, and Egon called again. "Natalie!" 

"Huh?" a sleepy answer came from the cage. We walked over to see what was in it, and Natalie's head came out of the cage. She looked like she just woke up, and she was wearing the white dress she was in the mirror. She rubbed her eyes and looked down at us. She smiled. 

"Well hello there," Peter said with the same smile. 

"What are you doing here?" she asked happily. 

"We just thought that we would come by and see you," I answered. "Maybe get you a snack." 

"You all are idiots," she told us shacking her head. "You're brave idiots, but idiots none the less." 

"So do you want us to save you are not?" Ray asked. 

"Yes please. We have to shut the book before Ligen kills the plant!" 

"Ligen?" Egon asked. 

"The demon who took me." 

"Then we have a lot of work to do. Stand back big sis, we're going to blast the cage." 

We all raised the guns of the pack, and we fired at the door. In an explosion the bars were melted and Natalie looked down at us. 

"Now how are you going to get down?" I asked her, and she grinned at me. 

"Oh Lick, come here," she said, and the demon come to her side panting. She got on his back and whispered something in his ear. He jumped and Natalie yelled. He land close to us, ans she got off unharmed. I gave her a pack, and hugged her. 

"Good to have you back Nat," I told her and she pushed some hair out of her face. 

"Good to be out of that cage," she responded. Peter pushed her arm a bit and she gave him a hug also, then Ray, and patted Egon's arm before he told her he didn't mind a hug. 

"So we all set?" she asked putting the pack on. 

"I think so," I said. 

"Now Egon, you seemed to know who Ligen is," Venkman said looking at him. "Would you like to tell the rest of us?" 

"You know how hard Gozer was, right?" he asked. Everyone but Natalie nodded. "Add Vigo, all the ghost we have ever faced, and then times that by ten. That is how difficult Ligen will be." 

"So how are we going to stop him?" Ray asked looking at his pack. "The proton streams aren't going to hurt him." 

"You're right. But I have an idea." 

"Would you like to share?" Peter asked. 

"If someone traps him in the book then he can be stopped." 

"Won't they be trapped with him?" Natalie asked patting Lick. 

"No. I have found a way to trap a demon or ghost in the book without trapping the person with them," he answered looking upset by the answer. 

"Well what is it?" I asked. 

"If Natalie pours just a drop of her blood on the open pages of the book, and throws the stream on the demon, then he will be trapped." 

"That's not so bad," she said looking at him. 

"If you do that, the building you are in will collapse, or the spot you are standing will fall out from under you." 

"So if I do this, I will pretty much die no matter what?" 


"Alright, well let's get this over with than." 

We walked out of the room and into the streets. It was a mess in there, and I couldn't even image what was going to happen. All we knew that if we were going to stop Ligen we were going to loss Natalie, for good this time. 

That was kind of sad, wasn't it? So what do you think will happen to the Ghostbusters? Will Natalie be killed? Will they stop Ligen? Will Lick be allowed to stay out of the book? Will Louis get Natalie? All these questions and more will be answered in the next few chapters. The back to busting scene to the side. Peace out my Stars! 

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