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Taylor in MM

Monday morning

I fell asleep with my phone on my chest. As I recalled what happened last night. I checked the time on my phone and it was 6:51am. Since I normally wake up at 7:15 I decided to just get up.

I took a 30 minute shower, came out and did my hygiene.

"What to wear, what to wear..." I said

It was my first day at my new school so I had to wear something nice. I picked out my white cropped belly top which showed my belly piercing, my whitewashed blue jeans and my tan timberlands. I left my hair curly and down and just laid my edges and went downstairs.
When I went down, my mom wasn't there, so I assumed she was still in bed. She's worked extremely hard in the past 2 days so she must be exhausted.

I went back upstairs to tell my mom I was leaving.

"Mommmm" I whispered in her ear.

"Hmm?" She asked still asleep

"I'm going." I said

She sat up in her bed and yawned.

"Babe, this is a new school for you. You'll see new people, new things that may be different from back home." She lectured me as usual.

I just nodded trying to pay as much attention.

"I just want you to be safe. Make friends with the right people an--"

"Mom, I'll be fine. I promise. If there's anything wrong or anything I need, I'll call you." I said reassuring her.

"Ok baby." She said pecking me on my cheeks.

"Bye mom, love you." I said leaving her room.

20 minutes later

I sat in my car, parked in the car park preparing myself for the years ahead.
"I'm gonna be fine. I'm gonna be fine." I said to myself.
I climbed out of my car and fixed myself up before walking to the school reception to get my schedule.

"How can I help you?" A young lady asked me at the reception.

"Umm, I'm new here. My names Kiana Joseph and I want to collect my schedule please." I said politely.

"Ok" she said. She gave me my schedule and smiled at me. "Here you go" she said

"Thank you" I said back.

I turned around and looked at my schedule in confusion.

"P11?" I asked myself. I had politics first and had no clue where to head off to.

I went to my locker and put my stuff away. Then I walked up to a girl who wasn't to far from me and tapped her.

"Excuse me?" I asked her.

She turned around confused.

"I'm new here. My names Kiana. Can you please tell me where p11 is please?"

"Sure. My names Taylor. Our classes aren't far from each other, follow me."

Taylor was a pretty girl. She has black flowing hair and was kind of a milk chocolate complexion.

"Right here." She said pointing her hand at my class.

"Thank you." I told her.

"When you finish your class, wait for me here. My class is just over there." She said.
I looked at where she was pointing.

"Ok. Thank you."

"No problem" she said smiling.

I went into my classroom. Shit! Everyone was staring at me.

"Oh speak of the devil!" My teacher said.

"Miss Joseph, I am your new politics teacher, Mrs porter. Please introduce yourself to the class." She said nicely.

"Well, my names Kiana Joseph. I moved here from Arizona. Umm, my hobbies are to sing and to play basketball. Yeah. That's it." I said to my teacher.

"Well it's nice to meet you Kiana. For this class I would like you to sit over there." She pointed.

I looked over and saw the people I was gonna sit next to. One black girl that had red ratchet weave. And the next person was..

I walked over and sat in my seat.

"Kia you ain't never tell a nigga you went to this school?" Tyler asked me

"You ain't never tell me as well." I said.

One of his other friends asked him a question.

"You know her?" The guy asked.

"Yep. I met her yesterday at the court." Tyler said.

I smiled at the guy. I listened to the teacher during the lesson, but a bitch next to me decided to keep talking.
"Excuse me, do you mind keeping quiet please?" I asked.

"Why should I?" She asked.

"Because I'm tryna do my work." I said with a duh tone.

"Just leave her Kia. She be causing unnecessary attention to herself." Tyler said
I followed his word and decided to leave her. Here in California, I ain't tryna switch on my bad side for any nigga or bitch.

Like 10 minutes later...
"Tyler do you need help with your work?" A girl came up to him stroking his arm. I thought to myself, why would he need help? He's a grown nigga honey.

"Naa I'm aight. Damn, we in a classroom Nia, chill." He said trying to whisper. Well I heard clearly. I guess he's a guy that has many hoes.
Everyone started leaving the class and I met Taylor outside.

"Girl, I see you be talking to Tyler just now." She said smiling and pointing.

I laughed.
"Girl chill! I met him at the park yesterday."

"Ok but I'm warning you, he ain't the type of nigga you start feeling, cah he's a player that has many girls on his dick" She said.
I looked at him from behind Taylor. He was a good-looking guy, I had to admit, but it was also about personality and the inside.
It came to lunch and I was kinda lost.

I looked around and saw Taylor waving her hands at me. She was sitting with two other girls.
I walked over to them and sat down opposite Taylor.
"Heyy." I said to them.

"Hey Kiana. These are kasia and Shannon." She said pointing at them.

"Oh hi guys" I said.

We spoke for the rest of lunch and then I went to my locker.
I saw Tyler with some girl all over him, he saw me and I quickly turned around and continued doing what i was doing. Seconds later, a familiar voice.

"You aight ma?"
It was Tyler.

"Yeah I'm good." I said looking at him then looking back.

"Aight." He said then walked back to his friends.
Tyler pov

Ion know bout this girl Kiana. She good looking and that... she's more than good-looking to be real wit you. She's got the face, the body, the bum, the talents, the attitude and she's nice to be around. I have bout 10 bitches on my lead and I ain't feeling any of them. It's not like I'm scared or shii, just that I'm used to having girls like me. Do I even know the last time I had a proper relationship with a girl? That was bout two years and sum ago. I wanna know Kiana more you know. Maybe spend some time later with her. I ain't tryna play her like I do to other girls, cos she's different, but that's gonna be hella big challenge to take on.
Kiana pov

I stood by my car and was talking to Taylor.

"Girl, call me if you need anything." She said to me.

"Okk, thank you!" I said hugging her.

We waved and I hopped into my car. I started the ignition and drove back home.
"Hey mommy." I said hugging her from behind.

"Hey sweetie." She said kissing my cheek. "How was your first day at school?" She asked.

"It was good. I made three new friends. And mom guess what?!" I said sounding like a toddler.


"The guy I met yesterday goes to my school and is in some of my classes." I told her.

"Ohh really?" She asked looking suspiciously and playfully. "And this 'guy' you keep telling me about, doesn't he have a name?" She asked me.

"His names Tyler." I said.

"Hmm ok. Be careful with all these new people."

4 months later...

Tyler and I have been getting extremely close. He's kinda like my bestfriend. we always go out with each other and so do Taylor and her boyfriend Quan.
  I got a text on my phone immediately, and on my lockscreen it read...

Do you wanna come over to mine ma😉?

I smiled then went downstairs to ask my mum.

"Mom tyler wants me to come over." I said.

"You can go if you want to. But be home before 9." My mom said.

I thought about it for a while before responding to his text.

Ok, I'll be there in about 20 minutes.

" Thank you mom, imma go get dressed." I said and ran upstairs.
In about 5 minutes I changed into my orange long sleeve top that showed my belly ring and white shorts that weren't too short but also weren't too long. I tied up my hair so it was in a high flowing ponytail. I sprayed a lot of my Victoria Secret body spray so I smelt good.

"You sure those aren't too short?" My mom eyed me. she was actually being extra. They weren't even short!

"Mom their fine!" I laughed. I grabbed an orange and kissed my mom bye before leaving the house.
"Be safe honey!" She waved and said. I waved back and jumped in my car. I typed in Tyler's address and my phone told me it was a 5 minute drive.
As I drove, I blasted my music through my car.
I looked for somewhere to park my car and parked behind a car that I assumed was Tyler's. I didn't even knock for 2 seconds and the door flew open in front of my face.

"Damn, Ty, you expecting me good" I laughed and hugged him. He smelt really good.

He laughed back. "Come in." He said and closed the door behind us.
I'd been to tyler's house only once since i moved here but i didn't ask about his parents, it didn't come to my mind until today.

"Yo parents home?" I asked sitting down on his couch.

He just looked at the floor without answering me.

"Ty?" I asked.

After 10 seconds he said... "Umm, my parents are dead."

"Omg, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I should have kept my mouth closed." I said getting up with my hand over my mouth and hugging him.

"Its aight. You would have found out either way." He said pulling me off gently but quickly and sitting down.

There was an awkward silence.
"You want anything?" Tyler asked me.

"No I'm good, thanks."

He turned on the tv but he didn't look ok. He quickly wiped a tear, thinking I didn't see.

"Tyler." I said grabbing his hand. "I want you to trust me. You might only have known me for some months , but you can tell me anything, I promise." I said.

"Why you wanna know?" He asked with slight tears in his eyes.

"Because I care about you as my close friend ." I said. I was legit on the verge of kissing him and cradling him in my arms, i felt so bad.
He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his brown hair.

"Nobody ever asked me bout my parents since they died." He said.

"When did they die?" I asked.

"When I was 11." He said.

"Shit. You were still young." I said. He nodded. "Who took care of you then?" I asked.

"My auntie. She tried her best looking after me and my older brother." He paused.

I felt like I was being too nosey asking all these questions, but I still did.

"And where's he?"

"He left after we had a big argument, I was 15 and he was 18. I felt like everything happening was because of me." He paused. "My auntie died of a heart attack just after that argument. So I was by myself. The house had been paid off so I'm all good, but I had to join the trap partially to get my money. It was the only thing left for me to do." He said.

"So for two years you've been alone?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, but how did your parents die?" I asked. I really needed to stop now.

He took a big sigh before talking.
"My parents went on an anniversary holiday out of town for a week." I nodded and kept listening.
"We spoke everyday while they were away. Then on the day they were supposed to come back, they didn't even make it an hour out of their holiday and they were unreachable. Nobody could call them. We were all panicking and scared, then about 3 hours later, my auntie told me it had been announced that they were dead. I fucking loved my mom and dad to death. I would have done anything to save them. I basically have no one now." He said tears on his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry. You'll always have me." I said. Tears were also streaming down my face. I was still holding his hand and used my other hand to wipe his tears.

"I look weak as fuck right now." Tyler said, hurriedly trying to get rid of all his tears.

"No you don't. You can let it all out. You can't be holding all of this in for all these years Tyler."I said.

I put his head on my neck and he began breaking down silently. I stroked his hair and his back. He got up and hit the wall in frustration.

"FUCK. MY. LIFE!!" He said making holes in the wall.

"Tyler." I said softly. He calmed down after some time and sat on the floor with his head in his hands. "I'll give you some space. Imma be upstairs." I said. He didn't reply so I just went up.
I guessed which one was his room and sat on the edge of his bed. "Fuck." I whispered to myself. I didn't know anybody such things  have happened to before. It sounded like a story you would hear from someone else. I saw the door open and it was Tyler. I didn't say anything and just gave him a big hug. We looked at each other and just kissed. It was wonderful. It was like it was normal, but as much as I knew it wasn't, I quickly pulled away. If i was being real i barely knew him.

"Sorry." I said.

"Don't be ma. And thank you for that. I needed it." He said.

"It was the least I could do. Do other people know about all of this?" I asked.

"Only my nigga Quan." He said. "He knows everything bout me, I know everything bout him and we always will." He said.

"Ohh aight. Tyler?"

"Yeah ma?"

"I said this before but I want you to believe in me. You might find it hard to and I understand, but I'll be here if you need anything." I said. I meant every word of that. I also say those words to my mum sometimes, knowing she kinda just has me.

"Aight ma. I cannot explain how much I appreciate you." He said smiling.

I blushed and he laughed.
"You cute ma, and look good too." He said looking at my body.

"Stop it." I said giving him a playful stare.
"don't worry Kia, i'm only playing."
Tyler pov

The way Kia sat down with me downstairs and was so interested about me was surprising. Even the fact she asked about my parents. Other girls will just come in, take the dick, and leave. Kia was different and so respectful and that's what I like.
We stood there staring at each other and smiling when her phone beeped. Kia brought out her phone to read the message on her lockscreen. I saw it as well. It said...

I miss you already Kiana.

Who was this nigga?
"Who's that?" I asked kiana.

"A friend from back home." She said locking her phone.
I went and sat on my bed. She came and sat on a chair next to my bed and faced me.
Their was another silence.

"You mad?" She asked laughing.

"Nah ma, why should I, we ain't even together. I'm aight." I said. Truth was, I was feeling Kiana. I didn't even know why I was trippin about shit, she wasn't even my girl.

"Ohh ok." She said. "Can I use the bathroom?" She continued.

"Of course ma." I said. I pointed in the direction of my bathroom. It was in my room so I didn't need to get up.

Once she finished I asked her a question.
"You ain't mad or scared or sum cos I told you I work in a trap?" I asked. I really wanted to ask this question cos I'm shocked she ain't reacted.

"Nope. Why should I be mad? If that's how you make your money, then it's not really a problem." She said.

"And you know I deal with drugs, guns and shit?"

"Yep. Like I said, it's how you make your money." She said again.

"Damn, you gotta a good mind." I said looking at her.
She shrugged and smiled at me.
"I wanna be more focused on my basketball career and drop the trap life." i told her
"That would be really good for you, but who am i to talk you out of something that doesn't concern me?" she said bringing out her phone.

Kiana pov
We were still sat talking continuously in Tyler's room.
"How you finding this place?" He asked me.
I looked at him confused.

"I mean Cali." He said.

"Ohh it's aight so far." I said with a shrug.

"Aight. I wanna meet your mom tomorrow, i bet she's as respectful and beautiful as you." he said to me.

"lol you funny Ty. i bet she won't mind." i said smiling.

"aight. Beautiful smile." Tyler told me.

"Stop itt." I said holding my face.

"Theres a party next week, just a random seniors one." He said.

"I'll think about it." I wasn't sure if I was going it'll have to take a lot of persuasion to my mum.

"Will you be there?" I asked.

"Yea, of course." i said unaware whether i was actually going or not.
For the rest of the time, we watched videos and talked basically until I went home.

Next chapter....

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