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Ty in MM
1. Chris
2. Quan
The next day
Tyler pov.

I was ready for school. I popped on my white Nike shirt, my true religion jeans and my concords.
Once I got to school. I stood by my car with my homies: Quan, Trey and Chris.

"Yo" I said as I dapped all of them.

"Bro you aight?" Quan asked me.

"Yeah I'm coo." I said.
Just then, a black Mercedes parked about 2 spaces beside us. I was the only one of us four that noticed it. I waited for the person to come out and it was Kia. I kinda forgot she had that car.
She had found Taylor and was walking with her towards the school.

"Kiana." I said. "Remember she's in some of our lessons." I said knocking his head slightly.

"Ohhh yeahhh" he said.

"Kia!!" I yelled. She looked around before spotting me.

She came over to me and looked really smiley.
"Yoo Kia. You aight?" I said giving her a hug.

"Yeah." She said smiling.

Quan was to busy kissing Taylor that he didn't realise we were about to get into school.
"Hi Chris." she said giving him a hug.

"Yo Kiana." He said.

Once Quan and Taylor had finished he greeted Kiana.

"Sup Kiana." Quan said.

"I'm good. You two finished?" She said laughing and pointing back and forth at them.

"Yep we done." Taylor said.

"Good." Kiana said laughing.

The first bell rang and we all went out separate ways.
After school ~ still Tyler pov

"Wah you guys going now?" Kia asked us.

"Um nothing."Taylor said looking at the rest of us.

"Yeah I ain't doing anything aswell. We should go somewhere." I said.

"Aight where should we go?" Chris asked.

"We could go to burger king?" Taylor said.

"Yesss! Burger king, I'm hungry as fuck." Kia said.

"Aight let's go then." Quan said.

We all went into our cars and went to burger king.

When we got there, we all sat around a table of 6.
We ordered our stuff and had many different conversations.
"So, Ty when you gonna cuff Kia?" Chris said with a smirk.
This nigga really wanted to die, him and his goofy ass. Kia looked at me and spoke up.
"Chris! stop being dumb!" She said. It was true, even though we had accidentally kissed we weren't on that level.
"She ain't even my type anyway." I said. I looked at Kia and saw her face changed. I didn't know she liked me like that.

I saw the way Taylor looked at me and saw that it wasn't good.

"Nigga yo ass ain't got no type." Chris said laughing.

"Ty, you didn't need to say that. And plus when was the last time you had a proper girlfriend?" taylor said with playful attitude.

"Ion know"
I made a face and looked at her shrugging my shoulders.

Everyone continued talking and I noticed Kia was not talking as much.
Once we finished eating. Everyone went and Kia went into her car. I walked over to her and knocked on her window. She wound it down.

"Yes?" She asked me.

"Damn ma, you can't me mad at me for that?" I said.

"I'm not mad."She said.

"You weren't talking much and you don't look that happy." I said.

"Why would you say that? You made me look ugly and dumb" She asked me

"I don't know ma. I was just playing, you should know me by now."

"Aight cool, since you 'don't know'" She said. She wound up her window and drove off. Kia left me there looking dumb as ever.

I went into my car and headed for the trap.

Kiana pov

I was upstairs in my room when just decided to face time Ashley. It rang and rang but no answer. Ashley was going to work often so I knew she would be busy. So I decided to call Taylor instead.


"Hiii kia"

"Wah you doing?"

"Homework, you?"


"Did you speak to Ty afterwards?"

"Yep. Well, he came up to me and was like 'damn ma you can't be mad?' Or something like that. And I told him I wasn't mad and then I asked why he said such a thing and he just said he didn't know why. So i just drove off."

"Woww Kia, he deffo knows your mad at him now."

"I know. I don't know why I'm mad anyways."

"Maybe you like him?"

"Taylor, I don't like him. I just didn't like the way he made me look."

"He didn't really make you look anyhow. You'd be perfect for each other anyway."
This girl was rambling on and on....


"Oh my bad. But I'm serious. I feel like he might like you, but doesn't know how to show it. he's that type of guy."

"Hmm. I don't know."

We spoke for about an hour about her and Quan and other stuff.

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