Discovery (Chapter 3)

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     Luna looked at the old structure, she had been outside in the dark long enough for her eyes to be adjusted so she could see the building fairly well, but she was probably going to need her phone flashlight when she goes inside. Walking around the building, it seemed to be a good bit old from how overgrown the area around was and the damages on it that usually happens from erosion of the elements. 

     Finding the front of the building there was a sign that was missing letters, but she could see what it said from what was there. ‘Lit le H pe Muse m’ was what it read. The old outline of the missing letters were faintly there so that helped her figure out what it said “l-i-t l-e so Little, then h-p-e which is Hope, M-u-s-e-m.. ah Museum! This was a museum then, wonder why it got left like this.” She spoke to herself, something she’s been finding herself doing a bit more often the past couple of weeks. Or maybe it's something she always done kinda often and just didn’t notice herself doing until recently. Who knows. 

     Going to the front doors, the glass in the doors was broken but had a few boards nailed on them. She could slightly look inside from between the boards. If she was getting in, the boards had to come off, unless she found a different way in. Glancing around, she looked for something to help her get the boards off, finding an old and partly rusted metal pipe she took it. Getting the end of it between some boards, she pulled it down to push the board out. It took a little bit but she got the board off, getting two more off she’d have the room to get in. So using the metal pipe, her own strength, and time she got the other two boards off. 

     Once the boards were off she put the now bended pipe down beside the wood before she went inside through the door. She was being careful of the glass that’s on the floor and edges of the doorframe. Inside was darker then outside, especially if she goes further in. The room had some lighting from the moon outside that was coming through the doors though that was the only source of light in that room. Looking around, there was a gift shop to the left which surprisingly still had some of its merchandise there. In front of her was the main desk where you’d pay to go through the museum. There was a sitting area as well, but the seats were in a bit of disarray and worn from time of just sitting here.

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