Forgotten Treasures (Chapter 4)

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     Taking her phone out and turning on the flashlight before she went down the hallway on the far right that had some text on the wall beside it that said ‘dinosaur exhibit’. Walking in, there were different models, panels, and displays that were about dinosaurs, but what surprised her was that there were dinosaur skeletons still there. Some of them were collapsed on the floor but others were still standing, of course with the help of a stand but still why were these just left here and not sent to a different museum? Or to a storage place or anywhere else really?

     Going into the next exhibit, it was about history, well more so ancient history and cultures. Even featuring some of the cultures' mythologies. Again, it seemed all the props and displays were still all there and most were still in good condition aside from the plants growing within the rooms and the parsal decay of time. As she went further, she saw just how large this exhibit was, the dinosaur exhibit was big but so was this one. It showed how much larger the place seemed from the inside rather than how it seemed from the outside. It also showed that it had a lot of history from around the world as she continued through the exhibit, showing mythologies of different places with the history of kingdoms and other things of each different place. Near the end of the exhibit it showed American history and the World Wars, the Holocaust also being showed there. She knew a lot about the holocaust thanks to English class, but she was always saddened looking at stuff about it. It showed how truly cruel humans can be sometimes.

     Finally getting to the end of that exhibit, she goes into the next that was about space. She felt a smile starting to form on her face seeing this exhibit. As long as she could remember she loved space and always wanting to learn more about it. She wasn’t fully sure why she just had such a connection to space but she didn’t dwell on thinking about why but more thinking on how to get there. This exhibit was large as well as she was going through it. There were diagrams of our galaxy and solar system. Small models of space shuttles, space stations, different planets, and other things. Old astronaut suits were on display behind some glass but a part of the glass was broken so she could get in. 

     “Ooo this is so cool!” she spoke as she looked at the suits then noticed the broken glass and it gave her an idea. “Hm.. taking one helmet wouldn’t hurt, right? Besides it’s been left here this long so it’s pretty safe to say that no one is coming to get any of this.” reasoning it with herself that taking one of the suit’s helmets would be fine before she walked over to the broken part of the glass. Being careful of the sharp glass as she went through it. Going to one of the suits she reached out and twisted the helmet to the side and pulled it off, having a breath of relief that the stand or anything less didn’t break as she did this. Holding the helmet in front of herself and looking at it she knew she was grinning like an idiot. She had an actual astronaut helmet! 

     Though how was she going to explain this to her father and brother? “Hmm.. Oh! I can just tell them that it's a halloween costume helmet that I found at one of the stores in town, yeah I’ll tell them that.” again talking to herself with how she could get away with taking a real helmet from an abandoned museum with things that were properly worth a lot. Glancing at her phone she gasps a little seeing what time it was. It was 5 in the morning. She didn’t even realize that she had been inside the museum for that long, she needed to get home quickly. Getting out of the display she went to the exit and left through the front door that she came in from and started to run home. 

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